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Repost: FSD in ICU from drinking's picture

What a weekend from hell, FSD15 wanted to go to the beach late Saturday afternoon, FDH dropped her off and off we went to a wedding reception. FDH got a call and was all panicked, someone heard from someone that FSD15 was convulsing at the beach and is at the hospital. WTF????

WE get to the county hospital and theres an unidentified female that just came in, she was found at the beach ALONE and was so intoxicated she was having trouble breathing on her own, couldn't hold her head up or move her body and was choking on her own vomit. It was in fact my FSD15.

She had tubes down her throat helping her breathe, she had a tube pumping out her stomach and she was cold, there was acid in her blood (the kind of acid when your body starts to shut down) and she almost died. She was in intensive care for awhile and got moved. Thank god there is no permanent damage and she will be ok. WTF was she doing????!!!!!!

Apparently, "someone" (She WILL NOT tell us how she got the bottle or where) got her a bottle for her birthday. She kept it at her cousins house (she's still denying but cousin admitted she brought it but it was FSD's) and she met her cousin(frm BMs side) at the beach and she drank ALOT in a short amount of time. Her blood alcohol was .22

A long time friend on FDH recognized FSD15 and went up to her and noticed how drunk she was and thought she was breathing funny and called the ambulance She tried getting ahold of FDH but had his old #. Her friends AND her cousin left her on the beach alone. The police and ambulance found her foaming at the mouth face down. Now there's contradicting stories a little bit bc her cousin says she was told to leave so she didn't "get in trouble" and FDH friend says everyone left her. they were trying to sit her up by a tree then dragged her by the water to "Wake her up" and were laughing about it like it was a joke. If the ambulance was called why was she found ALONE???????

I guess you really don't realize how much you care about someone until you almost lose them. And it broke my heart seeing my FDH. I have so many mixed emotions. Thank GOD she's ok, hard lesson to learn. And While I"m so grateful she's ok, I'm so angry! How stupid!!!!! I knew she was up to no good and had way too much freedom. FDH NEVER thought she would drink or betray his trust like this. WEll, now it's time to get your head out of the sand and give FSD15 some RULES.

WE stayed all night and day, no sleep. She was convulsing in her sleep and while we were at her bedside, BM showed up late, stayed for 15 min and went home to change. Was gone a long time. came back, sat with her for an hour and took the "family" room so her and her bf could sleep . R u kidding me?? She was gone for atleast 4 hours and came back just in time when the nurses woke FSD up and took her off propofol. Ummm when your child almost died and you have no idea if she is going to have permamnent damage, she's shaking in the bed convulsing with tubes down her throat and her eyes rolled in the back of her head and u leave as soon as you get there to change???? then you go to sleep???? R u fucking serious?????? What is wrong with her?? then of course when FSD wakes up shes crawls in bed with her and acts like shes been there the whole time. OMG, we were so irritated. FDH HATES her

So i kinda feel all over the place. Mixed emotions, I'm so glad she's ok. When bad things happen it puts thing into perspective like whats important and whats not. FDH is a hot mess and just keeps thinking he almost lost his baby so he's babying her and coddling her, shes giving food and drink orders everytime we leave and come back. FDH now wants her fulltime so her mom won't let her run around. I do understand, I would probley be the same way if it was my BD but at the same time I really don't think he should baby her that much. This is a hard lesson to learn and it's a super serious one. Shes laying in the hospital bed watching cable, reading magazines and eating snacks daddy brought her while he's waiting on her, giving back and foot rubs while she's complaining of how bored she is. And I'm not exaggerating.

I'm so annoyed.

I have no idea whats gonna happen now? FDH talks of no freedom, no sleepovers, and how she has to earn all the trust back. We'll see how the follow through is, I know how scared he was so he wants to protect her. This is gonna be tough.

I feel a little selfish for being annoyed, she should be bored and she should have some time alone to sit and think about what she did!!!! FDH just keeps thinking how he can't live without her and is beside her every second. She's going home today to her moms house and FDH is really upset. He wants her with us.

How would you handle this???'s picture

Will do! Yup, I just focus on my BD and hope everything works out for them, it's really hard seeing my FDH like that though Sad
And it's really really hard to have my fdh who wants me involved and for me to not be involved, ya know????

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

My opinion is this. If you are there in situations like this you are there as a support for your future husband. You can't worry about his ex and how she acts as that will just drive you BONKERS.

The girl made a very, very bad decision in which she could have died. If both bio parents are not on board with what to do with her discipline-wise, it will not be successful.'s picture

It's so frustrating! Thats just my opinion of her from what I saw! Her and I are cordial, I just can't believe how cold she was when she didn't even know the outcome of her daughter

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I wonder...will the state step in because of this? She was hospitalized and I wonder if juvenile services will step in and mandate something?'s picture

agreed, I really don't think she "gets" how serious this was. If she's not scared enough to rat out who ever got the bottle and is still making up lies I'm pretty sure she's just going to continue to make bad decisions.'s picture

Yes, I have just been there to support FDH and I'm really glad she's ok. I haven't even offered my opinion on what to do with her now besides the obvious that she has too much freedom. FDH wants her in treatmeant and we were there (of course) and ex was not when social services came up. She wanted to know how she got the alcohol and to make sure dad wasn't ok with it. She chewed FSD's ass!!!! made her cry and told her FDH has every right to be angry and not want her around her cousin and frankly, FDH should call CPS on any adult that has a minor and allows them to drink (bm's side, FSD cousin).

FDH wants her in outpatient but I looked into some places for him and they told me that parents don't have the expertise to decide what their child needs. She's needs an evauation and THEY will decide whether she needs inpatient or outpatient. I'm honestly hoping she gets inpatient bc she will have to attend counseling and therapy classes as well to deal with the other issues she has, I think it will be more beneficial????'s picture

Oh yea, and the EX told everyone that FSD took the alcohol from our house............When the cousin already admitted she brought the bottle! Whats that about????

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

If she reports that to any authority or says it again I'd slap a slander charge on her so fast her head would spin. Your SO may want to make that clear NOW to her. (We had to do that with my husband's exwife as well years ago).

Your husband should also file a police report on the person that gave her the alcohol.'s picture

Thank you, I'll let him know. It pissed me off. It didn't come from our house and what really irritates me is they are all so busy pointing fingers they need to hold FSD15 accountable for the decision SHE made!

FSD15 won't tell us who bought it or where she got it, she just keeps saying she got it for her birthday and her cousin held it for her........BULLSHIT!!!
So we can't file anything until we find out the truth and who knows if we will

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Not going to happen, she will not be held accountable. This will end up being a poor SD is a victim situation. Just make sure you aren't on the receiving end of the blame.'s picture

You are right it's already starting and FDH is already feeling guilty about not being able to hold her hand 24/7 bc she's about to be released and she's going to her moms......... He was going to take her out to lunch to her fav place but she hasn't been released yet and he has to pick me up so now he feels bad..........FML's picture

Thank u so much, I have been praying and will continue 2 do so. I'm trying to b gentle with him yet realistic. He will probley see he was doing no favors when she doesn't change. I'm afraid she's enjoying all this love and attention she's getting

Orange County Ca's picture

Jesus you hear about stuff like this but I've never actually "known" someone who went through it. Too bad someone didn't video the kid while some of this was going on. It would have made a impact. Now she can assume that the medics can pull her out of any messes she makes.

Unless the girl realizes she needs help there is nothing to be done and a waste of money.

As other have advised stay out of this. You're powerless and a newbee here.