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Split weeks vs. alternating weeks??

Whatintheworld's picture

For those who have experienced both split weeks with the skids and alternating weeks. DH and BM's court papers say they will do alternating weeks, however, DH said he couldn't stand being away from his kids that long, back when the divorce happened. I can't blame him, I wouldn't want to be away from my kids that long either. Few days ago DH asked me what my thoughts were on them going back to alternating weeks. To me it sounds like a great idea. No more flip flopping practically every other day. Maybe it would help my kids settle Into more of a routine. We have my three 24/7 and his 50/50. His kids seem to have a really hard time settling down and constantly have to be doing something. I can't help by wonder if it's because they are always flip flopping back and forth.and there little minds are constantly going? So it sounds great to me (for my own reasons) do any of y'all have any input as to why it is better or not. Did one work better for the kids than the other?

Maxwell09's picture

We switch to EOW during the Summer. Memorial day weekend to labor day weekend. It may be easier for them to get settled in their routines but that goes both ways. During the school year, SS3 isn't with BM enough to pick too many bad habits before he comes back home. It will take him a day to adjust back to the different house rules during 5/2 but during 7/7 it usually takes him a couple more days to adjust back from being a wild child. I personally prefer 5/2 as does my DH but no BMs just voluntarily give that so 7/7 is probably the best your SO is going to get and he should take it.

I don't know how people switch more than 5/2 or 7/7. That's just very confusing and a whole lot of complicated interaction with BM.