Horrible tweets about FDH and I......just makes me mad
For my own sanity I should not have looked at SD17'S twitter but after her horrible remarks this week I decided to look. As well as the usual stuff I expected to see, I am outraged to see vile tweets about FDH and I on there. She has put FDH'S texts to her on there (screen shots) with sarcastic comments. Also she has pictures taken at our home and sarcastic comments beside them. Not one nice photo of all the lovely vacations we have taken her on, the nice, good times or anything positive at all. She even posted that she hates her Father. I am not planning to tell her Dad as he would be terribly hurt. Maybe this is the usual teen angst? Anyone have any experience of this? I feel really weird about the home pics and the nasty judgemental tweets, she keeps the twitter account open. She also tweeted that she hates my bio daughter but the two get along ok. Maybe this is the newer way for teens to vent??
I'm guilty at looking on sd11
I'm guilty at looking on sd11 iPad. After two years of feeling like I was being recorded I finally had the opportunity of her leaving the iPad here for it to be fixed. I wanted to find out if I had been right, and I was!
Facts are facts. They are
Facts are facts. They are neither good nor bad. The behaviors behind those facts are what is important. Share the facts of his daughters toxicity with her father. He needs to know. Any kid who pumps that kind of vitriolic shit in a public or even a private forum needs to have a knot jerked in their short and curlies and to live the consequences for that kind of vitriolic crap.
Own her toxic ass, I would.
My XW made the mistake of leaving her diary in our home when she left to move in with her geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar daddy. I sure as sunshine shared the facts she outlined in her diary in our divorce. Seeing her face when I produced notarized copies of pages of her diary outlining her serial infidelities and even her criminal vandalism was priceless. She and her attorny gained clarity in a hurry that they did not want to try to change our original agreement on division of assets. I would have been happy to share the facts of her behavior with the Judge.
Thanks for all the great
Thanks for all the great advice. I will screen shot her nasty posts and yes probably will share them with FDH. He does need to wake up and smell the manipulation that she works on him. It will hurt him but he IS a big boy. I will also report her on twitters abuse section. My home posted on there with bitch comments!
Kids post stuff to get people
Kids post stuff to get people to feel sorry for them, poke fun at others and just to be plain mean. My SD does this all the time. If DH posts anything on her comment, SD will delete his post. If its offensive report it.