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Just a vent

yeahwelluknow's picture

I don't often post much and I read alot of the posts because they are like what I would say... but I have to vent....

So my DH and I got married in December, I love the outdoors, but because we choose to get married on the day we meet we got married on the top of a mountain, and then decided to have the party 6 months later in June outside, too cold in December to have outside party here. We didn't figure out the final date until about 3 months ago. Anyway... Orginally it was going to be BM weekend to have them(SS 6 and SD 9) and we were just going to ask her if we could have them for that day as my parents and my daughters Godmother, my best friend and the closest thing I have to a sister, is coming down from 12 hours away. However BM had plans to be out of town for work and asked us if we could swap. We were happy to do it because it also helped us and we didn't have to ask for the day swap. So just last night SS is on the phone with BM while we are eating dinner telling her how his practice was because she couldn't attend, and he asks, "Are you going to come to the party?" Because I don't think she knows the day, I say, "Mommy can't come because she is going to be out of town." I said this so that it wouldn't be a long conversation about what is it when is it.... SS handled it fine and moved on to the next intersting thing like what he was eating for dinner. DH asks me this morning, so what did you say to Jake that BM is upset about the party for... She is saying that we are trying to keep things from her... I didn't realize that I had to tell her about everything that was going on, and to be honest I thought that it would be worse considering it is about us celebrating our marriage. I wasn't even the one that decided not to tell her, DH husband was and I get blamed. I told him, I don't care being the escape goat... I am just get tired that we are always being blamed for keeping stuff from her when it doesn't apply to her why should we tell her? Should I tell her that I have a twisted ankle and am going to the Dr.? I don't want to hear these things from her so why should I tell her when these things are coming from us. I promised her in the beginning I will always let the kids call, and the other night SS said that he isn't allowed to call DH when he is at BM so how do we handle it, we say hey I know he is 6 but he said something that we just want to make sure he messed up a little.... We are always telling the kids to call BM, reminding them to tell her something right away, but I don't think that I have to call her and tell her about things that are happening that don't affect her. I know that it well never be perfect. I know that I will always be the escape goat, I just want the blaming to stop. They are divorced, he doesn't have to report to her... UGH!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I totally agree with you. You shouldn't have to tell her things that she doesn't need to know. I guess she just thought that she found something out through ss's slip of the tongue that you "didn't want her to know" and she thought she would run with it. I say..........whatever! It wasn't that you cared if she knew or not. It was just something that didn't affect her and she you didn't have to tell her.

I'm also familiar with getting the blame for everything. No matter what it is or who did it, Bm always blames me. Oh well! It's her problem, not mine.


kaybr803's picture

My sd's bm wants to know everything too. Down to what we spend our money on and why. I only stay on a social level with the bm b/c I personally feel it is up to her and the dh to make decisions between them. I make suggestions to my husband, but I don't converse with the bm over them. We have to remind the sd (9 years old) to call her bm when she is with us, but they never tell her to call the dh. It bothers him alot, but he still calls her everyday. It is important to just "be there" even if it is on the phone. I think she'll remember down the road.

Alexis G.'s picture

OMG! Someone is crazy and I can't tell if it's your DH or the BM. What business is it of hers what and how you and your DH decide to spend your time with the SSs? Since when do BMs have a right to be up in your business. Their only business is the welfare of their children and if the children are being taken care of the rest is not up for debate or discussion.

You're good, because if my DH came to me with a question like that, "what did you say to Jake that BM is upset about the party for... She is saying that we are trying to keep things from her" I may have gone off. Your DH needs to be worrying about you and your sensitivty levels and well-being first and foremost. If he cares so much about BMs feelings (especially with regards to your marriage celebrations) then perhaps he should go back and be with her instead.

Is it not enough that we as SMs have to share so much of our lives (not normally shared in a traditional setting) when step parents and children are involved? Does the BM will want you to alert her when you take a poo or pass There's always something....

Alexis G.