providing a child with all their needs and WANTS? ??
I just went to vent. When I was a child, my parents provided me with all my needs. Food, clothes and shelter. If I had a want, I sometimes would get it and sometimes I would not. I was taught that I would not get everything I WANTED and I certainly didn't get anything for bad behavior.
Fast forward 20 years. My SO believes that since he did not receive every WANT when he was kid, that his kids deserve everything they want, which includes Xbox, Ninentdo Wii, Playstation, an IPod Touch at 12 yrs old, a flat screen tv at 4 yrs old and the newest cell phone at 14 yrs old.
Hell, these kids have more then me and I'm 29 years old and have worked for everything that I have! His kids are rewarded for their bad behavior. They have never had to help out with chores around the house and they never had to show any manners or respect towards me. They don't even say "hello" to me. SO's DS12 has been acting up and misbehaving for BM2 and he is rewarded with a trip to Washington D.C. WTF?
SO acts like if he doesn't give his brats everything they WANT, then CPS is going to come after him and BMs.
Anyone else going through this? How do you deal with it?
don't put yourself out there
don't put yourself out there and help him give away your money what they don't deserve. my skids are takers and manipulators. they are good at getting!! and they find it offensive when we don't play along. hah ha haha