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Parenting Fail

iqrt's picture

This summer break thing is exhausting.

I can't wait for school to start. We have her for 2 weeks before school starts and we haven't even gotten through one week yet and I have completely lost my mind. She's 6 and her dad works nights, so he sleeps during the day. This puts me as full time child care provider. Yay?

It wouldn't be so bad really if she was a decent kid, but I'm pretty sure a box of rocks is smarter, and probably a lot quieter too.

When does common sense kick in? Because seriously, this is nuts. I'm so tired of answering questions like, "Where does this trash go?" (put it in the trash) and "There's something in my way! What should I do?!" (move it...)

I'm so tired of hearing her grunt and moan about how hard it is to put her shoes on, or carry her laundry basket to the laundry room. (Seriously, the thing weighs less than a pound when full.. come on..)

Tonight I asked her to go brush her teeth and so she sits in the bathroom for 30 minutes pretending to brush her teeth, and then I told her to go to bed and No. There would be no story and no, I'm not going to tuck her in and give her hugs and kisses. That is for kids who do what they are told.

Then she spends the next 30 minutes sobbing loudly about how nobody loves her and she misses her other family..

Then I went in her room and told her to shut up. Not my proudest moment, but there it is.
I told her I loved her but she needed to listen and do as she is told, and I don't feel like giving her hugs and kisses when she's not listening.

I freaking hate this. I can't wait until her dad's days off so I can catch a break.

nemeneme89's picture

im sure everyone has times where they do flip i did the other day at my step son he wouldnt stop at the shops then ran near the road and i had put up with enough and i smacked him put him in the car an yelled at him that he was naughty an driving me insane and that if he ever did that again he could get hit by a car and die bit harsh maybe should of sugar coated that part but my point is we all have times were we say things we shouldnt say because we get frustrated