I have such awesome news!!! Not sure how ss will take it... But, not to worried about that!
Well I had my ob appointment today. I am now 3 cm dilated. I normally can not dilate past 3 cm, without the help of the labor inducing medication. But My doctor has set up my Induction for May 30th at 6 a.m.! I am very excited, but scared all at once. But I feel more ampped up right now, that not sure if it has really even hit me yet. LOL
But DH is very happy. Because I may have our son may 30th or 31st. So I will most likely be spending my 26th bday in the hospital with my bundle of joy! But it will be the most memorable birthday present that I have ever gotten and so worth it too!
I just had to share with everyone!
We haven't told SS yet, but even if he doesn't like it, honestly I don't really care. But he seems to be the type that if it doesn't benefit him, then he wants nothing to do with it.
Congrats! I had my first
Congrats! I had my first three children in my late 20's/early 30's. I ALWAYS needed to be induced.
With this baby (10 years later), I went into labor all on my own. Our bodies change... and the more babies we have, the easier it is on our bodies. (Not that I enjoyed the experience of waking up in the middle of the night with labor pains).
Good luck and WELCOME BABY! (My 9 year old is a Memorial Weekend Baby too)
You're 9 months along and the
You're 9 months along and the kid hasn't figured it out yet?