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Mentally ill BM the saga continues..

kristilibons's picture

OK- I am sure some of you know me as I have replied to various posts. This is the first time I am creating content. Well we are headed to court this Wed. I am just emotionally exhausted. My H's Ex has been truly mentally unstable since the day I met my H.We are now headed to custody court due to how vindictive/restrictive/damaging her behvaior is. In the last 2 years we have endured: harassment, malicious CPS reports,bogus police/"vicious animal" reports, blackmail,exploitation of innocent children, stalking,theft,declaring bankruptcy on a car due to her non payment-- she was to make the paymenst and purposely defaulted realizing my H's name was on the title of the car-- which even though legally she had agreed to make the payments as she requested the car in the divorce-- he was made responsible for her non payment, the sum was over 10,000$in back payments she laughed when he brought that to her attention.Her latest venture as we head to court is to try to hack into my and my son's computer accounts to try to find anything incriminating. This woman is insane.We had originally thought she was going to respond with me being the home wrecking vixen as I met my H while they were gong through the divorce-- NO- she is going with Plan B and going back to her malicious CPS report she made and is stating that I am a witch/satan worshiper, and I "publicly claim to be wiccan" Umm... when did I publicly claim this??I attend a christian church where I sing in the band and I am on the prayer team-- she does not know this but will soon.She is also going to the same old ruse that she thinks my son and my niece are a danger to her children simply because 1-- they are older 2- they have both been the victims of a crime, my S at age 3, my niece this last year - that is why she lives with us. CPS placed her with us after a homestudy and has deemed we have a healthy, suitable home. We are very close with a host of people at CPS ( which she is also unaware of!!) In her response before court, she has falsely claimed that my niece and son have been "red flagged" by CPS--1- They have not,2- if my son had been "redfalgged" by CPS why in the world would they grant me a child in confidence who was the victim of a crime??they just simply would not if it was a concern. I even called my niece's case worker who reconfirmed that no one is or ever has been "redflagged" My son was a victim of a babysitter when he was 3 years old-- are you telling me CPS is going to "redflag" a toddler who was a VICTIM?? what amazes me is that she is soooo confident someone will believe her crap as I think she is so mental she actually does.My niece's case worker has been kept up to date with all of the stuff that the EX pulls as we are worried she will try to do something to my niece as she has tried to do to my son by illegally accessing confidential information on him RE:his victimization report. She has always told my H when he has asked her where she has gotten her info"it's none of your business" I am sure the judge will want to know as well and it will be his business. She has also responded in saying that my son along with being abusive,is also a thief(Pure B.S.100%) and he has also "publicly stated" (wow I guess we like to "publicly claim" un pc things LOL) that he is also BI sexual--1- he is not 2- she bases this on trying to hack into my son's myspace account,3-- the web page she printed out for the court that states he is "BI" under sexual orientation-- when looked closely at is not even my son's myspace page. She is so stupid, and we made a note of that in my response back.It is so hard to read 9 pages of pure lies that this woman is going to bring to the court room without feeling sick that she is an adult who is that immature,vindictive,and unstable.Like I said she has stated that -- I am a "satan worshiper", my son is "BI" our whole family is always in "turmoil and confusion" 1- she has not had anythng to do with my children and I directly for 2 years as she has restricted us along with H's family from their children with no basis other than to be hurtful.The only turmoil and confusion we ever face is when we have to deal with her and her abusive behavior.My niece's case worker along with a friend who is a therapist who knows me on a personal basis have included their phone numbers to the court and their thoughts on ths woman as they both agree along with the other individuals at CPS that she "needs to be psychologically evaluated" and have provided that statement to the court--un-be- kownst to her yet. I think we have some great stuff and we have evidence to debunk any of her claims- which include photos of the whole weeknd when she claims that my dog bit their daughter-- their daughter in every photo is happily playing with the dog and there is no visual evidence that she was "bitten on the hand" by my dog-why?? because my dog never bit her or anyone else. She has even stated in her response that she has"never restricted Mr. ***** from seeing the children he just doesn't show up" LIE LIE LIE!!! We even have her on 6 out of the 13 saved voicemails- "restricting" "punishing"'"alienating family members" and blackmailing my H. We also have her on V.M. harassing my son,and her being verbally abusive.I actually find it funny at times that she is that stupid to think that we would not save these and bring them to court-- what a door knob! She even states in her response which again all of it is lie but in the same case-- she steps on her own toes (she does it more than once in her response)that- on the 2--of Dec. my H "hit her" with a door to a restaurant and that is why she left with children not letting the visit take place--actually she left to be emotionally abusive and claimed he had given her a "dirty look" now she states that he "hit her with the door" well on the next paragraph down when she is responding in regards to my H being denied time on Xmas day she states that "she had invited my H over to her home to exchange gifts with the children" 1- since she has never given her formal address to my H he doesn't know where she is living just the town-2-she has pulled fast ones the last 2 Xmas's and we have not spent any time with the children on Thanksgiving through Xmas.We have proof of this.3-- Scuse me? but as her false claims go--on the-- ok I will give the date away-- 23rd of December my H "hit her" with the door of the restaurant but just 3 days later she is willingly inviting him over to spend the day after Xmas with the kids and --heck!-- she was even planning on a nice meal for all of them.Yeah right cause if someonre tried to "hitme with a door" let alone anything else-- I am going to call up and invite them to dinner and family time?? yeah right!! I am sorry but if you know this woman that last line would make you laugh and/or barf --you choose the order.It is such a load of B.S. So here we go, that is just a taste of what is going to fly in court. We are in great hopes they will allow the psych eval and that will be the end of her crap.On one note I have a few things to add before I go--one-- I am sick that facing false accusations for myself and my children(even the dog)and going through court systems to try to protect ourselves against her victimization of us will be the way I spend the rest of my life and the love that I have for my H and that we both want and need some justice for the kids sake--I go back and forth with knowing what the truth is and wanting to change it to feeling like I wanted to marry the man of my dreams and live happily ever after--I didn't sign up for this other SH**, but I guess I did. I feel like we are prepared as can be for right now-- but when myself and my children as of late can't even go to their mysapce and email accounts without it being invaded by this woman I am at my wits end, I don't want this in my life and I don't want it my children's life. What do I do??I will take any suggestions at this point to stay sane one of us has to because she isn't.


Anne 8102's picture

Dearheart, all you can do is what you've already done... get it out of your system. Do it often, as often as you feel the need.

I know it's hard, but you cannot take any of this personally. She's a certifiable whack job. The only power she has to ruin your life is the power YOU GIVE HER by reacting to her shenanigans. I know it's easier said than done and you do have to acknowledge her behavior at least long enough to document it, but otherwise, roll your eyes, shake your head, have a long laugh at her expense and then just go on living your life as best you can. I had a wonderful boss who gave me some great advice one day... he said, "Anne, don't let other people dictate your emotions to you." I can give you no better advice than that. Don't let her decide when you are happy or relaxed or angry or anything else. YOU decide! You've got some great documentation, so hopefully all of this will get resolved in a favorable manner when you go to court. And if it doesn't, then have her arrested for stalking and get a restraining order. It sounds like you have plenty of evidence to back up a complaint.

Let us know how it goes!

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

kristilibons's picture

I tried to reply to you yestrday but it wouldn't go through. Well it was a victory! we won round one. There was so much mudsliging that the victory feels more like taking a test and needing an 80% to pass and we got an 82. None of the evidence was presented and for a minute the judge was buyibng into her story that "she has never restricted the kids from my H" and his parents see the children "all the time" my H's parents haven't been allowed to see the children since the divorce in Sept of 05, because she claims that she heard my M-I-L said "bad things about her" I would hope so! Man she is a nut.I won't go into too many details as I am exhausted, but the good thing is we now have the children by court documents at our home every Saturday and every Monday until the duo party investigation/evaulation takes place and then based on what the evaulator comes up with that will be the end outcome. This is exactly what we had wanted.We told the court that's we wanted. PLease do an investigation on all of us learn the truth- it's about time! When the evaluator asks my kids how often my H's kids come over they will tell the truth and say "one time" Yes one time when he broke her bogus restriction that his kids can't come to my house because I won't give her my address ( via from her stalking me) when the kids went home and said how much fun they had playing basketball with me and my kids he was then restricted from leaving the small town where she lives in and was told because he had brought them over "behind her back" that he also is no longer to have them in his car. Is she that dumb?? from the mouths of babes will come the truth of what she is really doing. At least now the kids can come over with out her interference and if she does try to interfere or not show up like she does, we can give our friendly neighborhood police department a call, she will have to hand over the children and she will be slapped with "contempt of court" She is also to provide the kids BB game schedule which she would not in the past so he couldn't go to any of the games as he did not know the places and names of his children's teams via her dictates, also, the children's school has to release all of the children's info to my H due to the fact that no-- there is not a "no Contact " order on my H and the kids--as Mother falsely claimed to their school- well that one got debunked yesterday. We are to have them this Saturday for the first time in over a year and my H called her to set up what he would like them to bring (hockey sticks, running shoes)on the visit at our home. He called her Wed. night after court, it is Friday we still have not heard from her. Hey- It's fine with me if she wants to keep digging a hole for herself. I will gladly buy her a new shovel I think the one she has been using must be getting worn out.It's gonna get nasty, but it made me feel good looking at her when our attorney told the judge that was all fine and showed for the first time the suitcase of evience against her, none of it is to be displayed yet that is for the second round. When she looked over and saw the emails from her "restricting my H" and the recorder with the saved voicemails from her harassing,blackmailing,restricting,alienating my H, she turned fire engine red and I thought she was going to hyper ventilate and pass out.Keep me in your thoughts and prayers I am going to get rested up for battle.Kristilibons