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So upset......wasted day! :(

Mpjcmom's picture

Ok, this is really just another vent. I know many people on this site have worse problems, so thanks in advance for "listening." Smile My SD12 has been with us since Dec. 26th (feels like forever!). I posted not long ago about how she recently stole from my BD15, lied about it to me, DH and her BM, and only confessed a few days later because she was cornered! Her punishment was losing her iPhone for 5 days, then she had all her privileges back. Grrr! Needless to say, my BD and I are not exactly "over" that! Ok, new situation -- I, being the cat lover that I am, recently took in a stray mama cat and her five kittens. My DH, although not thrilled, has been pretty tolerant of the situation. I found homes for two of the kittens already, and today almost had a home for a third. A friend of my BD's was on her way over to take kitten number 3. (I had mentioned this to my DH last night.) He told SD12 at the last minute that someone was on their way to get kitten number 3, and she burst into tears, saying that was "her cat." WTF?!? My DH came downstairs and told me that we had a problem.....that SD wanted to keep that kitten, and couldn't they take another one?? I said no, they had already worked it out with my BD that that was the one they wanted, and they were on their way to get it! Well my DH flat out said no, we had to keep that one cause SD wanted it. I was livid, being that SD is normally only over here every other weekend. And it's not like she does anything to help take care of it. There are two other kittens that are just as cute, if not cuter, and she could have kept one of those. Ugh!! So my BD has to tell her friend to forget it, she can't have that one. I am so upset....have been "disengaged" in my bedroom most of the day. I told my DH I hoped he was prepared to pay for shots and spaying of "SD's cat," because I won't be. I love my husband, but watching his little princess get her way all the time makes me sick. I'm sorry, but this child has mediocre grades and NO interests or activities other than texting and watching TV. She is already overly interested in boys, and makes inappropriate posts on her Twitter account (uses foul language and posts about guys' "hot bodies"). This kid doesn't need a kitten, she needs parenting!! DH always feels sorry for her.....says her BM doesn't pay her enough attention, etc. That may be true, but from reading this site, I know there are way worse BMs out there!! SD's BM has a full-time job, owns her own home, keeps it clean, etc. I'm thinking this may be a long few years until SD12 turns 18. Sad Thanks for reading....

Mpjcmom's picture

Love it -- my BD and I actually already thought about doing this!! Am afraid DH would know I was lying, though.....for better or worse, I am not a good liar....

Orange County Ca's picture

Parrots are worth money. Sell the damn thing.

Oh secretly you've grown attached haven't you? Comeon admit it you have. The cute little sunflower husk shucking, crapping, mouthy thing.

Mpjcmom's picture

I would say SD showed as much interest in the kittens as any 12 year old would. Hey, kittens are cute, right?? But they grow up quickly to become big cats, and then they're not so cute. Funny and so typical about your parrot! SD will probably stay interested in this kitten until the next boy comes along who shows her any attention..... :/'s picture

I would have looked right into dh's eyes as I handed the kitten over to the person coming to get it. No way would I cave into that bs. Tell him if he's gonna "wear the pants" when it comes to you, he needs to "wear the pants" when it comes to sd!

Cocoa's picture

I'd have that cat packed up and ready for step daughter to take home. kids have pets where they spend the majority of their time. It goes home with her. And by the way why are you allowing your dh to make decisions regarding your home regardless of your feelings? Are. You a child that he gets all the voting power? If my dh did this to me him, sd and the cat would be packed and ready to go

Mpjcmom's picture

Thanks to all who responded!! Believe me, I would love nothing more than to send the kitten to BM's house! I'm sure she wouldn't want it. One reason I didn't stand up more to my DH about it was that I didn't want BD's friend and her mom walking into an awkward situation, with SD crying and me and DH fighting! SD will be going back to her mom's soon (yay!) and DH is about to leave town for work, so we'll see what happens! Wink In the mean time, enjoyed a skid-free night last night and afternoon today, as she spent the night at a friend's house. DH is on his way to pick her up now though. Sigh. Sad I love my DH.....I really do...and sometimes I feel guilty that I can't love his daughter. But the truth is, I don't. Most of the time I am able to tolerate her being here....that's about all. It is what it is!!

motherof3boys's picture

Don't know if you still check this, but curious and would love an update on your relationship with SD. Is there hope??