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Semi OT--Who else is having a bad day? What is causing yours?

Triggerfishgal's picture

Got married Saturday (yey). BM drops SS8 off at DH's office for him to babysit for the day. We assumed she would pick him up right after she got off work tonight, say around 5:15. I get an IM from DH, saying "Oh, BM is picking SS8 up at 7pm." I ask "any reason why then and not after work?" "Don't know, didn't ask, didn't want to make an issue of it because that's pretty early." Oh. Excuse me, I'm sorry. I just wanted to spend the evening snuggling with my new husband, since we couldnt go on a honeymoon, since we are financially strapped. Maybe finish the movie we started last night, enjoy the quiet since I got 2 hours sleep last night worrying about my doctor's appointment this morning. No, sure, that's fine that she picks him up "around 7," since we both know it will likely be at least 7:30 before she comes over. It's fine that 1 day after our vows, you are still rolling over and conceding to her wishes, to keep from rocking the boat. I'll just roll over too, and we can be trained puppies together, sweetie! Right, nuh uh, not this redneck girl. Wife # 3 will be at the tanning bed relaxing and getting some skin cancer, then filling her Zoloft prescription that I now have to be on, thanks to the stress your ex-wife and child cause my body to react to.

Ok, my reason for being in a bad mood today. Thanks for letting me vent. Next?

SusiQ's picture

I'm not in a bad mood due to anything skid related - I'm just a little ticked at DH and work is driving me nuts.

But mine has nothing on your day!

j-dog's picture

I just found out that next week is the LAST week of sports practice on skid-night. After that, sports practice is ALL on nights skid is with BM. The only's on two nights where DH CANNOT POSSIBLY go....otherwise, he would. I cannot even IMAGINE the sort of "upset" I would be, if I had to deal with one evening/week with the skid, and then have DH off to watch her practice (with BM) another day/week. "alone time" night is now....gone. Waaaahhhhh!!!!!