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a new DOG!?! are u Crazy!?! (so frustrated can't even sleep) ugh

LaLaLaaa's picture

I posted this on my blog but thought maybe I'll get some more advice on here

So this evening I overheard SD and DH talking about a Dog...she was showing him what breeds she likes etc...alright, nothin' wrong w that. But it then somehow went from that to "so can we get a dog? DHs answer "yeah"...wait, What!?!...Helloooooo! 'Member ME!? Me, who is home all day long and who will have to take care of this dog daily!? No one asked what I think!

We havr SD one baby and one on the way and one dog already!!! ...oh and we live in a TINIEST house on this planet!! We CAN'T get a big breed dog!!! I sent DH a msg saying "did you Just say 'Yes' to SD getting a dog?!? Because u better tell SD to ask her Mom what She thinks of that idea cuz if She is getting it, this is Her dog and its going w her when she goes back to her mom. This should be a good responsibility lesson because she can't just get a dog cuz its "cute" and then leave it to someone else to take care of him and train him etc"...Our little dog is driving me Crazy already!! I can't have two babies and TWO dogs here! Omg! Can you ppl give me some advice on how to handle this!? 45 is 13 so she's big enough to understand all the responsibilityu that is involved in having a dog!

Oh and also, why doesn't her BM get her a dog!? She is the one living in a house on the UGH!!!

jumanji's picture

Well.... I have found that two dogs are actually easier than one. But that's me.

Honestly, your problem is NOT your stepdaughter OR her mother. It's your husband, He's the one who's not taking you into account.

BTW.... my ex bought our daughter a dog (which I told them both was a mistake). He ended up living here (the dog, not the ex) after the ex decided he/his wife surrendered the dog to a shelter.

sbm014's picture

All you can really do is stand your ground.

I also agree with above your husband is the issue here. You need to discuss with him about you being more involved in decisions.

SteelRose's picture

We've had more pet problems then a barrel of monkeys around here in my house. DH has the softest heart for animals, which I don't mind at all, but not in my home. We are currently down to two small pets in a small home, and that's good for now. DH had brought a mastiff home a few months ago, which we kept for awhile til it nearly killed my cat. Your DH just wants to give his little girl something she wants and in this case it's a pet. Maybe he can get her a bird or hamster? lol For sure if she's only there eow the animal should be at bm's house and not yours, but I'm thinking if she's asking her dad, bm has probably already said no.

LaLaLaaa's picture

Yep I agree that the problem here is DH...he never asked what I thought about it...and he always says "we are a married couple and we make decisions Together"...Ok, we'll see how that pans out. Yes I'm also thinking her mom said "No" already(and I'd totally agree w her in this case) and she has a big place so why the hell would we say "yes"...!? Only way -Kd agree to this crazyness is if she takes HER dog with her, she trains it , feeds it, takes it out

Mind u its almost 10:30 and she is still asleep!! Red Flag! Dog can't Wait till she wakes up to go out!

Its just a dumb idea All around!

jumanji's picture

Well... I'm down to two dogs and two cats (from three dogs, four cats, a rabbit, a part-time turtle, some gerbils and a house duck). And I've been looking at breed rescues. LOL The more the merrier, is my motto! If I didn't think my neighbors would freak on me, I'd get a few alpacas!

PetStr's picture

5 dogs, 3 cats, a parrot and 3 parakeets, 3 full-time, skids and one who visits eowe. Lately I've been looking at other small breed dogs, since YSS moved back in with BM. My pets are A LOT easier to deal with than the skids any day Lol

jumanji's picture

LOL I forgot to add my parents, who live with me...

What kind of dogs? Both of mine are beagles, one will be three on Christmas Day, and the other will be five months on Monday. The older is a rescue (coincidently from the same breeder as my little one), and they look almost exactly alike (both lemons). But no blood relation. Over the years, I've had a mutt, a Dalmation, a Lab, two Beags and a Foxhound. Beags have my heart.