Financially frustrated.... :(
Hello all -- this may be a bit long, and I apologize in advance! Have been an occasional poster here for about a year now, frequent lurker! My DH and I have been married almost 5 years. We have 4 children between us -- my BS18, BD15, SS19 and SD13. His kids have 2 different BMs, mine are both with my XH. My DH is basically a good man....kind-hearted, means well....but he has no job and very little money. He is 50 years old and has been unemployed for 2 months. I am 46 and a teacher. Between our combined divorces, his child support he has paid over the years (and still pays for SD13, as he should), credit card debt, etc. we basically have nothing. I am very scared and worried for our future.
For better or worse, DH and I have separate accounts. Mine is currently overdrawn. I spend very little on myself but am probably guilty of trying to do too much for my kids. My BD15 is a very high achiever -- straight A's, involved in many activities. My son is the opposite -- he has made some bad choices, and I am trying to help him "dig out" from those and have a future. My XH pays required, court-ordered child support for our daughter, but rarely helps with any additional expenses for her. I pay my own car payment, cell phone bill, etc. Luckily we own our (modest) house outright, so no worries about a mortgage payment.
I know that I personally have not managed my money the best way, and am going to have to take a second job or cut back somehow. (I have already applied for a second job online....continuing to look for more opportunities.) I think what worries me the most is my husband's laid-back attitude about it all. He says he has his résumé "out there" online, and feels certain that something will come along. I feel like he should be doing more to find a job -- going to job fairs perhaps? Knocking on doors?? I don't know....I am just so frustrated! He and SS19 were laughing uproariously a few mins ago, watching funny videos together on U-Tube. Really?!? Can he not be doing something to find a job??
I find myself looking back on my first marriage and wondering if I should have tried harder. My XH, although we obviously had our differences, was a good provider for our family. I never worried about money then. Now I do 24/7.....
Just kind of wondering if there's anyone else out there who is married but more or less "on their own" financially. Thanks for reading.
My husband does have a job
My husband does have a job but does not make much. Child support is done, thank God, but he still cannot contribute what I do to the household. I feel like I am saving for the both of us, for retirement and emergencies. He does try and wishes he could contribute more but it is frustrating at times.
What are the circumstance of your husband's unemployment? Is he getting unemployment compensation at least?
I would be very pissed that he is not trying harder to get a job. Very rarely do they just fall into one's lap.
We live within our means and bought our house based on my income only (so mortgage is reasonable) but I don't think he realizes how much I actually pay for us to live.
He grew up poor, so you'd think he'd be pretty frugal but it is quite the opposite. It's like he's trying to make up for all the things he couldn't afford (and his mother couldn't afford) when he was young. Well, guess what DH? If not for me, you would still be poor!
I have always been a pretty good saver so I don't worry about money 24/7, but I do sometimes worry that if I lost my job, he could not support us.
So, bottom line and answer to your question, yes, I pretty much feel like I am on my own financially. I have always been independent, but it sure would be nice to be taken care of for a change!
Hi hereiam -- thanks for your
Hi hereiam -- thanks for your reply. My DH worked for a major oil and gas company for 15 years before we got together. Apparently the company started making layoffs in his department, and began offering "packages" to those willing to leave voluntarily. My DH took a package and had a fair amount of cash for awhile. Unfortunately, other than paying down the mortgage, he didn't seem to invest it very wisely. Since leaving that company, he has only done contract and consulting work. His last contract job lasted for 3 years but unfortunately was based overseas, so no unemployment.
I'm sure we will get through this, but it is rough.
Sounds like you have a good financial head on your shoulders. But yes, agreed -- it would be sooo nice to be taken care of!!!