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Not sure how to handle this - Fiance's troubles with his kids and 'venting' to me every night (or so) about it

Orithia's picture

I am not sure how to handle this anymore. My fiance has 2 young daughter, 8 and 5. He picks them up from school every night to walk them to their mom's - and every night (or so it seems), he comes back to our place upset at at something that happened with his daugthers. These girls lack discipline so badly, they are poorly raised and it's even becoming a challenge at the after school day care center and in school. They just do as they please as they have always been granted and given everything they watn when they want it and they have never been told no.

So every night, or so, it's the same story about how if he had custody things would be different, that if things don't change he'll go get custody, etc. And every time I have to remind him that I have my word on this also, that maybe I am not ready and that we will see. And of course he quickly agrees, says of course we'd discuss it, that he'd not force it on me, etc.

But he keeps bringing back the subject and last night it was to the point that "if he had left them alone, if he was there every day, they would behave different" - I simply snapped and told him that if he really wanted to, then he just had to pick up and go back with the woman who threw him out on the street without anything but his clothes. that I was not holding him and that if that is what he really wanted, then he should just go.

That sort of shook him up a bit, but again the conversation turn to what happened that evenign with his kids and that if in 3 months things had not change, he would go see his lawyer and ask for custody. I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore and told him I would not accept MONSTERS living under MY roof.

Because unfortunately, that is what they are turning into, monsters. they don't respect anyone nor anything, and they should be put into child protective service and sent into treatment centers. Sad, but true. The older still has a chance if she gets proper care - not sure about the youngest who at 5 years old is already running away from home?? With all the stories I hear, I wonder why I haven't called the services yet...

Worse in this is that we are trying to have a kid of our own, but it is difficult for us to conceive (undertermined yet why). And all his talk about how badly his kids are bahaving and the fact he is so self-centered on the situation with his kids are killing me. I am fed up with spending my evening listening to his rants when he won't even consider anything I might say to try and help him see things in a different angle from an external point of view - but nooooo, of course I don't know what I am talking about I don't have kids yet - damn it I raised my sister with whom there is 15 years difference between the two of us!

I'm sorry, I just needed to vent... right now it's very hard to hear him talk about all this while I am going through the same old deception month after month - and he doesn't seem to care about my feelings, all that matter is his kids.

hopefulSM's picture

First of all - it is VERY difficult to change the custody situation after it has been established by the court. Unless their is obvious abuse or CPS is involved and determine the situation to be unhealthy for the kids. If kids could just be taken away due to poor parenting many kids would be removed from their homes.

If FDH see's these girls every day and spends some form of time with them every day - then what is HE doing to correct their behavior and address and let them know what is acceptable and apporpiate. I think it would be best for him and the girls for him to start focusing on what he can do to make the situtaion better for them and to instill in them the values he wants them to have and what is acceptable behavior.

How often does he get them for visits in your home now? What is his cusotdy/visitation arrangement now? What is the BM like as far as involvement with them and how she treats you and your FDH?

And why, why, why would you want to bring a child into this situation? These girls WILL be a sister to ANY children you have with this man and WILL be around this child. And if things don't work out with this man and you split those girls of his will be around any child(ren) you have with him without YOUR supervison of the sitution. Also the stress of the whole sitution might be causing your problems in trying to concieve. Work on making this situation better before bringing in a child.

Those girls will ALWAYS be there. They are your FDH children and he is not goign to just walk away from them becuase they act up and you don't want them around and think everything would be so peaceful if they weren't in your life. They are a part of him and will be in his life forever, and they are still VERY young.