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Is it me am I not normal for feeling this this way?

Helpless0987's picture

Everytime my skids r here/ enter the room I am in whatever the case may be my blood pressure rises and I wish I was in a far away land and just in general want to lose control? Little background? Ss10 has many attention seeking ways almost always negative.... I find the more time his dad spends with him the worse he acts... Simple tasks such as watching a movie with the whole family are stressful.... Jumping around, signing on the top of his lungs, making weird noises, creating fights, whining for thing, wanting to change activites to his liking.... And if I so much as suggest that he relaxes DH shoots me a nasty look and baby's him even more.... Then accuses me of not wanting him here, at first that wasn't the case I felt sorry for the kid, but now it couldn't be more true! And it's all because DH doesn't set up rules or boundaries for him and allows him to dictate how we spend the weekends. Ss-15 enters the room.... Bc he wants something, is in trouble, or just leaves a massive trail of mess everywhere he goes and no one makes him do anything!!!! And leaves everything for me to clean up DH will say he will take care of the mess but never does! Then expects up to cater to his every demand and DH gets angry at me when I feel like ss15 is just being way go demanding and I don't want to cater to him the way bs does! I feel like I am invisible and that my needs aren't a priority to anyone!

Zoie's picture

I hear you..but you need to take a stand. If his 10yr old son is being disruptive then tell the kid to sit his butt down and be quiet. and if DH gives you a dirty look then tell him to piss off...

SS15 - DO NOT CATER TO THID KID and if he makes a mess pick it up and put it on his bed for him to clean up..

Tell DH you are taking your control back and you will not be catering to him or his kids..end of story...

Sorry if I sound a little's been a very long month dealing with my SD's BM...and I've had enough.....

Hopefully June will be much better....god I hope so................... Z

hbell0428's picture

I used to get those "looks" kind of like YOU are the one doing something wrong; how dare you do that!! They used to piss me off a lot and I used to argue; then I notices SD14 did some things on purpose just to get us to fight. We use to cater to her.......then she moved in with us FT and DH finally snapped out of it. She still gets away with A LOT; but at least she knows we are on to her - but it took us a full year to finally gain control (somewhat). don't let it get completly out of hand or you'll be sorry!! Good Luck

on the fence's picture

I used to get "those looks" from Pricess Perfect and the Bulldozer when I was still with Spineless Gummy Worm. I was shocked by it. The complet lack of manners or respect. They were definitely competing for control of daddykins and they had the attitude that they were there first and they would still be there after I'm gone. You know what? They were right. I wonder if they even notice that I'm not there anymore. I was invisible too.

I will never allow this behavior now. My SO seems to "get it" and wants my input. He has also made it clear that he will not allow skids to disrespect me and that I'm more than free to tell them how it is. Of course that says a lot about the skids. They're all quite mannerly and wouldn't need it.

I did mention when we first started dating though, that SD10 did seem to have to follow him and crawl all over him and I thought it was time to set some boundaries. I think he's done pretty well so far.

I hope your DH will listen to you. Gummy Worm tried, but he was to blinded by the neon glitz that shone from the halos of his daughters, the most diving beings ever to breathe air. I should have accepted my place at their feet, I suppose, and been honored to be there in all that perfection! :sick: