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Looking baby bedroom door. Am i being crazy

Marianabt's picture

my husband has 4 kids who live with us full time. So his son is 18 yo now. This guy keeps bringing his friends Gf cousins to the house all the time , i have no say in who come or goes, they get drunk and high all the time and trash the kitchen every single day. I have to hide in the bedroom all the time because i am not confortable in the house with all these people I don't know . I have a one year old boy and recently started to lock his bedroom during the night because i don't know who comes during the night . I feel like i am loosing my mind or i am being paranoid maybe i am over doing by locking the door. I just wanted to rant i have no one to talk to. I feel stuck in this marriage that I can't get out of. 

ESMOD's picture

Why do you feel stuck?  Why can't you leave and have a life of your own without all this chaos?  I know it isn't ideal with a child that is young like that.. but go get a job.. get a place to live and get support from your EX for his child and start living a life.  

It sounds like your partner isn't much of one if he allows this in his home.. 

Someoneelse's picture

because that baby will still get visitations, and she wont be there to protect her baby


ESMOD's picture

If she can show the court the environment in that home.. he may not get visitation in that home.. and if she moves back.. maybe it will be him that has to visit to see their child.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Does your DH have 4 kids or 5? In your past posts the age of you and your DH have changed as have the number of step-kids. In any case, my advice would be to move back where you came from and resume the career you gave up for your DH. In the meantime, yes - lock the doors if you feel uncomfortable with the strangers in your home.

ndc's picture

If I was so concerned that I was locking my baby's door, I'd also be sleeping in the locked room with my baby.

What is keeping you there?  Why not take the baby and move out?  If your husband allows his adult son to live there, bring in lots of people who are strangers to you at all hours, get drunk and high and trash the house on a regular basis, he's not much of a partner.

Someoneelse's picture

because if she leaves, that baby will get visitations with their father, and she wont be there to protect him

CLove's picture

Over the past year and a half...they seem to have gotten worse! First you post that your husband proclaimed all will go to the eldest son. Then you wrote that you do not feel respected in your home and there is no room for a nursery (loads of kids will do that!).

And now the entitled eldest son is bringing all manner of people to what is supposed to be your home.

You are stuck.

Get to a lawyer. As bio mother you have a lot of power, if you are willing to step it up. Get the information, figure out what you want to do. Have a talk with your husband about your concerns.

Good luck!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

This person has been a member for almost 1.5 years and has never returned to comment after blogging/posting.

CLove's picture

But hey - if someone gains knowledge from reading this, then good!

Rags's picture

Lock the baby's door.  Also, time to evict the Skidult and ban he and his trashy friends from your home and family.   Your DH needs to lead this and owes you and the baby a safe, quiet, and calm home.

Since SS 18 not of age yet regarding drinking and using legal recreational MJ, call the police on him and get him a stack of MIP citations so he has a record and to start leveraging the courts to resolve the problem that your ball-less DH isn't resolving.

DH needs to grow a pair, man up, stop being a failed parent, and a failed partner, and a failed man, and be the DH you demand he be and the father you demand that he is for your baby. He is an abject failure with SS-18.  Don't let that happen for your young son.



Good luck.