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New here and not sure where to start?!?

Fairy dust 28's picture

So I suppose the subject says it all really!?

Thought I should start by introducing myself... Hi - I'm fairy dust 28 (well... Not really, but u know how it goes!) and I'm hoping you will all welcome me here to your forum.

I've been visiting as a guest for sometime and thought it was high time I joined.

I'm a mum of 2 beautiful girls who are 1&5 and step mum to 2 girls who are 10&13. Both girls have the same mum but the eldest lives with us permanently whilst we have regular access with sd10 (I'm trying to pick up on the abbreviations)

I suppose my main reason for being here is quite simply that I can't go it alone anymore. I feel quite literally alone despite being surrounded by friends and family. They all listen intently but none of them really know... U know? I see people's eyes almost glaze over when I start talking about the issues I'm having... So I've quite simply stopped talking, but now I feel very isolated.

I have that many issues I don't really know where to start, but I suppose the main one is the absolute lack of support, respect and gratitude I receive from my husband.

My marriage has been on its arse (am I allowed to say that!?) for quite sometime, which perhaps coincidentally coincided with when sd13 moved in 12 months ago.

She takes absolute priority in our home that it doesn't even feel like a home anymore.

I feel like the drive home from work everyday is like preparing for battle. The atmosphere is nigh on unbearable and I feel my children are suffering as a result.

The rational, logical part of me thinks "simply leave" but as we all know, nothing is ever black and white, there are so many shades of grey I could give E L James a run for her money!

Interested to hear from anyone who has ever felt this same dispair and how or if they got through it??

Kind regards - and a big well done if you got this far!

Fairy dust xxx

Sunflower1's picture

Welcome to the group. I found this site and lurked for many months before I figured out not a single one of my friends could relate with where I was coming from (most are BM's in intact families) they just don't understand it! Recently a girlfriend of mine became a SM and it has been wonderful! I wouldn't be able to do it at all if FDH wasn't wonderful about strong boundaries. Does your hubs back you at all? Is his daughter disrespectful?

derb84123's picture

Welcome to the site! I will venture and say that all of us have felt dispair at some point throughout this journey. Sounds like you and your DH really need to get on the same page or your marriage will suffer even more.

There are a lot of people on this site who have issues similar to yours- and I hope they jump in with some great advice. My issues are with BM- my sks live with me and are great, (young), but we have a terrible horrid BM. I hope this site helps you the way it has me!

loveandfitness's picture

I feel you! Most of us here do, I'm sure. Especially the "eyes glazing over" part. I've only been a member for a few weeks, but I find it comforting to read other people's stories and know I'm not alone, and am oh-so-thankful when people actually comment when asked for help or opinions, or even just words of encouragement.
I hope you find the same!
My FSS8 doesn't live with us, but I can definitely relate as I feel like that during every visit (especially extended ones) I can also relate to the wanting to leave feeling.
How long have you and DH been together?
Have you told him how you feel about SD13 living with you?

Fairy dust 28's picture

We have always had our drama... Skids.. BM, I'm sure u all know how it goes! But things deteriorated dramatically when sd13 moved in.

She rules our house, it's her way or god help us all!! He has no back bone when it comes to discipline, leaving me to play bad cop constantly.

I've tried disengaging but I have to step in when it affects the well being of my children - mainly dd5.

Both of his girls are the most spoilt, sef righteous, demanding little brats I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. But they can't be blamed - they are results of their environment - he enables their behaviour and it disgusts me.

His attitude (and I'm quoting here) is that I made my bed, now lie in it - I knew those girls would always come before me so deal with it, and I I don't like it, I know where the door is!

I'm at rock bottom right about now xxx

derb84123's picture

This to me is crap. Maybe its because I don't have any bios yet. But I think it should go (if you belive) god, spouse, kids, then the rest. I would never be in a marriage where the marriage wasn't number one. I know not everyone believes that way, but I totally do. Sorry youre going through this!