Sorry, my ears stop working at 8pm.
SD6 has kind of a bad habit of not going to sleep at bed time, which is 8pm around these parts.
Before she goes to bed, I ask her if she needs to use the bathroom. The answer is always, "No."
I tell her if she is not tired, she may play quietly in bed with one toy until she is ready to sleep, but she must stay in bed.
And still she's out of bed every 10-20 minutes until between 10-12.
I used to just tell her to go back to bed, which led to a million excuses about needing water, having to use the bathroom, she had a bad dream (Even though she hasn't fallen asleep yet...) etc..
But tonight, my ears stopped working at 8pm. When she came out of her room, I completely ignored her and she eventually went back to her room on her own. Here's hoping she'll stay there for the rest of the night!
What do you do to keep the kids in bed?
Yell at em.
Yell at em.
For starters don't ask her if
For starters don't ask her if she needs to go to the bathroom or if she wants a drink of water before bed. 15 minutes or so before bed time give her a drink of water and tell her its bedtime in a few minutes then when you are ready to send her to bed TELL her to go to the toilet if she says NO, tell her just try. Then send her to bed. Ignoring her when she gets up may just work. I found if you asked them a question it gave them the option of saying no. Best to make statements I think or give choices, eg: would you like to go to bed or sit in a darkend cupboard (only joking) but you get my drift. Get her to choose between what you want and something you know she doesnt want. It gives her a sense of control and helps her to make choices and you win.
The kid or DH?
The kid or DH? }:)
I raised 3 kids on my own.
I raised 3 kids on my own. Their bed time for year was NO LATER than 7pm and bedtime was bedtime. So I don't think you are a bitch. By the end of the day you need some wind down time from kids. I loved my kids, still do
But I loved bedtime more. Maybe tell her if she can't settle down at 8 you could move her bedtime to 7 or 6 hell 5pm if she wants it. By the way in your irigin post you did say you asked her if she wanted to go to the bathroom that us why I said don't ask her tell her
See dreamy30 those were
See dreamy30 those were perfect patenting days. Parents said welcome to my world little baby. Here are my rules but you only ever have to follow ONE. do what i tell you to do. I can't remember too many bedtime changes. Seems putting them to bed earlier when they couldn't settle at their normal bedtime was a consequence they didn't think much off.
My SD5 listens to me when her
My SD5 listens to me when her dad is not there to rescue her. So when SD5 doesn't listen - I pop DH upside the head! LOL JK
clenettec, whatever it takes
clenettec, whatever it takes is whatever it takes. You have the right idea though, he two of you showing a continuious united front is what is needed for things to work. Now if you have to smack DH on the head to get a united front, oh well, whatever it takes. }:)