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Is my boyfriend's daughter too sensitive?

helena_brass's picture

I often worry that my boyfriend's daughter, age 8, is a little too sensitive to things like nudity and romantic gestures. Mind you, I don't mean that I'm walking around in the nude or anything. She just freaks out and screams, "Ew ew ew!" when she sees a tv commercial for a razor that happens to show a woman's bare legs. She absolutely cannot stand to see her 3 year old brother naked, which I suppose is somewhat understandable, but she gets very overdramatic with her reaction. If a man is working bare-chested on the side of the road she, again, flips out with the "ews."

I talked to my boyfriend and he said she's always been a little sensitive in that way. For example, when she was a toddler he used to think it was funny to pants her (he does this to me to to his son as well). Apparantly her mother had to talk to him because the girl was very upset by the it--that was when she was just 4. Is that typical? I don't remember being that hyper-sensitive to things like that. Then again, I grew up in a family with many women so you always got exposed to women (other than your mother) in their bras and panties, and it was no big deal.

I've caught her looking at my breasts a couple times, too (if I'm wearing my pjs and they show a little more than in a t-shirt). I wonder if she's just embarrassed of her own curiosity, so covers it up with unnecessarily strong reactions. If that's the case, is that normal? I once heard her say that she's never even seen her mom naked. I asked my boyfriend about it and he told me that's not true at all, but he's not sure if their mom is more careful about nudity (even her own) now that she has her boyfriend around. I know that the kids are no longer allowed to sleep in their mother's bed.

So, is it normal, or am I making too much of nothing?

DevilElf's picture

It's always hard to know how to answer these things but I was reassured to read your blog. My own 9 y/o just started with the "Ewwww" and "gross!" for all kinds of things and I know she's seen plenty of naked people in her life (I'm a practical nudist as was her BD when we were together). You used the word "overdramatic" and that's exactly the way my kid is. I'm thinking it's a phase that's just developmental but I'm going to follow along and see what others have to say.

helena_brass's picture

It's relieving to hear that she's not the only one like this. I do hope it's just a phase. I can't imagine her going through puberty with that kind of reactions to things!

Willow2010's picture

I think it is pretty normal. I don't think my kids ever really went thru it tho, so I could be wrong.

How is that for a non answer? sorry. lol

Orange County Ca's picture

Things have to get pretty extreme to be labeled "abnormal".

It's my opinion that as she grows older she'll outgrow it, or better said, forget about it as what you're describing is pretty normal in our society. I.e. it'll get routine.

If its still around at the onset or just before puberity I'd consider counseling. Perhaps age 10 for todays kids.