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ReadySetNot's picture

okay so the other day BM calls me and demands my car, I STOOD MY GROUND AND SAID HEEELLLL NO Smile very proud of myslef.
WeLL....she droped her son off at my FH and I's house and said that since I was being such a C**T I can take care of him untill she gets her vehicle back...hmmm I work full time she dosnt makes sense right?!?!
Well for a while now SS8 has been slightly ignoring me when I ask him to do things he pretends not to hear me untill I acctually have to yell at him, and now hes just not even doing anything I ask him to do, picking up after himself, or ANYTHING. A little whiel abo about 2 1/2 hours I acctually punished him I made him stand in a corner with his hands behind his back and every time he talked he got an added minute. Well he keept talking so I kept saying "well there is another minute" finally he got pissed of at me and goes "mama was right you are just a stupid c**t..WOW I have just been called a c**t by an 8rd. old. i'm not sure how to handle this. My FH is out working and wont be home untill tomorrow. Should I just pack SS8 up and drop him off at his BM's house like she does me or what should I do. I dont want to spank him because he has already tried the whole "she is hiting me thing" so now im afraid to even touch him. anyone know what I should do?

missangie1978's picture

First of all I would NEVER had taken SS when BM dropped him off. How the f-ing dare she call you a c**t and then drop him off for you to watch. I would have called CPS and reported him as abandoned.

Second of all if I were you I would drop his little ass back at his moms and let her know once and for all that you will NOT be watching him at all and that it was up to DH and her to deal with all issues when it came to SS.

I just want to come over there and smack the little brat for you myself

jesses girl's picture

And here I thought my SS was bad...

I would be torn between packing up his sorry butt, and hauling him back to his mother, or washing his mouth out with soap!

What did your FH say?

ReadySetNot's picture

I can't talk to him while he is on the boat acount of he has no cell phone reception but i called and left him a message im currently still in a battle with ss8 to get his a$$ in the car so i can bring him back to BM's house and his response is "no my mom told me i can make my own choices" im seriously about ready to pick him up put him in my car with my child proof doors and haul his butt back to his bm house. GOD he acts just like her 50% of the time

jesses girl's picture

Engage the locks in the car, leaving a door open. Go in the house, make sure you're ready to go, then pick your SS up, carry him to the car, put him in, and take him back to BM's house - hopefully she's home.

I'd let her know that until both she and SS learn the definition of manners and gratitude, NOT to bother bringing him to your house ever again when your FH isn't home.

When you finally do get to talk to your FH, let him know that behavior like this needs to be taken care of right away. Waiting a couple of hours to discipline SS would have been useless.

startingover2010's picture

and tell them the situation. maybe an officer can assist you in getting ss asshole boy to his cunt moms. or, send little bastard to his room untill daddy comes home and then let daddy handle it, or just do as u said. if there are no marks on ss, then he cant say u hit him.

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

You whole situation is getting very nasty for you, for your SS also (even though what he said was totally unacceptable) - he is just getting it from his nasty BM.

Talk to your FH and tell him this is not acceptable to you at all. Then make the BM be responsible for her son and her car issues.

A Step parent is in a no win role

RB's picture

Your SS listened to his BM and repeated her words back to you. She shouldn't have talked like that in front of him. My SD's have called me every name in the book from the time they met me when the youngest was 11 and the oldest was 14. There BM would call me up on the phone and yell profanity to me over the phone and threaten me. I would make fun of her and ask her "are you done yet? Do you feel better now?" That would really make her mad and she would usually slam the phone down and hang up (thank heavens for that!). Anyhow, the SD's learned their behavior from her and have continued this behavior into adult hood. The SS has never done it, but he is different than them and was already 15 when I came into the picture, but like I said, he is totally different than the SD's are. I really think at age 8 your SS needs to be disciplined (you did good by making him have time out in the corner) and maybe, if you are consistent and your FH supports your fully on this your SS might, just maybe get the picture. I wish you the best of luck on this. It is going to be really hard on your SS if he constantly hears his BM calling you names like this, but he has to learn that the name calling is wrong and makes everyone involved look bad. Hang in there.

Most Evil's picture

It would have been so hard not to smack his face for that-!! There is no excuse IMO.

I hope you at least scared the crap out of him.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2

ReadySetNot's picture

I have child prrof locks and i acctually had to physically pick up SS and bring him to my car put his sorry ungratufll a$$ in the back seat and brought him to his mothers house, she was home, he refused to get out of the car and so I had to go knock on her door and told her "I have YOUR child in my car YOU NEED to remove him, also in the future if you do drop him off at my place without my FH being there or without warning i WILL call the state on you, secondly I dont apreciate being called a c**t by anyone. especially by an 8rd old, now I know its hard for you NOT to cause drama but please grow up and act like the 26 yr old mother of TWO kids that you are." keep in mind that I am younger then her.

AND before she could say anything I walked over to my car opend the door up, told her son he had the count of three to get his butt out of car and into his own house before I reached in and did it myself. That got him moving pretty darn quick.

so BM decides to threaten me with well FH is going to hear about this, I just looked at her and smiled and said no worries i already called him and left him a message on my way here.

Orange County Ca's picture

If you marry this guy you are going to spend the next twenty years in a war zone and the rest of your life in a cold war.

Re-think this whole thing.


LizzieA's picture

If he backs you up (OR NOT), then you will know very clearly where you stand.
1. She shouldn't have dumped him on you--what were you supposed to do with him when you went to work?
2. She shouldn't be calling you names
3. SS was way out of line and needs a reality check from Dad
4. Her demand of YOUR car was way over the top, good for you for standing up to her

What is this woman's problem? She is remarried with a new baby and she is starting this crap? The WOW poster needs to read this and see a perfect example of what we deal with, a truly jealous, psycho BM.

I think she had her way with DH until you came along. Now he has another life and isn't at her beck and call. Show your DH the emotional divorce link that someone here posted. It says it all.