Love this place.
I will try a short run down of my situation. I have been with my DH for about 7 years. We did not live together or get married until last year. His house was destroyed by fire, so I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and get married.
Before this, I was very adamant about not getting married or living together until the kids were out of the house. We raise them completely different. He has one son 16 and I have a son (16) and a daughter (20). But since the kids were older and BM had settled down a bit, we did it.
DH, is a great guy, but is also the typical wuss father. It was pretty easy to take every other weekend. And we do have a rule. He raises his kid and I raise mine. Our kids are like night and day. Both of my kids work and go to school. My son is in sport at school. They are both respectful. SS on the other hand is a complete opposite. He refuses to work. He had been in trouble for…stealing, sniffing glue, sexual harassment at school, been in ISS several times. He lies and fights constantly. But if you ask, DH or BM, none of it is his fault. Blech!
He has calmed down a tad, but you get the gist.
I have stalked this place for about 6 months, so I feel like I know all of you. I like keeping up with the issues. However, I think, I will be posting more often, because SS has decided to come live with us. Started a few weeks ago. Did I mention that SS get to make these decisions himself?
The issues have already started, but I keep out of it. As long as it does not hurt the household, it is not my problem. I will however, come here to vent over my DH’s horrible parenting. Thanks!!
Hi there, I'm new as
Hi there,
I'm new as well.
I hope your situation doesn't get out of control. Thank goodness your kids have a good head on their shoulders.