I'm getting frustrated and need to vent
So my dh and I have been going back and fourth to our dd pediatrician and seeing a lactation consultant to try and figure out why she isn't gaining weight. We saw the pedi yesterday. This morning the pedi called me Nd said " I've been thinking about it and I'd really like to have her come in and run some test" she wants me in tonight. However dh has sd tonight. And we have one car. So therefore I had to say no. But it's things like this that make me continue to have bitter feelings towards sd. I can't bring my dd to the doctors because its your night???
In my house it would be
In my house it would be "sorry SD you can't come over we have to take DD to the hospital". No way I'd put off something that important for a skids visit.
I agree with Topmuffin .. I
I agree with Topmuffin .. I can't imagine why visitation trumps a clear medical necessity for another child.
You need to stand up to your DH and tell him medical emergencies take precedence. He can discuss rescheduling time with BM or forego the time.
Or... Dad could drop you and
Or... Dad could drop you and the little one off while he has time with his other child. You will likely not get results immediately, so his presence isn't really required.
I agree with the others. SD
I agree with the others. SD being there shouldn't stop your baby from going to the Drs
Dh never said no. There is no
Dh never said no. There is no taxi around here. And dh can't drop off me and dd because..... We live in ct. Dh works and hour away in RI. Sd lives in Ri, half hr from dh work. Our dd pediatrician js in ct. Half hour further in from our house. Explain how it would work? And I'd appreciate if you didn't start throwing out names at dh unless you know for sure if an what was said. When I spoke to dh on his lunch break and told him about the pedi I said I told them I couldn't make it because I wasn't going to have the car tonight all dh said was ok. And then proceeded to tell me that we are taking sd to a book fair. So I do have some bitter feelings here. Lets go to sd book fair instead of taking dd to the doctors to figure out why she is almost 3 months old and only weighs under 9lbs. Grr I feel like if I say something be will take it like I'm doing it against sd. Sounds pathetic right? I know. But idk what to do. Do I tell him how I feel or ask him if we can take dd to the doctors anyway? We can't take sd tomorrow because we have a follow up with the pedi and also an appointment with the lactation consultant. Then Friday of his day anyways and Saturday he isn't taking her because we have and adult birthday party to attend. So that's why I feel wrong for asking to take the baby to the doctor tonight. And this again is another reason I dislike sd because I feel like I can't take my daughter to the doctor for test that the doctor wants because of her. Idk how else to look at itS and I'm trying to stay positive about sd I've been working hard on that then this happens
Do some of you come on here
Do some of you come on here JUST to put people down?? Eff off already!! I AM NOT a bad mom I have been to the pedi an seeing lactation consultants 2-3 times a week!!! Keeping an eye on her weight!!! So before you even have the balls to tell me IM being a bad mom I suggest you think twice. I'm on here for support NOT to be told I'm being a bad mom when you don't know everything.
That's NOT what I look for
That's NOT what I look for but there is also a way of being supportive an not having to bad mouth people also grow up
I'm not blowing off ANYTHING
I'm not blowing off ANYTHING if this was extremely serious the doctors (who I've been seeing just about every other day) would have said so . I've been exclusively breastfeeding my daughter since day one. We had some pretty tough struggles with it at the beginning. And spent days crying because of pain trying to feed my baby. But I stayed with it! Why because I care about my baby and will do it for her. Eventually the problem was fixed but from her one month to her 2 month visit she only gained 6 oz an that's with nursing every 2 hrs for 45 minutes each feeding. So we started seeing the lactation consultant again and doing weight checks every few days the pedi has had us do formula supplement afeter each time she nurses for a week to see if she gains. And she did... A little. So we just continued nursing no formula. But the the follow up a week later no gain. So from yesterday til tomorrow we are formula supplimenting to see how that works. Also nursing her almost every hr. so I'm she is t nursing the pump is also on me. Allllll day.. I'm logging down every time she starts nursing for how long she nurses. How many wet diapers she has her naps her moods every detail of her day. I'm constantly on the phone talking to the lactation consultant. I called and made an appointment with another doctor for second opinion also. DON'T TELL ME IM A BAD MOM and THAT IM NOT LOOKING OUT FOR MY DAUGHTER.!!!
Again if I wasn't acting like
Again if I wasn't acting like a mother I wouldn't Deighton being doing a this. I would have given up breastfeeding 3 weeks into it and then lrobbly wouldn't be in this situation. Isoctor thinks it cos just be not enough calories from nursing. At this point. Just because YOUR hving a bad day doesn't mean you it's fine to come on here and bad mouth shit. I'm pretty sure you aren't the greatest mom either
It must be somewhat serious,
It must be somewhat serious, or at the very least important, if the pediatrician called you this morning and said they wanted to see you tonight.
If you only have 1 car, no
If you only have 1 car, no taxi's in your area, and your husband works an hour away, how do you take your baby to the doctor every other day?
We make the appointments
We make the appointments later in the day when dh is out of work
Do you have a friend or
Do you have a friend or family member who could give you a ride?
Our family an friends live an
Our family an friends live an hour away.
I get it. But also if he was
I get it. But also if he was so concerned he would have gotten pissed an would have said we are going to the doctors but he didn't he told me sd ins going to a book fair
^^^ I have to totally agree
^^^ I have to totally agree with this. If you bring it up to DH with the attitude of oh, you've got SD so I guess we won't go, instead of, we need to make other arrangements because it's extremely important to get DD to this appointment, he will, of course, assume it isn't a big deal since he wasn't at the doctor to hear the discussion in the first place.
I'm probably missing
I'm probably missing something, but why can't DH pick SD up and then bring the car home for you to take DD to the doctor?
Because he would drive half
Because he would drive half hr one way to get sd. Then an hr back to get me an dd to drive another half hr further away to the doctors.to then when it's time to drop of sd drive an hr to get here and an he back. So he's get to sd by 345 get to our house by 530 if lucky because the traffic. Then if I left soon as he got her say 530-545 if get to the babys doctor around 615-630. Who knows how long testing takes say and hr? Or who knows. I'd get home around 830 maybe?? If lucky. For dh to then drive sd getting her there by 930. To ten right back around to come home getting here at 1030. I think he can skip a night with sd
With all of that running, I
With all of that running, I absolutely agree, he can skip the night with SD. Just let him know that the doctor said they would really like to see you tonight and that you feel you should go ASAP because it’s very important to find out why your dd is not getting the nutrients that she needs to grow at a healthy rate. I’m sure he will understand.
I wanted to add that, IMHO,
I wanted to add that, IMHO, figuring out what is wrong with an infant that possibly is failing to thrive trumps SD's visitation and book fair, hands down.
This is a no-brainer FFS!!
This is a no-brainer FFS!! When my Son was 6 months old he had bronchitis. It was 11pm pouring rain and I didn't have a car and buses weren't running - I couldn't afford a taxi as a single Mom. I grabbed him, wrapped him up and walked/ran 45 minutes to the hospital. If your child is sick - your main focus should be on getting them better - no matter what it takes.
You need to make sure your child is seen by the Dr - fuck that book fair off - it's not as important, obviously!!
Well then I wont bother
Well then I wont bother posting shit because its never 100% how it really is. People either brush shit off that is important to someone or blow something minor wayyyyyy out of proportion because there is never explain a story good enough for ANY one to fully get someone's story correct
And this again is another
And this again is another reason I dislike sd because I feel like I can't take my daughter to the doctor for test that the doctor wants because of her
WHAT!!?? The SD has NOTHING to do with the fact that YOU and you DH are not taking your child to the DR. I had to go back and re read your post to see if I missed something. But I didn't. YOU doing this all. NOT SD
Thank you miss Kay. He'll be
Thank you miss Kay. He'll be out of work in a few minutes and calling me. Ill try that. If I k ow my husband he will get defensive and ask " we'll, what am I suppose to do about sd" what do I do them my first reaction would be to get angry which I kNOW will NoT help. What else am I suppose to say to him. I do t want to just say forget it. But I don't want this to turn into a shit show
Just say "I know this sucks
Just say "I know this sucks for SD but it will suck more of her if her sister gets even more sick. Could you please figure out a way to get our daughter to the doctor, because she needs to go"
If it was my baby and my DH
If it was my baby and my DH wanted to be with his daughter from another relationship over taking his new infant daughter to a doctor's appointment, then where there's a will there's a way. I would have found a friend, hitchhiked WHATEVER to get my baby to that appointment NOW. Your picking and focusing this battle to hate on your SD at a time where your FULL attention should be focused on your new baby needing medical attention is screwed up.
I am not going to judge you
I am not going to judge you for resenting your SD because we all have done it. Plus who am I to judge you.
But the truth is this has nothing to do with your SD & everything to do with effectively communicating with your DH. I think you should call him back and tell him how you feel, and how serious you think this is. Get his opinion on it. Don't be angry with him until you figure out where his head is.
And don't be angry at SD at all, because in your life she will give you PLENTY of reasons to be angry with her - this just isn't one of them.
Good luck.
Agreed! This seems more like
This seems more like an issue with #1- communicating with DH with how important that the appt really is, #2- not having a second vehicle, #3- DH working out of town.
Sweet baby Jesus...are you
Sweet baby Jesus...are you really trying to blame your SD for your daughter not going to the doctor? Was it your SD that told the Dr's office no?
You told the Dr's office no, you couldn't make the appointment without even consulting your DH to get his input. You didn't give an explanation to your DH about the appointment, and then you get mad at him for mentioning the SD's book fair. You choose not to elaborate about the appointment, so DH probably made the assumption it was not a big deal and you had it handled. By handled, meaning rescheduled for another day. BTW, did you reschedule it?
Sounds like the problem is more of transportation problem, then a SD problem.
You need to take responsibility for your actions and quit trying to put the blame on your SD. It is not SD's fault your baby isn't going to the Dr, it is yours and yours alone.
I'm not going to get into the
I'm not going to get into the right/wrong discussion, but I just wanted to tell you that if the breast feeding isn't working, you aren't a bad mother for moving to formula no matter what the "specialists" will tell you. Many children are never breastfed and they are ok. It's more important for the baby to thrive than to worry about where the food came from. Lactation specialists are usually very very focused on keeping you breastfeeding, but they're not the ones lying awake at night worrying about your baby. Whichever route you need to take to help the baby is the right one. I'm sure there are plenty of bio-moms on here that gave their children formula and they turned out just fine. Personally, my child had formula from the beginning and she just got her doctorate so I don't think I ruined her.
Just to clarify with everyone
Just to clarify with everyone we brought dd to the doctors and have been sitting here for a few hours waiting for tests to be finished. I'm SUCH a bad mom!! (Sarcasm)
Glad you got it worked out!
Glad you got it worked out! I'm sure it was much easier than you expected. Sometimes we make a mountain out of a molehill assuming how DHs will react.
And that I admit I do
And that I admit I do
If you're waiting for a pat
If you're waiting for a pat on the back because you got the medical care for your baby that the doctor requested, then I think you'll be waiting for a while ...
Regardless, I hope the baby is okay.
Actually I'm not looking for
Actually I'm not looking for a pat on the back was just updating. Everyone seems so interested and concerned I wanted to update.
Hope the baby is ok!
Hope the baby is ok!
The baby is good. She just
The baby is good. She just needed an increase in calories. She usually was nursing for 45 minutes ever 2 hours alllll day so we couldn't figure out why she wasn't gaining. But since Tuesday I've been nursing for 25-30 minutes then supplimenting with 1oz of formular after each feeding and since Tuesday she has gained 4 oz. so we will continue with it.
the pedi wanted to do test just to rule out any medieval issue that could cause the lack of gain but felt she was fine all along because her development and appearance is great! But she wanted it all covered. Baby is healthy an has no issues. Just needed some extra calories.
Awesome news! Glad to hear
Awesome news! Glad to hear she's doing well.
Those medieval issues
Those medieval issues suck....
(and yes, just teasing - betting you were on a cell)
I'm always on the cell
I'm always on the cell
Happy to hear that she doing
Happy to hear that she doing well, it must be a relief for you to know it was just needing more calories.
Summer, I just quickly wanted
Summer, I just quickly wanted to say to tell you not to listen to those who indicate you are a bad mom.If read properly it is very clear that you are doing everything for your baby -I remember how exhausting it is with a little one, especially when feeding every hour or so.I am glad, things are looking much better after the visit and the doctors came up with a new plan.
I totally understand that although that visit was not an emergency that you wanted DH to put you and your babies needs first- and this would have been the right thing!! Even "just" to make things easier at home and to give you some confidence in handling this exhausting little angel.I absolutely find it disgusting that he even thinks about SD in a situation like this and I hope it was only because he didn't really think about it all. I also believe that you should try not to delegate your anger away from DH to SD- after all it is not her fault.
And I totally understand its
And I totally understand its not her. She's just a kid. But when I get frustrated I unfortunately am quick to put the blame on her. And I do realize its wrong and unfair. I've been working on it. And yes I slip once in a while. Ill get there tho
quit feeling guilty when a
quit feeling guilty when a medical issue arises that may interfere with sd visitation. don't be afraid to speak up. if this weren't a step situation and you had 2 children and one of them needed medical attention, and the other had a bookfair, it would be a no-brainer that the bookfair would be skipped. do not ever settle for less when it comes to your child. if it means dh will miss visitation, that's life. there is a new child (sd's SISTER) that everyone has to make room for, including sd. and the only person in the world that can make sure your child doesn't get slighted is YOU. if visitation is THAT important to your dh, maybe the adult b.day party could have been skipped? it seems you worked everything out, but do not be afraid of rocking the boat. you will only grow even more resentful as time goes by. you'll find the more you speak up, the less resentful you are of sd. she's a child. she does what the adults in her life wants. it's not her fault if some of them put her on a pedestal and worship her (don't know if this truly fits in your situ, I know it does in a lot of stepfamilies). and this happens because the new spouse is afraid of speaking up. what's the worst that can happen? the man will leave? hahaha! if a man leaves because his wife speaks up, let him.