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SS11 bathroom issues - please, am I overreacting?!

sarebear's picture

OK, so this morning my SS11 was in the bathroom for like 15 minutes and my DH asked him twice if everything was ok. He said yes. When he came out, he scooted passed me, flashed a smile, headed to his room and changed his shorts. I had to go in the bathroom a little while later and found a disgusting mess in and around the toilet (and no toilet paper use to be found). I was angered and disgusted and told my DH to check the bathroom. He looked and went to his son telling him to come to the bathroom and his son was all , "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" My DH is totally cool with him and explained that he needed to either clean up or ask for help if he didn't know what to do.

So, we have had issues with both SS11 and SD6 and not wiping or flushing and we've always told them to go back and flush. I personally think that this is a habit and that BM takes care of any bathroom problems without teaching them anything.

I get sooooooo tired of them not considering anyone else for this type of thing and practically everything else. Did he not think anyone would discover his mess?! I was/am so pissed about it that I could scream. I have ended up hiding in our room again like I have done countless times. I just don't even want to deal with them. Should I or should I not expect an 11 year old to be able to handle himself better in the bathroom? He's not sick, his bowels were just very loose this morning and got all over the top and under the seat. Sorry if that's TMI.

PeanutandSons's picture

My three year old cleans the toilet seat if he gets it dirty. He may not clean it perfectly, but he knows that it should be cleaned and does his best.

No excuse for an 11 yr old.

sarebear's picture

Thank you!! I expected the same of my own kids (they are much older now) and will expect the same of our twin toddlers as the get older. Sure, I don't expect perfection but I do expect consideration and self-awareness.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I don't think as an 11 year old I would think to check the seat. You wipe, you reach behind you to flush, you get up, you wash. You don't normally look at the seat.

Yeah, now that I'm older I can realize loose bowels can cause messes, but would I have realized that at 11? Unlikely.

DeeDeeTX's picture

PS...I do think the best way to solve this isn't to tell them...because everyone knows you can tell a preteen something until they're blue in the face and they won't listen.

Make it their job to clean the bathroom, say, once or twice a week. Once you're cleaning piss off the outside of the toilet bowl and crap off the underside of the seat, you realize you need to be more careful.... ( and even if they don't at least they're the ones cleaning it!)

giveitago's picture

You can tell some adult SKids until you are blue in the face too! (chuckle) I agree that the experience, experience in general, of having to clean it is a good teacher.

sarebear's picture

My DH did get him to clean it up and suggested the same thing - let's let him clean the bathroom.

I get that perhaps he was a little distracted but, he DIDN'T wipe, he DIDN'T flush, and he DIDN'T wash! I supposed I would have felt a little better about it if he had done at least those things but to just crap and then get up and leave the bathroom is beyond my understanding (oh, but he did go change his shorts). He and his sister both do that. We almost always have to tell them to go back to flush and wash their hands. And the wiping thing? I don't know how to instill that. If I didn't wipe my butt would be sore but apparently that's not an issue with them.

DeeDeeTX's picture

Oh I thought it was just an issue of causing a mess on the toilet seat. I could even get occasionally forgetting to flush. But not wiping? Crap?


Rather than mad, I am totally baffled. How can you forget, at 11, to wipe after number 2? I hope you don't wash their underwear. :jawdrop: