Not sure..
Okay so I've been here before with a question that has been answered and thanks you guys for brutal honesty . However, I'm in love so I won't run far from my fiance just yet lol. So a new issue arrived (not to my surprise). So here's what happened an hour ago: My fiance and I were asleep so I thought to wake him up to wake the kids up for school; being that it is his kids so I thought at least let him do that job; and afterwards he hands me a pill. I'm thinking it's a Motrin for a headache I had said I had last night, but it was a pill for my SS13 who has ADHD. I said to him that's not my place to give it to him. Am I right or wrong for that? He was a bit angry that I didn't give it to him. Why so? I thought that was a bit of a parental thing? Somebody help me understand what to do in that situation, Please and thank you!
I meant to reply back to you
I meant to reply back to you with that comment below, oopsie! lol *Newbie issues
Thank you! I thought I was
Thank you! I thought I was being a bit absurd for even thinking maybe that was sort of a confidential thing between his BD & a Doctor..SHEESH!
I wouldn't so much consider
I wouldn't so much consider it a confidential thing, but it's definitely Dad's place to be giving his kid the meds. I don't understand why he was giving it to you to give to the kid in the first place. You are certainly right in that giving medication is a parental thing and he shouldn't be asking you to do, particularly when he's Right There. If you have the kid full time and he's out of town for a week, then ok, I'd get it. But this? I don't understand.
If you want to reason with him, I'd go into how it's a good idea for only one parental figure to be distributing meds, because otherwise the kid could wind up not getting it at all or getting double dosed and since he's the boy's father, that responsibility should be his. Just tell him you're not comfortable taking responsibility for the drugs and medication this child takes. If he gets angry, oh well. He had a kid, he gets to deal with this stuff.
Thank you Aeron! I just hope
Thank you Aeron! I just hope he understands that as well being that he stormed out the room when he didn't get his way (like his child of his lol). I also felt awkward being that I was in the same situation myself when I was a teen and had to take medication
. Not a good feeling whatsoever.
I'm not sure of your
I'm not sure of your background or situation, but I would suggest sitting down with him after things have cooled off and you are both calm and clear headed. Explain to him what you are comfortable doing and what you aren't. If you do not want any parental responsibilities, or only certain ones, you need to make that clear to him.
You need to explain it to him in a way that makes sense; not in an argumentative or confrontational way. We often vent here saying "not my kid, not my problem", but I can almost guarantee you that won't go over well with your boyfriend
Like Aeron said above, medication should be one person's domain to avoid any mix up in medications. That one is potentially a safety issue above anything else. The boundaries need to be laid early and you both need to stick to them.
First, why does a 13 year old
First, why does a 13 year old need "getting ready?"
And what on Earth would cause your BF to think that's YOUR responsibility?
I swear, these men just hook up with a woman so they can get off scott free. Blah.
Why would he hand it to you
Why would he hand it to you instead of just handing it to his son?
It sounds like (and I could be wrong) he is trying to place you into a parental role with his kids. Do not let that happen. It will get out of hand fast and you will become very resentful.
This is a very common thing for men to do, and not always on purpose so put an end to it now. Have the discussion so there are no misunderstandings and hurt feelings in the future.
Besides that, I agree with everyone about the one person doling out medication and that one person should be the kid's father.
Is it particularly hard to
Is it particularly hard to give him the pill ? I ask this because I remember friend having a son who refused to take his medication for his ADHD which would then result in her begging him for an hour until he would. Maybe he's more inclined to take it from you ? Just trying to fathom out why he went out his way to come to you with the pill when it would have probably been quicker and easier just to go to his son in the first place, lol.
(we only have them at weekends though ). That's because I never started it, you're doing the right thing otherwise before you know it you're being more of a parent than your partner.
I do absolutely nothing for the Skids ,I don't even cook and it is pure heaven