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If it were impossible for love to be equal

Needalifeboat's picture

Would you rather be the one in the relationship that loves less or loves more?

thinkthrice's picture

Less. I've always been in the "more" category. Although the men in my life put on a good show in the beginning like they are the ones that love more. Yeah, right.

One of my very wise friends told me that relationships are NEVER equal. There is always one who loves/cares more and one who is more selfish.

Needalifeboat's picture

I think I'm in the "more" category with SO.

What got me thinking about this was posts on here and also a quote I heard, "The one who loves the least controls the relationship."

hereiam's picture

Before my husband, I had quite a wall up (he would tell you I still do to an extent) so even if I was the one who loved more, nobody knew it.

My husband is so different from any man that I dated before, I don't even think about who loves who more.

Orange County Ca's picture

Perhaps those marriages we heart about as being perfect are the equal ones. Rather rare aren't they?

But more likely each partner believes they love the other more than they are loved back. If each puts what they believe to be 60 percent of the effort into the marriage then it seems like the marriage is more likely to succeed.