SD Would Be Different If DH Had Divorced BM a Long Time Ago..He Says...
...but I cannot agree with that.
DH told me that he feels 19yoSD wouldn't be the lying manipulator she is today if he had put a better influence in his daughter's life a long time ago. me..he stayed in a marriage with a spouse that cheated and disrespected him horribly..and his daughter watched the master at work and slowly became her mother. Didn't happen overnight..took some time, but it happened.
What I tried to tell him is that BM will ALWAYS be an influence. I don't care if he had went out and gotten Snow White as a girlfriend for a while..her clean image wouldn't be able to compete with the excitement of SD's mother. My SS wouldn't be swayed either. They are BOTH convinced mommy does no wrong. And it's mainly because she SAYS she does no wrong.
It does not matter how good of an influence you put in your child's life, their biological parent will somehow overshadow things. Especially if she's a master like our BM. And how she is totally the master. If I give her any credit, it's that. She could manipulate a blind, deaf, and mute person without breaking a sweat. And SD has become the same way.
Face it...BM IS their mother. She gave birth to them. She has her kids convinced she's dying of cancer...which is a HUGE lie..she was so mistreated by my DH in her marriage according to her and her kids honestly believe their father is a jealous, controlling man. They have told me that a few times. I ask them why they think it and they say because of the huge fights their parents used to get into. It was always because my DH was an out of control jealous crazy man. I've never seen that side of him..ever.
When I've talked to DH about it, he said most of their fights were where he found his ex in compromising positions and she tried to put it back on of his relatives told me once about how one of his son's young friends was over when my DH was married to the BM and he watched as she flirted with an underage boy and had the boy really convinced she was sexually wanting him..DH came home from work and found the 2 of them practically groping each other. DH threw a fit and threw the kid out and went off on his ex wife. These are the kinds of things he had in his life with this woman..and many people saw how he struggled with her and his marriage.
So there is NO way in hell that another woman could have saved his daughter..I just don't believe it. They are as thick as thieves and I think she would jump off the nearest bridge if mommy asked her to. BM will ALWAYS be an influence on that girl no matter what.
Let's face DH and I make each other extremely happy. And you'd think his daughter would be ecstatic that her father found a woman that treats him so well. But because she really believes her mother she doesn't see me as the person that helped him live again. Because of her mother's influence, she sees me as the person who took her daddy away.
IT'S ALL SHE KNOWS..the disfunction. As long as her mother was treating her father badly she could function. She could center herself in the drama because that's where she shined the most. Her parents didn't have a good relationship so SD pretty much got away with murder. Now that her dad is happy and settled in a relationship with me and there's no drama..I feel SD doesn't know her place anymore. So she's happiest being around her mother because drama follows her everywhere. Because her dad no longer has her mother's disfunction in his life, SD's lies and manipulations are VERY prominent. She outshines our happiness but not in a good way...make sense?
And I honestly think she's lost in the world that has become hers. She no longer has the safely net she had when she was younger. And add to that she's now married with a baby...and then married into a family that I can tell won't take at all kindly to her lies and manipulations...well let's just say my SD is either gonna spiral out of control because her BS just won't be tolerated and she so desperately needs that...or she's going to end up growing up out of all this.
Time will tell I guess...
Wow that was great
Wow that was great reading...and I totally agree with you....the only part I don't is that why dad sat back so long and watched it happen? I know when kids are in 2 different homes they hear and they see things....but dad should have put the daughter in her place along time ago instead of feeling sorry for her! I came into a relationship where the kids heard from mom that dad was a worthless piece of cheating shit...that he was staying out late cheating on her...or that we can't go anywhere because dad has the car...blah blah blah hindsight she was the cheater(no didnt get my info from him but many others who knew this couple well) she was the one who used everyone and anything she came in contact with...when she left dad and moved to whoevers else she wanted for that month she always took the kids...thinking oh im a good B@tch you did that using your kids because you knew that person wouldnt just take you in but did it because of the kids...or that church didnt feel sorry for just you but because you had those kids..
My SD10 has been out of that negative for 2 was killed one night well she was ripping the mustang(car)..per her text with her ex husbands brother and some other older man..all were high as a kite and drunk...the ex husbands brother and her both were killed(lucky for the kids ...their dad got custody back 2 mths before this)or they would have been killed too! But mom is still mom and she did no wrong it was all dad! But today without that woman in their lives...the daughter is still learning that lying isnt right and stealing isnt right...and it took me putting the rules of this family on big neon green poster boards on my kitchen wall before dad stepped in to make a change for the better in his daughters life!
Great replies ladies! I
Great replies ladies!
I actually DH is just as guilty as the BM in our case. I've watched him and his exwife coddle their children to the point I want to be sick. His kids are 18 and 19 and they call their parents "Mommy" and "Daddy". I've watched his 18yo son cry as my DH yelled at him for not cleaning his room. For cleaning his freaking!! Then watched him go call "Mommy" who drove down and picked him up on the disguise of her son 'having a bad day'. Yea..because his dad enforced rules on him...God forbid these 2 kids get told to behave.
I've watched my DH go completely apeshit on his son for leaving dirty dishes in our basement for days..crusted and food and totally disgusting. But then...ALSO watched my DH WASH those very same dishes. Yesterday morning my SS knocked on our bedroom door early..asked "Daddy" for a pair of socks..said he has been wearing the same pair for days..turning them inside out. Well...if you look in the laundry room you'd see about a month's worth of SS's laundry. I guess our maid went on strike. I have refused to do his laundry since we all moved in together. He is an 18yo old man. Completely and utterly ridiculous! If SS would get his lazy ass in gear and wash HIS clothes, maybe he'd have a freaking pair of socks. Or is that too much to ask when he'd rather run with his buddies and play video games? Guess so. So I watch my DH wash ALL his own clothes along with my SS's. And put them away on hangers. And fold them. And sort socks. My DH works 3rd shift and is tired a lot..and I'd help him with his laundry. But only if SS's NEVER got thrown in which it always conveniently does. So - DH is on his own on his laundry since he can't get his lazy ass son to do any.
He created the mess he can live with it.
DH is blind to sooooooo much about his daughter too. He wants to see her as the 'princess' he once knew. But what he doesn't want to see is that his princess was having sex at 15 (or before), has cheated on most guys she's been with, has stolen from him and other family members, lies right to his face without batting an eyelash, would probably slash his throat if he came into a large sum of money...and so on and so on...
I almost used to feel sorry for how he so wanted to see her. As the young innocent. I honestly don't know who makes me ill more..him or his ex wife. Ill meaning how much they look the other way on their kids. I love him dearly but he's clueless. And no matter how he tries to pretty it up, he DID allow the BM to hang around in his life when he shouldn't have. He allowed her to spoil his daughter's mind by letting his daughter see him keeping an open door to her mother.
When BM has tried to start things in our marriage..I reminded him in a surefire hurry that because he didn't know how to tell the BM to go to hell that now I was having to deal with her sorry ass. My ex knew when I was done because I told him to go to hell and gave him a map. He has not done 1 thing to try to hurt our marriage and I know that he won't because he knows better. BM does not because DH has been lenient on her due to the 'kids'. Who in turn played "Mommy" and "Daddy" like extra large fiddles.
And probably always will.![Wink](
"Yesterday morning my SS
"Yesterday morning my SS knocked on our bedroom door early..asked "Daddy" for a pair of socks..said he has been wearing the same pair for days..turning them inside out. "
Am I reading this right? 18 years old???