So we have court Tuesday
We finally was able to have bm served at her workplace ( she moved no phone number or address given so they couldn't find her) . She hasn't had visitation in 1.5 yrs even tho we have invited herr to our home to see her she hasn't shown her face. So anyways we had her served at work.
Apart of these papers that are served child support papers are attached and since she didn't answer the papers since August 2010 we will et backdated cs.
So guess What the genius bm does????? She quits her job to avoid paying anything for sd. Most we would have got was 80.00 a month but it would have helped out with gas money with taking HeR child to conselling and dr appointments. So now we won't get any child support at all cause if you r on social assistance you dont have to pay it. Ugh
Now isn't it funny...if you
Now isn't it funny...if you are a lazy piece of s#$%$t on social assistance, you don't have to pay CS...BUT if you had a work injury or other, were you are DISABLED, you DO have to pay that's as crazy as it can possibly get in this world of CS.
I know!! It's crazy how it
I know!! It's crazy how it is. Funny thing is the money would directly be spent on sd. Whether it be clothes or help with the psychologists appointments which cost us 125 dollars AN HOUR!!!! Not mention gas to take sd to weekly dr appt n counsellor. We also wanted to put her in a summer activity too. Ugh !!
I second that. Check to be
I second that. Check to be sure she can get away with quitting a job to avoid cs. They have a formula to calculate what someone is capable of earning and should have to pay. It is up to them to come up with the money. Especially if you know for a fact she quit her job go after her.
I think paying 80 a month is
I think paying 80 a month is good value received as opposed to having her stick her nose into every aspect of your life and pull all the stunts you read about here. Be careful of what you wish for.
I do feel sorry for the child however.
Not having a job doesn't get
Not having a job doesn't get you out of CS here.
Where I live if you are on
Where I live if you are on social assistance you are considered poverty line under n don't have to pay it. It's foolish!
Hell I'd pay 80 dollars a month NOT to have sd here n deal with the shit I have to deal with. But again she's one of those bm that shows her face one or two times a yr and considers cause she spoke to her Daughter twice this yr she is mother of the year