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Single Mom??

Ginger's picture

I am so aggrivated with the biomom right now! She has a beautiful home, a brand new car, new clothes and expensive purses all of which she can afford because of the child support we pay and she has the nerve to tell the kids that she is doing SO well for a single mom!! Uh, last time I checked a "single mom" was someone who did not get outside support. We pay the child support and then some. We also cover day care and bought most of the kids school clothes last fall. The kids think their mom is some kind of saint because she can afford all these nice things, but she never mentions how much their father does for them as well. I don't want to badmouth the biomom, but I think the kids should know how much their father contributes. In addition biomom never went to college and tells the kids that she never finished school and to look at how well she is doing. That bothers me even more. I think she tells them that because she is jealous that my fiance has his bachelors degree and will have his masters soon as well. Instead of being proud of their father I feel that the kids really dismiss his hard work and accomplishments because on the surface it appears that their "single mother" is doing just as well if not better without her degree. I also feel like the kids underestimate the importance of their education as well because of her. Can anyone else relate to this?

happy mom's picture

I'm sure the kids will grow up and see the reality of it all themselves. Not to worry too much about what the kids might be thinking right now, eventually as they age they'll really know what is going on. I can understand your feeling of disgust when you see biomom having the time of her life with money from your family. Don't think about it too much and wear yourself out with bad energy. There are things in life like court decisions we cannot change. Just like we are unhappy with the court decision on visitation days, we only see our SS 8 times a month. Hang in there Sis. What goes around comes around.

Ginger's picture

Thanks happy mom. I do hope the kids realize how hard their father has worked for them even though it appears biomom is the one taking care of things. Just last week my SD asked if we could pay for a cheerleading camp since her mother pays for everything. I just don't understand why she has to feed the children these lies in the first place. The only consolation I have is knowing that she must really be that unhappy to invest so much of her time trying to make everyone around her miserable. I, however, will not let it get the best of me.

happy mom's picture

You are very welcome Sis. I have learned that some people especially the materialistic ones are truly unhappy inside themselves. Lavishing and buying new things and to be around materialistic things is the only way for them to feel happy. It's like this desperate need of a short high or happiness because they are so unhappy inside. These people will never admit it of course, they hide themselves in this fantasy like world....pretending to be happy. Happy they got all these beautiful things around them. But if all those things are taken away, what do you have left??? A really unhappy, unsatisfied person who is looking for attention, so go shop some more. A trully happy person is someone who can live without all the materialistic, unnecessary things. Sorry for making this blob long...but I do believe that is the case with some people.