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Parent / teacher conferences - together or separate?

emily's picture

The X is generally unbearable and you all know exactly what I mean! Is it okay to have separate meetings? Do teachers generally allow that? How do we ask without making it sound like we're asking for special treatment (and more work for the teacher) because we're too childish? And without sounding like we're trying to cut the biomom out or be petty/competitive with her? I'm a new stepmom with no kids of my own and this is my first time with parent teacher conferences. My husband has joint custody with visitation evenly split.

If we can't hold separate meetings, do I go? On the one hand, I am just as much a part of the child's life as she is (joint custody evenly split) and I want to show my new step-son and his teacher that I'm a support in his life. I do homework and projects with him and I really want to hear the teacher's perspective on his progress. But on the other hand, I'm worried that me being there will make the X competitive and tense and the focus will be off our son. I don't want my step-son to have to see that tension at his meeting about his accomplishments. So maybe I should back out. But then I worry it will send the wrong message to the X if I'm not there, like she's bullied me out.

Any thoughts?

Fashionista's picture

We never did try to hold seperate parent/teacher conferences, but it was definitely nerve-rattling the 1st time I wanted to go. I am in the same boat you're in w/ no kids of my own & share 50/50 joint custody. I definitely didn't go before we got married, but the very 1st one that was offered & we had been married about 4 months (SS was 10 at the time)I went. I made sure that I held my tongue, smiled & acknowledged the teacher, but didn't even make eye contact with BM. DH & I e-mailed the teacher that night, making sure that he had our e-mail. The next conference, she didn't even show up. The teacher always e-mailed us if there was a question/problem & it was like she never existed.
So personally, I definitely would go. You'll always wonder the what-if's unless you go & stand your ground. Show SS & BM that your a SM that's here to stay!