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O/T Does anyone else want to punch George RR Martin in the face?

omgstop's picture


I read books 1-3, stopped there because I'd heard about books 4 & 5 happening at the same time, (?), and kinda didn't want to ruin my show experience.


AllySkoo's picture

LOL! I don't watch the show (no time), but I've read all the books. Well, the ones that are out, obviously. STILL waiting for the next one and it's been... *looks at watch*... 5 years? Ish?

Anyway, what point is the show up to now, what happened with Jon Snow?

omgstop's picture

He was betrayed by his brothers. I did, what my fam refers to as the, "pearl clutching" during anything, (and I do mean ANYTHING), incredible or distressing.


mdh0596's picture

Yes. Yes indeed. I wanted to punch him with the first book. Books 2-5 didn't get any better. LOL. I am not so patiently waiting for books 6 & 7. Haven't watched season 5 yet...

omgstop's picture

hahahahhaa if only

There would be waaaay more Arya Stark...I miss Arya and The Hound.

Drac0's picture

I am upset about Jon Snow's death. Next to Tyrion, he's my favorite character....

But, my hat's off to Kit Harrington filling in that role. Wonderful, WONDERFUL actor.

Any movie he plays in, I will run out to see it.

omgstop's picture

Kit NAILED that far as I can tell since I haven't finished the books. Did you see the Jimmy Kimel interview where three guys from the webz did their impressions of Jon Snow? Freaking HILARIOUS!

omgstop's picture

Well I was secretly thinking that he didn't "look" totally *dead* sooooo yeah


Also I miss Oberon terribly. I luffed heem.

omgstop's picture

I was seriously in a BAD MOOD after watching the season finale Sunday LOL


DH: *stiffled giggling*

And NO I got no joy from Cierce's "Walk of Shame" BECAUSE SHE IS STILL ALIVE.

Drac0's picture

You would have loved me and DW watching Cierce's walk of shame

DW: "Why are her tits weird?"

Me: "Heh heh....boobies."

DW: "They don't look real. What's wrong with them?"

Me: "Heh heh....boobies."

DW: "That's all you care about isn't it?"

Me: "huh?"

DW: "You don't care that they're weird boobies!"

Me: "I don't see anything wrong with them."

DW: "LOOK! *Picks up PVR recorder and rewinds.* There! See! They're weird!"

Me: "Uh....Nope. I missed it. You want to rewind again?"

DW: "Perv!"

Me: "You're the one obssessing! Why am I a perv?"

omgstop's picture

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA .... dh looked expectantly at me like, "Ha? Walk of Shame, ha? Right? Good stuff, Cierce getting humilitated!"

All I could do was GLARE.

My poor dh lol

Boobies. LOL.

HungryEyes's picture

Ciercy being alive. Sure. Whatever.

WHY DOES RAMSAY BOLTON get to stay alive? UGH! That makes me so mad. I can't WAIT for him to die. And they take Jon Snow first? In a cowardly way? He didn't even get a hero's ending - just trickery bullshit.

I am still so pissed off. And now we are officially caught up with the books.

omgstop's picture

Agreed. However I am PLEASED AS PUNCH that Myranda got tossed off something other than Ramsay's weiner for once.

omgstop's picture

Fun bags....hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa

Unfreakingreal's picture

In the books, Jon Snows death is left open. Yes, he was stabbed in the back but they didn't say he died. I am more upset about it because I was SURE Jon Snow was actually a Targaryen. I can't wait to see what they come up with in the next book and season. I am glad that Reek finally helped Sansa and threw that crazy bitch off the wall.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Yes, I told my DH "thats not what really happened, they sent a fake Arya to marry that nut job."

Maybe when they cremate him he doesn't burn??? But he said he is NOT coming back. He has done a few interviews and said that he is gone for sure.