Skids tell you stories about when mom & dad were together! GAG ME!
Most of my other post relate to my SS and his BM, but this story is from one I never even worry myself over, My SD11...
Tonight I was online and my SD11 came online and was talking about her trip to the amusement park yesterday and told me she was really sunburned when I asked her what she was putting on it for treatment she says quote "all kinds of stuff, and tell daddy we tired his wet rag ideal"... I told him what she said and he said he didn't know what she was talking about so then I asked her and she began to tell me this lovely story about how mommy asked daddy to help clean out the pool and he said he would, but was afraid he would get burnt and sure enough he did and mommy said she felt so bad for him that she sat with him all night and helped him make it feel better and when he was better he said Mommy was the best nurse ever" :jawdrop:
GAG ME!!!!!! ---- I know she probably didn't mean to make me feel bad, (or did she) but I seriously wanted to vomit in my mouth!!! So of course I get mad at my husband for this and it's not even his fault!!! I hate feeling this way but I can't help myself!! Does anyone else have this reaction to those kinds of stories??? Maybe she was doing it to make me feel bad, I don't know! It's just like last week when we had her she was telling me how mommy says she looks just like her daddy. She has his hands, toes, and looks and everything... It seems to me that Daddy is ALL Mommy ever talks about even though she's married to the guy she left daddy for 10 years ago! Does it sound like that 2 u or I'm I just overreacting???
It sounds like a story BM
It sounds like a story BM told her. If this is the first time this has happened, I wouldn't say that SD did this in purpose. I do think that DH needs to have a talk with SD about how it's not appropriate to talk about stuff like that in front of you. It sounds like BM is telling SD these things and making it even harder on SD to accept the divorce. Perhaps SD would benefit from counseling to help her cope, and I definitely think DH needs to say something to BM that she's making SD's life even harder by doing this.
Thanks Ladies!! To the SD I
Thanks Ladies!! To the SD I acted like it was no big deal and I said LOL that's cute! And, I told DH that it bothered me and he said the next time she comes tell her not to tell you that stuff! NO WAY! That's not my job!! It's his job!! But that's how he has ALWAYS been with both BM's it's always me having to do the dirty work! And Plus he NEVER NEVER has any contact with SD's BM never! They haven't spoken in about 8 years. Not even when we drop off and pick up SD... and she really doesn't cause us any problems... They've been divorced since SD was just a baby and she's had one other SMom besides me, so I never thought that she might have a hard time dealing with the fact that they aren't together. That's sure something to think about. I just don't know what to think... Once when me and DH 1st got together we we're at my MIL house and my SD said something about having her fingernails painted, my MIL says ask SM and I bet she will, my SD comes off with "no, mommy will" I was like WOW! but didn't think anything else about it. My MIL is WONDERFUL and you could tell that it made her feel bad! and Wishing4asimple life I love your name for one and 2 you're exactly right!! We all have a little crazy in us!! I love it!! And, if I had seen the stick figure family I would have been painting over it! LOL!!!! Yes, I do get mad at him over stupid things like this and I'm a little self confindent. I'm always thinking he loved them more than he does me when I hear stuff like this. I know that's stupid! But I feel like I'm just a last resort and until I get over that feeling everything will always bother me I guess.
YOU need to grow up!! She is
YOU need to grow up!! She is 11 and apperently loves mommy and daddy but not you!! You should be glad she shares fond memories of her bd to her rather then talking shit about him!
It sounds like you are a very jelous sm and scared ofsomething, so suck it up and be happy your sd has 2 good bp in love or not!
My sd tells me stories and I love to hear them especially good ones of her past with mommy & daddy, know why? because I am not insecure and I love her even the parts of her that are so much like her bm the ones her bd loves the most too....
You don't have any stepkids.
You don't have any stepkids. You have two bios and you WERE a stepkid.
Good try though.
I asked you not to do this.
SS used to talk about his
SS used to talk about his "family" all of the time. It really used to bother me (thats also when he was openly trying to get his parents back together). I started ignoring it and he stopped with telling me the stories. It didn't bother me that he would talk about it, it just seemed like he was rubbing it in my face. Ignore it if it bother you or just say "oh thats nice". Don't give your true reaction.
Goodmommy you can kiss my
Goodmommy you can kiss my ass!
--- As for everyone else who responded thank you! As we all are true SP we know the hardships and struggles we each face although they may be different. I'm glad that I found this site, it gives me a place to get out my feelings that I wouldn't dare tell anyone else for the fear of being judged!!!