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I want a divorce!

stepmomdavis's picture

So my DH has made my life a verbal abuse living hell in the last 3 days. He has called me crazy, schizophrenic, twisted, a liar and scary. All because my SDs 22 and 28 finally admitted they don't like me and dont want me at his birthday. He finally admitted that too. Not because he thinks that I actually have done anything, not because we have problems worth divorcing over or anything he says is true about me. He is treating me this way because his psycho children are able to manipulate him and he has to feel like a good guy.

That is right, in order to feel like a good guy he has to destroy me and our marriage. When he told me his children found me scary, I said well shucks, I guess they won't be able to be around me anymore so no more dinners at our house. He started to back pedal and say well, they didn't mean that kind of scary. I told him, no, no, I want your precious children to feel safe.

I have moved out of our bedroom. The sick and sad thing is he keeps telling me he loves me, then he calls me more names. I am a wreck, I start apartment hunting tomorrow.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I am so sorry you are going through this. It does sound like you have been going through hell the last few days. Is this normal behavior from him - or something out of the ordinary? I think 3 days is long enough - can you go stay somewhere for a couple of days so you can really think things through?

In the mean time, get some space however you can. Quit listening to him. Start protecting yourself.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Please focus on you, your exit strategy, and self care.

It seems that when these ostrich men become overwhelmed, they strike out at whomever is closest. They can't blame their precious children, and they won't blame themselves, so a second wife is the easiest target.

My own H once tried to blame me for the many problems we've had with his kids over the years; His condemnation was that 'I' was the common denominator in these failed, distant relationships. My response that he was also the common denominator, and a primary rather than secondary participant, was met with silence. I refuse to be the scapegoat for his, or anyone else's behavior.

twoviewpoints's picture

I definitely think something is going on with this guy. After reading some of OP'S postings, I kept going back and forth with what it really could be. He's certainly being an a-hole. His behavior was well, strange, escalating more now to scary.

1. Medical issues? Alzheimer or possible brain tumor?
2. Cheating? Park dates w/BM. SD cleaning out OP'S stored things and removing garden stuff. Why?
3. Just an ass who is tired of marriage and trying to push OP to be the one who leaves.

OP, put visit to your lawyer on our list of things to do today while apartment hunting. Also it might be a good idea to ignore and not fight with him. If ignoring his crap would secure a safer you until you can get out, it might be your best option. Carry your cellphone on you and don't hesitate to punch 9-1-1 if you think you need to.

stepmomdavis's picture

I am not a nag. Just a stepmom trying to have a happy life. Do me a favor and stop posting on my issues, please. You are being way too judgemental and mean and I don't need anymore stress than I already have. Tommar.

Anna21's picture

Verbal abuse often escalates to physical abuse, be very careful to protect yourself and if you feel uncomfortable, leave, even if you have to find a cheap but safe hotel. I don't know him or you so trust your instincts and if you feel frightened then get out now. The issues can be discussed or worked out later, protect yourself.

stepmomdavis's picture

I just found out that a couple weeks ago he paid money to a background check site and ran a background check on me. Why would he do that unless he wants to get rid of me or is losing his mind. Of course he found nothing. Then he texted an old boyfriend of mine who stole money and furniture from me, and asked him about me. Today I received a letter from his daughter, SD28, saying I make her feel unwelcome in our home. I was able to tell her that I literally have never told him that he couldn't spend time with them. Either with me or without and I cook dinner for them every week. Every week. But yes I am trying to keep them from their dad. Brother....