How much does your teen get for school lunch?
How much does your teen get for school lunch? We've had a lot of lunch money issues with SS16. His school doesn't have an online payment option.
Last year, I would give him checks and asked that he keep it at $5 per day. I would mark it on my calendar when it should run out. I asked and DH agreed that SS16 should bring a receipt once per week, which would show the balance. This would also give him some responsibility in the money he was getting for doing NOTHING (don't get me started on what the boys don't do around here.)
As it turns out, this was one of those things DH didn't really agree with, so he never held the kid to it. In the end, turned out also that both parents were giving him cash for lunch. He got money from THREE of us!
Thank you for your input.
The lunch at my D16's high
The lunch at my D16's high school costs $2.25. I put money in her online account for two weeks with a little extra just in case. Occasionally she'll buy something like fries or iced coffee that costs around $2.00, but she never spends $5.00 every day on lunch.
Does SS get an allowance? Maybe this is his way of getting a little extra spending money. Not saying I condone his dishonesty, but maybe he figured it was just a "white lie" so he could get some extra money.
Well got to give him some
Well got to give him some credit. Ask him if he wants a PBandJ sandwich or nothing this year. Does dad now know he's a thief? I'd use the word if I were you.
Yes they eat like horses, big
Yes they eat like horses, big horses.
When he was at boardng school
When he was at boardng school it as included in the tuition and fees we paid. No worries about him over spending or not eating. Military school has a long history of regimentation that addresses these issues. They all march in to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mess together, and they all leave together. Cadet leadership is at each table and oversees the meal.
When he was in public school we had an online pay option to keep his account current and we could monitor what he was eating. More accurately we could monitor what he was buying.
$75 a week!!!!!!!!! even $25
$75 a week!!!!!!!!! even $25 is insane for just one parent.
we dont give SD13 a dime for
we dont give SD13 a dime for lunch. that's what CS is for.
i believe her school charges around $2.50 for lunch.
i can see him double dipping by getting money from his BM, but if you discussed this with your husband, then why on earth were the two of you each giving him money?
My husband knew I had given
My husband knew I had given him money and didn't agree with his kid bringing a receipt, so he gave him more money. I told him last night, I don't trust you to hold up whatever plan we agree to. That really hurts me not to trust him. I also saw last night that the school lunch is $2.50, so I think $5 is generous.
He doesn't get an allowance. He does have a job. Maybe that's it. My husband gets $# per week to do what he pleases with...and his kids money can come from that. Two diff times, that kid had $14 lunches at school. That's our hard-earned money.
Thank you all for talking this out with me. I really appreciate it.
i wouldnt give the kid a dime
i wouldnt give the kid a dime of your money again. let his father deal with it.
SS15 gets nothing anymore
SS15 gets nothing anymore since he got caught stealing from the cafeteria. He lost that privilege. He brown bags it now.
Before that, he got $2.75 a day, enough for lunch and an extra of his choice.