RE: HELP! Impossible, Manipulative Ex-Wife
My husband's ex-wife can and will stir up any trouble that she can. It is never ending and frankly starting to really weigh hard on me. I hate the constant conflict and I'm just over it.
Husband and I agreed to have absolutely no verbal communication with her as she never sticks to her word and manipulates words and it always ends in conflict and has even caused issues in our marriage. Husband is well aware of how strongly I feel about this issue. I feel that she stirs up conflict because he/we allow her to. We are playing into her games and giving her just the attention she wants. Whenever she can get my husband alone at exchanges, etc, she takes the opportunity to bad mouth me. She does not know me and she does not know anyone that knows me. I'm upset as my husband gave her nearly an hour of his time today to argue about her bad mouthing me. My point is, no verbal contact. We have agreed upon this. She always turns these verbal conversations around on us and him as there is nothing firm in writing to hold her accountable. I feel betrayed and as though my feelings mean nothing as he continues to allow her to do this.
Frankly, I do not care what she or her friends think of me. I do not have skeletons in the closet and know who I am as a wife, a mother, and a professional. I have nothing to hide and their words do not hurt me. I am an adult, no time for their games. Yet, he plays right along. Husband and I got into a huge argument today over him giving her the time a of day and it ended with him saying, "Maybe you are the controlling person that they claim you are!' This is my whole point, they win! They have placed some doubt about me. It's unjust and unfair. I don't deserve this. I'm beside myself. I feel betrayed and alone
Although I understand what
Although I understand what you are saying regarding a manipulative ex- and although I'm sure she does always turn those verbal conversations around on him, personally, I can't help but say, WAY TO GO: "husband gave her nearly an hour of his time today to argue about her bad mouthing me." I can't tell you how many women on these pages would absolutely love to have their husbands make any kind of attempt to defend them like that.
Thank you for reaffirming my
Thank you for reaffirming my feelings as I feel like they have been disregarded period. It's a really rough place to be in. However, I will not be in a marriage of three. I deserve better than this. If it's that important to him, then honestly, he shouldn't be married to me
You know what my husband told
You know what my husband told BM the first and last time she tried to bring me up to him?
"I don't EVER want to hear not2sure's name come out of your mouth." Then he hung up on her.
Are you still doing the
Are you still doing the exchanges the way you and husband were in June when you last posted about this same topic? If not, how are exchanges being done now?
No, I have disengaged from
No, I have disengaged from absolutely all contact and communication with this Crazy as this way there should be nothing to blame me for.
He sounds like he is getting
He sounds like he is getting something from the hour long verbal exchanges... Otherwise he wouldn't participate.
Husband's ex was very
Husband's ex was very manipulative, instilling lies in her boys's heads. The boys would come back from her house and tell us what she had said and we'd have to correct and try to undo everything they were told. I told husband many times that he needed to talk to her about these issues because they were effecting the boys and the way they perceived us, they believed their mom and followed what their mom told them. I think they feared disappointing her or making her angry. Husband never said a word to his ex about the mind games she played with the boys and well, they magnetted to the manipulator, liar (their mom) one adults and on their own.
My ex husband did that and I
My ex husband did that and I complained to the FOC . His visitation was removed more then once. And once for a year. Parents can't hurt children like that. I would not allow it.
Always make detailed notes with dates and times. Sounds like mental abuse. No matter of talking to her helps. Time to let the court know.
That's my opinion.
My children came home so distraught from visitations. I'm glad that part of my life is over.