$hit...I feel sorry for BM
This is totally new territory for me. I'm sure this will pass, but I feel I have to share this because I am truly dumbfounded by my feelings.
BM was just dumped this weekend by her latest boyfriend. She sent an email to DH asking if we could wait until Saturday to pick up the kids (we normally get them Friday night) because she wants to go visit a girlfriend a couple hours away after school on Friday (girlfriend has kids same age as my skids) and stay overnight. She explained that she had just been dumped and needed a good time. My husband sent back a blistering email basically laughing at her, calling her pathetic, a stupid whore, and in the end said no.
Normally, he keeps his venomous comments about her to himself, but apparently this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Now, I know this was wrong of him to do, and he knows this was wrong. I'm sure he will apologize sooner or later but that's not the point.
I feel bad for her. I know what it's like to be rejected time after time by men. For the longest time I thought I'd never meet Mr. Right. Fortunately I did, and he married me. She's not that smart, and she's not really a great catch considering she lives on child support and welfare. But why do I feel sorry for her?!?! I have disliked her since I've known her.
She divorced my DH when he was in Iraq. He had to use his 2 week leave to go to court.
She is a burden of society.
She doesn't have a job, BY CHOICE, and she makes her kids feel bad when they outgrow clothes because she "cant afford to be buying new ones all the time". Bitch, that's why you receive welfare and CS.
She has a Fran Drescher voice.
So, why in the hell am I wasting one second of my time feeling sorry for her? God!!
I think it speaks loads about
I think it speaks loads about your character that you care about this person even if she does not deserve your compassion.
Shows you have a good heart.
My husband sent back a
My husband sent back a blistering email basically laughing at her, calling her pathetic, a stupid whore, and in the end said no.
OH MY. You feel bad because you have normal feelings.
And that Email is probably going to bite your DH in the a$$.
I feel sorry for BM on a
I feel sorry for BM on a daily basis. She made up this elaborate story in her head that DH was abusive, that he stayed on the computer all the time and never paid any attention to her and was mean to her, so she cheated on him.
Her new hubby? The one she left DH for? Screams at her, in front of the kids. Calls her names. Tells her that she is fat and ugly and he has no idea why he married her. Stays out at all hours of the night and sometimes, just doesn't even bother to come home at all. And this is just what my SD has told us because it confuses her as to why her mother is with someone who treats her so bad and makes her cry all the time....
I feel very bad for her, but you know what...Karma's a bitch...
There's nothing wrong with
There's nothing wrong with feeling sorry for her. It only means that you have compassion for other members of the human race. This is an exceptional trait to have.
However, do keep in mind that BMs are a whole other breed of bat-$hit crazy and you should never, ever, under any circumstances, let BM know that you feel sorry for her. She WILL use it to manipulate you.
A helpful trick? Think of BM as a Mogwai. Don't feed it after midnight.
Baahahahaha! Hilarious. I am
Baahahahaha! Hilarious. I am on extra guard in case she tries to take advantage of my sympathy. Luckily I don't usually have interaction with her.
I detest the BM in our life.
I detest the BM in our life. She is so many things that are just horrible it is not worth the time to type. But, I know deep down that if at any time she wants to reconcile, I will gladly accept it and try again with her. I feel sorry for her, although she has done everything to herself. I cannot explain it, but I just cannot hold a grudge against anyone and know that if she called right now I would still forgive and forget.
You are just a compassionate person.
This is exactly how I feel.
This is exactly how I feel. I tell myself to never let my guard down and to remember all the awful threats and comments behind my back. And yet, it's been 3 days later since the last empty threat and I was just thinking if she confronts me again this weekend I would still offer to start over no hard feelings. I have thought that for 2 1/2 years now.
For me I think it's a combination of who I am as a person as well as how much I love the girls. One time I saw in their eyes when I said nice things about their mom and I could tell it relaxed them and made them so happy. I think they love me very much but suffer because they know their mom hates me and they are conflicted because they don't understand why. So I try to cut their suffering in half by letting them think I have no issue with her.
I feel bad for my BM
I feel bad for my BM sometimes.
Then I remember that she's a crazy bitch. Nothing can cure a crazy bitch. She's got her own house and a really good income but no man wants to be around her and my crazy Skid.
She got married once, but after she took baths WITH her 8 year old daughter and NEVER spent anytime alone with him because her and her daughter are such BESTIES, he ran. Didn't want the house , didn't want the car, didn't want ANYTHING. He just wanted free. Lol.
And then I remember when I was pregnant that she kept trying to get my DH to have sex with her.
AND THEN I remember how she has attempted to make both of our lives as miserable as possible just because I met her ex 2 years after they seperated and fell in love. She is literally the WORST part of our relationship!
"And then I remember when I
"And then I remember when I was pregnant that she kept trying to get my DH to have sex with her."
Oh. My. Gosh. I would have killed her.
I just found it pathetic.
I just found it pathetic.
She preaches about how much of a good Christian she is, but then does crap like that. I would understand if I had anything to do with their divorce, but they had been separated for almost three years when I met him.
Can't wait til SD is 18 so we can tell that bitch to NEVER contact us again.
Can't wait til SD is 18 so we
Can't wait til SD is 18 so we can tell that bitch to NEVER contact us again.
Been there and most definitely did that. It was SWEET. I highly recommend it.
Icanttakeit, you are a dear,
Icanttakeit, you are a dear, with a sweet, kind heart. Kudos to you.
I feel bad for the BM in my life, everyday.
She's stupid,
makes bad choices,
she doesn't understand consequences,
CPS made her surrender her kids, to me & DH,
she's married to a fat, old, ugly toad of a loser,
AND her dad had sex with her when she was young.
How can I NOT feel bad for this train-wreck?
She divorced my DH who is smoking hot. He looks like Adam Levine meets Eddy Cahill.
If I'm lying, I'm dying.
I guess you have compassion
I guess you have compassion driving your feelings and there's nothing wrong with that. When someone does something mean to someone as DH did in this instant, it's an uncomfortable feeling for anyone with a heart. Lot of us here have hearts but they've been blackened by the mess we have to go through lol but every now and then it shines through and we feel empathy for someone we otherwise dislike.
Heck, I would feel empathy for the hoof-n-snout Wildebeest in my life IF she had any sign of appreciation or any bit of cooperation. I mean I'm sure she didn't intend to run out and whore up a miscellaneous kid--folks make mistakes, big and small. But her nasty ass entitled attitude and demands kill any sorrow I may ever have for her. I'm not as kind of a heart as you are.