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Sick of being spoken down to and changing of goalposts

SJ4567's picture

I have two step kids and one baby BD. We're forever dealing with the stress of OHs criticism and desperate need to control us and communicate with us. Our history is that she and my OH had a very difficult relationship. Her behaviour towards my OH ended up giving him an anxiety disorder. He's never wanted to spend time with her since they split up and gets stressed in her presence. Although he tried to be friendly initially, for fear of losing his children, she was really unfair to him when they split. He had them almost half the time and yet she insisted on keeping all the benefits they were entitled to at the time, all the child benefit and also expecting him to give her extra money, which he refused to give her routinely but would give her bits of extra money when she was stuck. She treated him like a babysitter and would badger him constantly including phoning him at work all the time. 

When I came along, on the surface she was friendly asking us to spend time with her and her partner but this was the last thing my partner wanted. She was obsessed with us being a 'blended family', but what had become very apparent was this means to her that she just wanted to boss us about, treat us like lackeys and regularly offer not so veiled criticism of our parenting. This came to a head this year at which point I pulled myself out of the WhatsApp chat the four coparents shared as she was causing us too much stress. I shouldn't have been involved in communications with her at all but she was very keen to involve me and I was trying to do my best to make things work. But nothing we do is ever good enough for her and I'm not sure why she thinks we need her approval or care for her criticisms. 

She's always made a big deal of having them slightly more than us. We have them 46% of the time. We've said that we would take responsibility for them on Wednesdays to balance it out to 50/50. But she has ignored this and has asked numerous times that we  reassure her that our 'arrangement' (contact time) won't be changed by us. We've said it won't and that we need that consistency too. She often suggests we take them for extra time as hoc  but we want simple split care to minimise our dealings with her and keep things simple. She says she has the majority of the expensive times with them but this isn't true. We have them for the same amount of weekend time with them as she does and it's her choice what she does with them in her time; she can make it as cheap as expensive as suits her. 

On Saturday my partner received a handover email suggesting he took the kids to their dental check up this Wednesday during her time with them. It was the first we'd heard of it. My OH said he couldn't as he was working which she knows! I'm on maternity so she probably was trying to get me to do it. A favourite game of hers, bossing me around, especially when it relates to my car (I'm the only driver in the famil). We're happy to take the kids to any appointment but she has always been pretty controlling of things like this and has taken responsibility for them. Although we do things like take them to medical appointments during our time with them and go to school events in the day and when we can (even though neither of us wants to have to be around her). She works from home much of the time and so it's easier for her to get to school events. This is the email my OH received. Her tone is fairly standard for her. On the surface polite but using handover to point out my partners and mine failings (in her view). We'll do more but my OH has never said he wouldn't! Don't want to change contact times as we've offered before and she's wanted things to stay the same until now when it appears, pretty unreasonably, that she has a bee in her bonnet because she expected my OH to not go to work on Wednesday to take them to an appointment  he knew nothing about before now! All this makes you really anxious as she's often unreasonable like this and you worry how things are going to go if you don't do as she said. Any advice, about the email contents below or in managing the anxiety BM causes. I feel like all this stress affects our time with the kids, how 'present' we are, and just taints everything. 



I know you are very sure that you do 50/50 shared care. And you know I have said before that based on everything we do and also the drop off times (you drop off v early and pick up late afternoon) that it really isn't the case. 


Things like dentists, doctors appts, haircuts, going to assemblies on a Fri - these are all part of parental care and as such if a parent is doing 50/50 care then 50/50 of this stuff is part of it. 


We do not begrudge doing this stuff at all! Work is re arranged for assemblies,  Drs appts and dentist appts. I took Xxxx for a haircut today as she desperately needed one. Same with Xxxxa few months ago. 


More colloboration and sharing of these things as part of 50/50 shared care would be greatly appreciated. Also a look at your pick up and drop of times, especially during holidays to ensure that you are 50/50.



tog redux's picture

"I am unable to take them as I'm working that day."  Then Ignore. He's already told her he can't do it.  She's just being manipulative and bossy.

He needs to cut down his communication with her by 95%, just answer briefly what needs to be answered and let it go.  She won't ever be reasonable and it's pointless to hope for that.  And who cares if it's 50/50 or not? If she needs 4% more time to feel like the superior parent, let her have it.  But don't jump through any more hoops to help her out.

And YOU are not obligated to do anything for the kids or speak to her at all. Let him handle that stuff, he knocked her up, he can deal with her.


SJ4567's picture

Thanks tog redux. There doesn't appear to be anything he actually needs to reply to, just her venting. Did think we should just ignore it, but then you worry that will inflame things. OH happy to do more stuff like appointments with kids but not happy with her expecting us to have them more at weekends because she said she wanted it to stay that way previously. Worried she's not going to let it go but I suppose need to think what's the worst that can happen. I can't see her refusing contact if she doesn't get her own way. Just get sick of constantly have to think about how to handle her and what her next move will be. We just want to parent and enjoy the kids on our time. We'd like her to do the same and stop concerning herself all the time with what we're up to when we are doing our best by the kids. 

SJ4567's picture

Thanks tog redux. There doesn't appear to be anything he actually needs to reply to, just her venting. Did think we should just ignore it, but then you worry that will inflame things. OH happy to do more stuff like appointments with kids but not happy with her expecting us to have them more at weekends because she said she wanted it to stay that way previously. Worried she's not going to let it go but I suppose need to think what's the worst that can happen. I can't see her refusing contact if she doesn't get her own way. Just get sick of constantly have to think about how to handle her and what her next move will be. We just want to parent and enjoy the kids on our time. We'd like her to do the same and stop concerning herself all the time with what we're up to when we are doing our best by the kids. 

tog redux's picture

She isn't going to ever be reasonable, so just learn to manage her. Ignoring won't inflame things, responding is what keeps it going. Stick to the schedule and give her only brief response to what she asks, without engaging in all the other nonsense.

BM "You claim to want 50/50 when it's convenient for you, but now you won't step up and be an active parent when asked to be. I'm sadly disappointed in the situation.  I really need you to step up and take her to more appointments."

DH: "I am unavailable to take her on this Wednesday."

Don't engage with the other crap.  The style is called BIFF:  "Brief, Informative, Friendly and Firm",  Don't go in circles with her, just reply to anything that requires a reply.   If it doesn't require a reply, then don't give one.

Cover1W's picture

Wow, that email could have been written by my SDs BM. The tone is the same. I advise DH to stick to only the facts and don't engage with the snarky comments she makes. He gets all upset and inevitably engages (to prove he's caring) ... Then he's upset. And she "proves" her point.

Just either don't answer or give a yes/no

strugglingSM's picture

DH would get emails like this all the time and he doesn't even have 50/50. BM would repeatedly complain that she had to do everything while DH did nothing. The latest was to express her anger and "disappointment" that neither DH nor I will take a week off from work to take SSs to school so she and her SO can go on vacation during the school year.

The part about her wanting to show she does more and has more than 50/50 is purely for money. The part about her wanting you all to be friends is purely about her desire to continue to control your DH.

SJ4567's picture

Thanks everyone. It's just never ending. Feel like naughty school children, the way she speaks to us (well now my OH as I'm no longer in direct contact). You feel like you can't have an authentic family life for all her meddling, criticism,  manipulation and omnipresence. Which I suppose is exactly what she wants. You have to wonder what this does to her though. Surely she can't be in any way happy that she needs to play these games all the time and constantly focuses on what we're up to rather than focus on her own life. She wants every boundary blurred. Recently mocked us after we moved home close to hers and the kid's school for saying that we wanted to do handovers at a neutral location. She said we would have to 'explain our position' to the children if they wanted her to come and their new home. She was invited round to my old house when my OH and the kids moved in with me but never took me up on it, before I knew what she was like. This time she was desperate to find out our new address, getting really agitated about it. We told her on the day the day we were showing the kids the house for the first time. She went straight on google maps with them and showed them where they'd be living, when of course we wanted to show them this for the first time ourselves. No big deal but this is what she's like. Super cooperative on the surface (when it suits her) but when her mask slips it's obvious how petty and controlling she is. 

Does anyone have any advice for looking after your mental health and managing stress when you've got this kind of BM in your life? I don't want to feel like this woman can at anytime spoil my day or affect my mental health. My partner is good at switching off from it but I'm not at all.

tog redux's picture

It's all about power and control for her.

Tell your SO you don't want to hear about her endless diatribes anymore, he can deal with them and just give you the need-to-know information (when will the kids be coming over, etc).

hereiam's picture

Does anyone have any advice for looking after your mental health and managing stress when you've got this kind of BM in your life?

Well, I didn't have a baby to look after, but I found that drinking helped a lot!

I have it pretty easy, now, as my SD is 28, but I've been with my DH for 23 years and he has the ex from hell. Seriously, she is Lucifer's right hand bitch.

Tog is right, the only thing that will work is to ignore her bullshit. It takes awhile for them to get it, and it can get worse before it gets better, but your OH has to let her know that she is not in control of him and that she and her every thought does not concern him.

tog redux's picture

Yes, once my DH put BM on ignore, things got better. And SS would say that she HATED that he ignored her, which made it even more fun.  Smile

But he absolutely cannot react even one time, or she will start it up again.  She wants a reaction, to know that she can still get to him - and she will know his buttons and how to push them.

We have an expression around here: Ignore the Whore. 

strugglingSM's picture

My advice on protecting your own mental health is to put up a giant wall between you and BM. Don't interact with her, don't let DH tell you about her drama, none of it. 

I also see a counselor now thanks to BM and DH's family. She validates me that BM is completely unreasonable and will always make everything about herself. That doesn't help make it better, but it does help to empower me to keep ignoring BM and to put up walls with DH's family. 

I think it would help me if DH would really work through his issues - which go back to his childhood - and really set up strong boundaries with BM, but I don't have control over that, so I have to focus on what I can control, which is my own boundaries and strengthening my own mental and emotional health. 

BethAnne's picture

He could just call the dentist and rearrange the appointment to a time when he is available to take his kid. As long as it isn't an emergency and the dentist office gets 24 hours notice this is perfectly reasonable. 

Then respond to BM with something like:

As both of us are unable to take our child to this appoitment on wednesday I contacted the dentist rebooked it for xx date when I will  be free to take her myself. I am happy to take full responsibility for coordinating the children's dental care from now on. That way I can arrange appointments in advance and ensure that I can get them there as I know my schedule. If there are other non-emergengy appointments that you would like or need me to take the children to, then please let me know and I will book them myself so as to avoid schedule conflicts. 

This is a little more confrontational than what was suggested above (which I do like as a response) but it does show that your husband is willing to take on some responsibilities without letting BM control his time.  

SJ4567's picture

Thanks everyone for the advice. Will take it all on board. Glad I've found this forum. 

Rags's picture

Since she is fond of pointing our the failings that she perceives in you and your SO at kid handover, adopt her model and start baring her ass at handover. 

This email is one that should be addressed in a face to face conversation and not in a protracted email battle.  Next hand over DH needs to let her know that he is happy to take the kids to any and all appointments that occur on his 50% of the time and even help upon occassion on her time. However, she must give reasonable and polite notice of appointments far in excess of the day before.  He needs to be clear and firm with her pointing out that her selective communication short notice manipulations will not ever be catered to and her history of badmouthing him and you will be immediately confronted with a long litany of her own parental and personal failings.

Then do it.  She is a bully and bullies will bully until someone kicks their ass.  Firguratively of course.