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Blossom88's picture

I have been with my significant other for about 10 years, 9 of which the children were aware of me.  My husband and I have never kept pets (for various reasons), but his ex always has an animal or two around.  These animals always seem to "pass" at a time the children are with us and we have to deal with the initial fallout.  Tonight (Christmas Eve) is such an example.  Is it out of line to request that she just wait to mention it until it had to be addressed?

SteppedOut's picture

Wtf. A pet "passed away" TONIGHT?! 

Does bm strictly obtain geriatric animals for the kids? 

Blossom88's picture

I know one pet was put down for a behavioral issue, another due to age.  This one, husband didn't ask, so don't know how or when.  Just always that she lets the news out and wants us to deal with it

Blossom88's picture

I know one pet was put down for a behavioral issue, another due to age.  This one, husband didn't ask, so don't know how or when.  Just always that she lets the news out and wants us to deal with it

MisplacedMom's picture

We deal with the same thing.  Pretty sure at this point SS has had every pet imaginable at BM's house.  Either they die while SS is at our house and BM must call and tell him, or they die RIGHT before SS comes over.  Of course the replacement pet is always acquired with the same timing, either hours before SS comes over or "scheduled" to happen as soon as he goes back And not like "We'll get it Sunday.", always "We'll go as soon as you come home."  So SS then begs to go back because "We're getting a new thing as soon as I go back!".  With the last puppy BM picked it up the day before SS was to come to our house for the week, then requested SS have extra days at her house to bond with the dog.  Let me tell you, he was a fun kid the week we "took him away from his new puppy".

I don't think it's out of line to request that the news wait, but I doubt she honors your request.  If the bad things always happen when the kids are at your house it just fuels her narrative.

Lady.Tremaine's picture

"we're getting a new thing as soon as I come home"

Pretty sure I just vomited into my mouth. How do these BMs teach a kid about the value of Life/ responsibility of an animal by getting a replacement immediately after ?!?

OP- you can try to have a conversation but let's face it: nothing will fix BMs crazy. I probably wouldn't waste the energy.

Rags's picture

Nope, death of a pet, obscure relative, close family friend, etc, etc, etc......  does not interfere with visitation.

Do not inform the Skids of the death. The CO can do that when the kid returns to the CP's tender attention.


Or ..... I suppose the the tender thing to do would be to replace the deceased pet while the Skid is with you.  Send the Skid back to the other parent with the replacement pet and steal the manipulative parent's thunder.




Beat BM at her own game while being sensitive and supportive of the Skid regarding the loss.  

Monkeysee's picture

Just another horrible parent who never should have had kids making sure to ruin his time with Dad so she can ‘win’ the sick game she’s playing. I honestly wish people needed a license to procreate.