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Step parent as a result of an affair

Fioktova's picture

*Touchy subject and I’m preparing myself for some unavoidable harsh comnents*

I live with my husband and SS3. DH met me while still with bio mum and we had an 8 month affair. For the past three years all 4 of us have gone through some incredibly testing times, and I can't even start to imagine her heartbreak. I regret that we met under the circumstances we did, if I could do it over again I would do it all differently... I’m not writing this post in order to justify my actions, but rather do see if there’s anyone else in this forum who has a similar situation?

Do we have any step parents/partners out there who became step parents as a result of an affair?

I know our situation look slightly different than a regular stepparent. 

Would be good to hear someone else’s story in a similar situation.


Please dm me if you don't want to write publicly.


tog redux's picture

Welcome - I wish you had chosen a blog instead of a forum so you could delete any rude comments - but feel free to flag them if you get some.

I did not have an affair with DH but I will say - if BM is crazy she would have gone crazy regardless of how you met DH. The affair just gives her more perceived justification.  My friend's husband had an affair and is now living with the woman, and her son visits them - but she's not crazy, so she's moved on, has a new partner of her own, and co-parents well with her ex-husband.  Very well.  So don't let anyone on here tell you that you "deserve it" or BM is justified in behaving badly forever just because you had an affair. Healthy people let it go and move on, for the sake of their kids (and themselves).

Yes, it was wrong and you know it - but it doesn't give BM license to be a crazy b!tch forever.

Thisisnotus's picture

This is so spot on!

i am a step mom due to an affair.....feel free to PM me anytime. 

DH attempted to do the right thing long before the affair....he tried multiple times to end his marriage but each time BM went nuts......she threatened to go his job and get him fired (in his job he would have been fired if BM went there and he knew it so he stayed) and she also told him that he would ruin his poor kids lives if he left....and then made threat after threat that if he left he’s never see his kids again.....yes he cheated and left her but she was alao a fall down drunk who would physically attack him for I call it a wash. Unfortunately society doesn’t bat an eye at an abusive alcoholic spouse....they only care about the cheating spouses wrong doings.

years later....enter the affair. Of course she did the same stuff.......he told her to go ahead and get him fired (she didn’t) and he spoke with an attorney who assured him he would never not see his kids.

the affair gave BM a pass to act like a raving lunatic for years......but I could have met DH 5 years after he left BM with no affair and things would be exactly the same.

crazy is crazy no matter what.

tog redux's picture

Yes, exactly. BM here went crazy too when she found out we were serious, because she thought DH was coming back to her.  It doesn't matter how the remarriage happens, crazy is crazy.

My friend on the other hand - her cheating ex-husband was the problem, he wanted to keep his good marriage and have his cake on the side. Of course, she was very angry at first, but even then, she knew she had to do what was right for their son.  Now she's happy as a clam with her new (better) partner and they have good co-parenting relationship.

Rags's picture

I'm a fence sitter on this issue.  As a cuckolded man in my first marriage I have zero tolerance for cheaters.

My XW was a cavern crotched adulterous whore who cheated for nearly our entire blessedly short non breeding 2.5 year marriage.

Had we had children they would be kept fully and continuously abreast of the facts of their whore mother's adulterous escapades.  Fortunately I did not pollute my gene pool by spawning with that whore.

The beauty of facts is that they are neither good nore bad, they are merely facts and they remain facts regardless of what transpires following the events that created the facts.

In the case of my SS's biodad, he cheated on my DW the whole time she was pregnant with SS and for the first year of SS's life until my DW booted his ass, graduated from HS and left the state for university studies taking SS with her.  As a single teen mom she was awarded full physical and legal custody.  There was no visitation ordered until the return to court when SS was 2yo.

The facts of his characterless crap were kept front and center.  SS was kept abreast of those facts any time the SpermIdiot pulled manipulative crap with SS.

A cheater who is also a parent should not be allowed to avoid the consequences of their actions even with their children.  They not only cheat on their spouse, they cheat on their children/family as well.

That said,  the cuckolded former spouse needs to be of sufficient character to not undermine the relationship between their children and their X.   It is a delicate balance to keep the kids fully informed of the facts in an age appropriate manner so that they are not easily manipulated by the characterless parent while not alienating the kids from the characterless parent and that half of the kid's blended family.

We struggled with this balance for the 16+ years we lived under a Custody/Visitation/Support CO.  It was not an easy balance to maintain but we did our best to prevent the SpermClan's  manipulation of SS while facilitating SS's visitation with his SpermClan.

Had either one of my parents cheated I would be hell on wheels as a Skid.  The cheating parent would know my scorn and their cheat partner would know it ten fold.

Good thing neither of my parents are cheaters.

Thisisnotus's picture

I see what you are saying but it also proves my point that somehow “cheating” is the worst thing a spouse can do.  

Like how is cheating on your spouse also cheating on your kids? 

Many DHs ex wife for years.....did horrible things to him but she did not “cheat”. She belittled him in front of others.....she physically abused him when she was drunk.....she was never home because she was out drinking.....for 9 years she slept in the kids rooms and not in their bed .....and he stuck around for the kids for YEARS.....and remained a kind and patient husband overlooking all of that....but then cheats and he is the worst person on the planet and ruined his marriage and family.....I just don’t buy that line of thinking.

tog redux's picture

Exactly. Note that he gives the mother a free pass for her alcoholism and her abuse of DH - but cheating is the worst thing possible.

Rags's picture

Had he divorced the boozy BM rather than staying for the children and cheating he would have the high ground.

As it is, he abandoned the high ground and will forever be the cheating father to his children.   He gave the toxic BM the mantle of the jilted spouse.

Yes, a cheating spouse who has children with the partner they are cheating on is cheating on the children too.  Cheating on a spouse also violates the trust of any children those parents share.  The cheater cheats not only  on their spouse but on their family.  That includes the children.

While I understand that the BM in your story is toxic and the root cause of the divorce, dad is a cheat and dad's partner is  his cheating mistress and will always be the mistress to his children and to BM.  DH gave BM a life long get out of jail free card when he chose to stay in that marriage for the kids rather than divorcing and moving on.

Rags's picture

That is most definately not what I said or meant.  However, when he cheated he gave BM a get out of jail free card for her toxic crap. At least from the perspective of the adult Skids.

BM is reprehensible.  His cheating does not change that. What his cheating did was give her the facade of the jilted mother which hides her toxicity and makes her antics seem justified considering that daddy cheated.

Thisisnotus's picture

I get it. As I posted above he tried to divorce her many times....and she threatened to go his place of work (which is in the public eye) and make up lies to get him fired....and he would have been fired. She told him he’d never see his kids again and that she’d take all the money and he’d be screwed....

that scares people into he stayed. Then yes he had an affair and finally saw that he could actually get out of the marriage and didn’t care if she got him fired and took all the money.....and that she couldn’t keep the kids from him.......if he was a woman in this particular case she would applauded.

tog redux's picture

For whatever reason, some people see infidelity as the worst marital sin. I'd rather be cheated on than be abused or have him clean me out financially, personally.  But I guess because BM is a woman, she gets a free pass.

Thisisnotus's picture

Yep! She got a free pass from DHs mom and dad even.....and they knew what the marriage was like all those years. But he cheated and then oh poor poor BM....and bad bad Dh.

StepUltimate's picture

Trust. If there had been no cheating, the kids wouldn't have had to live with the raging, abusive alcoholic new StepDad, wouldn't have been raged at by the new NPD StepMom, wouldn't have suffered thru the financial devastation, wouldn't today be making multiple holiday plans to avoid any ex-drama, and so on. 


justmakingthebest's picture

Not personally but my receptionist is. She had her husband have been together for 32 years now but started as an affair when his kids were pre-teens. He had tried to leave his wife several times before an affair. She would get his whole family involved in crazy drama.

In the end, the kids still hate both of them. They have no contact allowed with grand children. One of the adult children is in prison for drugs and everyone in the family blames the "broken home".

I will say THEY are happy. Once the CS and alimony ended. Once the kids were grownups and they let go of trying so hard. Once they decided to just live their lives, they were/are happy. 

I know that seems like an eternity if you ha e a preschooler age SS. Giving up and letting go is something the DH and I struggle with in MAJOR ways and my SS is 15. So, I have no advice on how to do it. 

I will say I would just accept that you will always be a villain. You will always be the homewrecker. I would not ever expect to have joint birthday parties for the kid or even a civil relationship with BM. Let your husband handle all communication. Just be kind to the kid and focus on your life together. 

Stepmom3333's picture

You were having an affair while the mum was either pregnant or had a newborn?

I had this happen to me when I was pregnant with a planned baby in a long term relationship with my first son and let me tell you it nearly ruined me and has affected me badly. People will say that people cheat because there is something wrong in the relationship, but this wasn't the case with me, I was just no longer fun for my ex while I was laid up in bed with morning sickness. You have a partner that bails when the going gets tough, be very careful!!

It is extremely difficult to be dumped with a newborn baby while your ex is living the highlife with his new partner when you had agreed to start a family together.


Luckily for me I met the love of my life after that shitty period in my life. My ex and I aren't high conflict but only because I refuse to have any contact with him at all, I will only speak about contact arrangements and that's it.  I have no respect for my ex and due to the way he behaved when I was pregnant not just the cheating other things I no longer believe a word he says.We parallel parent but he doesn't see our son a lot. I think you may have to wait along time before you can all get along

oatsnhoney's picture

My opinion is people are unique, as are relationships, and people's responses to issues. 2 people can see a failed marriage completely different. Just depends on which side is telling the story. Same goes for human history.

Blame and guilt serves no purpose. Now is what matters and all involved should try live a healthy, strong, peaceful and good life regardless for self and kids. Heal and move on. Yes she may be a crazy BM, but she may have been no matter when you got together. This website is proof. Broken nuclear families are tough to navigate either way. 

simifan's picture


ExH cheated on me and ended the marriage. He currently lives with the woman he cheated with. DS does not know and I would never tell him. Regardless of what happened in the marriage it was between adults and that is where it should stay. Unfortunately, not every woman thinks so.


ExH and I met 3 years after his break up with BM (who was cheating) but somehow tried to convience SD I was responsible for the break up even though BM was living with another man when I met exH. Crazy will be crazy no matter what - you cannot change others behaviors. 

Do your best to maintain dignity and civility. That is all you can do. 



SecondGeneration's picture

Be prepared to have a difficult relationship with you step child. 

I knew my BM cheated on my father (with my step dad) and I hated them for it. My parents split when I was 5, it took until I was 14 to really reconnect with my BM. My relationship with my stepdad was standoffish until he got sick with cancer. By the time he died we were good. 


In a step setting it is so easy for the step parent to be blamed for everything but in the case of an affair, to a child, it really does make everything your fault. 

My SDs BM cheated, though my DH admits the relationship was dead long before that, it took him finding out about her cheating to end it because SD was under 1. SD will never hear from us that BM cheated because it could negatively impact her relationship with her BM. But when a BM is hurt or angry they never seem to think how things with influence their child so expect BM to tell your step child that DH cheated with you and you are the reason BM and DH arent together. 

tog redux's picture

Did you know because your father told you? That's the issue. Unhealthy people want the kids to hate the other parent for the cheating. That's where the real damage is caused. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Yes!! My oldest daughter hates me for the cheating because her father told her very detail when she was 12.....except for those first few weeks after I came clean and ended my marriage....her father neglected to tell her that he had also been cheating for the last 6 months but the damage was already done.

in my story my ex cheating on me early on in our marriage....our first child was a newborn and my mother had unexpectedly died at 40...when he started cheating ...but for some reason when i cheated and left him 13 years later....I was the only bad guy...i lost 10 or so close friend couples who knew all of the stories and still sided with my ex and hated me.

My dh didn’t mention his prior cheating to our daughter when he was trying to get her to hate me

what I have learned is that in many people’s eyes....cheating is okay but cheating AND leaving your spouse is NOT. Makes perfect sense lol

tog redux's picture

People who go through life as the victim never see their own part in their troubles.

In our case, BM tells everyone that DH went to college for free because she worked at the college, and then left her after he got his degree.  Which is true - but she fails to mention that she was boinking one of her colleagues and then threatened to kick DH out of the house and move him  in.  Just a small detail.  SS knows about the cheating and everything else - but she's been so good at making DH look like the bad guy who abused her and SS, and that she only cheated because she's bipolar but DH left her anyway, blah blah blah blah. 

Professional victims can spin anything their way.

Thisisnotus's picture

Professional victim....yep that is my ex and Bm and my ex turned my now DD17 into the same....

it just really amazes laundry list of horrible things I’ve done in the last 5 years include one thing and one thing only....cheating....same as my now DH...

my ex and BM have a list of hundreds of horrible awful things they have done....mostly to the kids.....because they both feel justified to spend the rest of their life using the kids as pawns. 

My ex is re married (to the person he was also cheating with)  and is still at war with me......BM is not and probably will never be in another relationship and she isn’t waging half the war my ex is......

i guess some (ex and BM included) would say....well if there was no cheating these things wouldn’t be happening......So it’s all my fault and DHs and we should take the blame for any and all of our exes actions for the rest of our lives 

tog redux's picture

It's just diagnostic of narcissistic/borderline traits.

I would not still be married to DH if he was still so furious that BM cheated on him. He couldn't care less.

SecondGeneration's picture

Honestly Tog? I dont remember. 

I remember witnessing my dad trying to kick my mum out, but I cried whilst she was on the other side of the door and he let her back in. When my mum returned the favour she did it when I wasnt present. From my sketchy memory there was little time between my dad leaving and my step dad moving in. But now as an adult that doesn't seem right because my mother has openly stated my step father was a one night stand that stuck. My father apparently didnt believe their marriage was dead until she went and slept with someone else. 

But given that my father and step mother (who as a child were fantastic parents) were absent from my wedding and since then completely absent from my life and thus, have never met their grandchild. I'm starting to see there was potentially some parental alienation going on. Only difference between my experience and alot of posts here is I lived with my dad and step mum (as per my choice) 

They chose to be absent because I had invited my BM.



STaround's picture

And when kids from a prior marriage or relationship are involved, that adds more stress, and an affair adds even more stress.

It seems like you want to go forward no matter what, so I would  advise the following:

1.  Take with a a grain of salt whatever he says about his ex.  People in the middle of a divorce may present a one-sided version of the situation. He may want to look good to you, and present a biased report of issues.   Do not get involved, do not repeat his allegations.  Let him fight his battles.  I get it, you love him, but support him behind the scenes.

2.  Accept that it is his ex's right to ever forgive you.  Her timelime.  She may never speak to you.  If she is harrasing you, you do have the right get an order of protection, but try not to let it get there.  Do not text her.  Do not even give her your phone number. 

3.  Accept that his family, friends and business associates may regard you as the other woman, and not respect  you, expecially if a child is involved. It may not seem fair as he is equally or more quilty, but to many, they have good and bad feelings/memories of him, but their only contact with you is as the other woman.

4.  Even though you may think that he was only unfaithrful to his wife, the affair resulted in the destruction of the family home.   Children may resent that.  

5.  Extremely problematic is that you started a relationship with him before you could see him parent on his own.  You do not know how much he intends to lean on you to do his parenting.  You need a discussion on that.   His stb-ex may resent your trying to parent, and may take whatever legal action she can, including demanding ROFR ( Right of First Refusal), meaning that she does not want the kid with you if your Future DH is not home.   On the other hand, his stb-ex may just dump the kid on your FH and you.

6.  Money is frequently an issue.  You can see many posts on Steptalk about "Disney Dads" who feel gulty and spend money to reduce their guilt.   IMHO, this is likely to be worse with a guy who had an affair.  You should be prepared that he may want to provide more money on his kid than he is legally required to.  

donewithdrama35's picture

I am unfortunately a stepmom from a relationship that began with an affair. Both my husband and myself were both with other people when we met… We did not meet intentionally but when we did the feelings were pretty much immediate and eventually became unavoidable. Neither of us were happy with our partners… I did not have kids so that made things a little more simple on my end but his situation was much more complicated. To those who say once a cheater always a cheater I have to disagree. Neither my spouse or I ever cheated on anyone before we met each other. We have been together now seven years and married 1 1/2. I feel pretty confident neither of us is cheating!!!

I understand what you are going through very very much. I won't lie… The first several years of our relationship were extremely difficult. I understood his exes anger to a point but it did get to a point where there had to be threats of getting police involved. She tried to poison the kids against their father but they also knew their mother did a lot to contribute to the eventual end of the marriage- I do not believe people get divorced ONLY because they cheated. There was a reason they cheated to begin with and it's not usually just because they want to be unfaithful. She actually cheated on him first but kids don't know that!! She would refer to me all the time as their father's whore and I truly believe the things she shared with them caused a lot of emotional long term damage. 

It has been a roller coaster from start to now  and while I feel the same as you… I would do things differently if I could it just didn't happen that way. That is life and I have learned that I don't have to keep punishing myself for this. I've paid my time.

Unfortunately it has eliminated a lot of the possibilities of all of us ever having joint occasions or being friendly… I can't be close with his daughter because there is always that underlining feeling that she looks at me as the girl who broke up mom and dad. A relationship that starts with an affair really does add a lot of other difficulties into a marriage. But, I am living proof that you can get through it and make it work in whatever way it works for you and your husband. You just have to be willing to except the extra issues you will run into. But, I am living proof that you can get through it and make it work in whatever way it works for you and your husband. You just have to be willing to except the extra issues you will run into. But I do believe if you truly love someone it can work! 

Best of luck to you! 


BethAnne's picture

I think approching things with simple facts and an acceptance that people make mistakes and that no one is perfect is a good way to go. It is also important to acknoldege that when relationships breakdown because of affairs (or any other reason) then there is a problem with that relationship and those two people are incompatible and would be happier living their lives separately. 

Adults should not pass the pain and hurt that the end of a relationship can cause on to thier children and should try to help thier children to see thier relationship with the other parent as separate to the relationship between the parents. Heatlhy people know this and try to protect thier children. Unhealthy people spread their resentment and anger far and wide including to their children. 

My relationship with my husband overlapped with his relationship with BM at the begining, I would not say we had an affair as they were separated when we met but I know that attempts were made to mend their relationship in the few months after I met him but before we committed fully to each other. He was also legally married to her at the time I met him. I think that BM has told SD that we had an affair, but so far SD has not bought this up with either of us, though it could happen at some point. Right now (7 years later) SD and I have an ok relationship. She is 12 though and rapidly entering teen years, so it can be variable at times, but I feel that is normal for her age. 

tog redux's picture

Yes, this - exactly. Healthy people don't want to hurt their kids, and damaging their relationship with the other parent out of a sense of victimhood is hurting them.  I don't understand why people feel that infidelity means the hurt partner can claim eternal victimhood.


still learning's picture

Am I reading correctly that ss is 3 and the affair has started when she was pregnant?  My goodness, what a prize this man is to cheat on his pregnant wife then run off with his mistress after the kid is born.  I can't imagine what you see in him or how you feel your relationship has any stability.  DH sounds like the kind of man who runs when things get scary or tough. Wifey gained some weight, is moody, and doesn't want sex as much because she's pregnant...better get a mistress!  Can't handle full time parenting...better run off with the mistress.  

The fact that you knew his situation and moved in anyway speaks volumes to your character.  Be careful of the Karma bus. I'd advise not getting pregnant if you want to keep DH around.  This may come across as "harsh", but this ain't no bakery and it's really hard to sugar coat an ishy situation.  

Swim_Mom's picture

financial infidelity (like unauthorized purchases, hiding money, driving spouse into debt etc), abuse both physical and verbal, and many other things. I am not sure why it is that cheating carries such weight as being the worst imaginable betrayal. There are several unforgiveable actions that can end a marriage; that is just one of them.

STaround's picture

actions by a potential steppparent.   And it raises the question, does this person have so little self control, they should have minimal contact with kids.  

I agree all of those things are problematic. 

juststressedbeyondbelief's picture

Oh boy. 

I almost can't wait until the loser biofather tells spoiled dogkicker SD that her mom left her daddy for me. I hope she runs at full speed to his house and stays. I'll pay the CS out of my own damn pocket. I'm tired of defending my own daughter, and soon my second child from SD.

I don't really care that my wife cheated on her ex to be with me, I don't really care about the stats involving cheaters, I care about my kids, and that's about it. The loser biodad (in between prison sentences) can only benefit me by breaking it to his kid.

bananaseedo's picture

I have no clue what this is the sin that gets most attention, there is abuse, neglect, lack of cherishing, lack of honoring....and HEY...just because you file for divorce doesn't mean you didn't break your marriage vows as much as the cheater.

In most marriage vows it claims fidelity till death do you part, not divorce.... 

When it comes to marriages that fall apart, NO SIN/FAULT is bigger then the other.   You have women/men that let themselves go, become slobs, lazy, petulent, demanding, cold, dismissive, withdrawn, deny intimacy, financially take advantage, emotionally or verbally abusive.  Doesn't mean those are less important then infidelity.

A crazy BM will be so regardless of the circumstance in which the marriage ended. 

The important thing IMO is to keep stuff like that away from kids ears as to not poison them againts the other parents/household.  My ex cheated-not the reason I left him...he was an abuser.  My kids didn't learn about the reasons the marriage fell apart until around ages 17-18 when I was asked.

I will tell you this, his cheating hurt me a million times less then his abuse...and I was the jealous type-maybe by then I had disengaged enough....but there are things in marriages that are ten times worse IMO.


Livingoutloud's picture

Was his ex pregnant at the time? If the kid is 3 and all this drama went on for 3 years, then she was pregnant? Men who cheat on pregnant wives are the lowest of the low. I’ve met two men in my life who were actively looking fir a lover while their wives were pregnant (they obviously didn’t disclose to women they pursued that their wives were pregnant). One guy’s wife was actually on bed rest with difficult pregnancy when he pursued a friend of mine. Horrible people 

CLove's picture

Ok, Ill weigh in. Although I can answer the original questions by OP - no I am definitely NOT a SM through infidelity, cheating was involved.

Our relationship, DH's and mine, began when he was first separate from Toxic Troll. We were friends for 1.5 years, during which he was "in transition" away from her. Translation - they were still physically intimate (ewe). She would be at his house baby sitting kiddos while he went out. She would steal key from Feral Forger who was 14-15 at this time, and hang out drinking his beer and whiskey. She would date other dudes too.

Dh told me that their relationship had always been volatile due to her "craziness" and excessive drinking. She was verbally, physically and emotionally abusive, and became more so during drinking binges. It all came to a head when at a party Toxic Troll was dancing with a guy, and she claimed that he grabbed her crotch. After that, a close friend of hers who also happened to be the fiance of this guy, told DH that Toxic Troll was online looking for guys and hookups, and had recieved many naked photos from these online guys.

Toxic Troll claimed to everyone and still does, that DH was abusive emotionally to her. He can be a little harsh. He would get on her case for her drinking. After he caught her texting, he moved her out of the house, into her own apartment. He paid for 1st and deposit. He moved her twice again after we had met. He would drop groceries off to help feed kids during her visitations. She would disappear for weeks at a time, going to meet different guys.Eventually she found one that stuck (guy) and we would all get together for kiddos bday parties. She told me that during a health issue DH didnt stand by her (this is AFTER separation!)  She has trash talked him to kids and to his own family. She taught the eldest to be JUST like her. Lies, false accusations, etc.

So - 1.5 years into our relationship shes happily living with new BF, and Dh finally tells her he is starting paperwork for divorce. She goes ballistic. Turns super ugly (uglier). She wants him to wait until 10-year mark. They were together 20 years, but married 9, separated 4 plus of that 9. She wanted to be at his level of social security benefites. I did some research and she could also file for spousal support in perpetuity.

THEN, a few years after divorce, we eloped. She went ballistic AGAIN. I guess my point is that although I am not the "other woman" technically, I have always been treated as the "other woman" by her.

She cheated, she was abusive, she is horrible and nasty. I cannot ever really talk about this to munchkin sd13. Dh has mentioned it to her when Toxic Troll got very nasty and abusive to him. She knows momee cheated. We just dont want to hurt kiddo. She will understand things with time.

Dh tells me that he is actually glad that she cheated, because it gave him a reason to get out, and break up the family. Being abused wasnt enough, its not seen as a "good enough reason to break up a family with children". But cheating is. There is still a lot of shame for men who are abused. Dh is a big burly man. Toxic Troll is a very large short woman. He does not talk about it.

I do. I wish more men would stand up and talk about it.

bananaseedo's picture

"Dh tells me that he is actually glad that she cheated, because it gave him a reason to get out, and break up the family. Being abused wasnt enough, its not seen as a "good enough reason to break up a family with chidren". But cheating is."

UGHHHH- bet he was Christian taught also.  This was my case as well.  My parents thought 'cheating' was ok to divorce for, not abuse.  I also waited until he cheated (didn't have concrete physical evidence though). I remember wanting him gone so bad I would hope/pray with all my might he WOULD cheat.  How effed up is that? lol

CLove's picture

his mother and sisters are VERY catholic.

And its worse when you are a man - you are seen as weak and wimpy - "my wife beats on me" doesnt have the same weight as "my husband slapped me", because of the physical differences. She used to dig her fake nails into his skin, throw objects at his head, punch him. Told him he was a horrible father, after she left THEM during childrens bdays to persue strange d!ck.

Our society is very sick...

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

So I read the blog and wasn't fully sure where to put this...

I was cheated on.  I mean frankly I don't even hate him.  The whole situation sucked.. Yes I feel the betrayal, yes I have MAJOR trust issues now.  And i probably will for a while, because I have a LOT of healing to do.  But I don't think that kids should ever hear about that... I think all kids need in a divorce, is that they're still loved, it's not their fault, and both of the parents are going to continue to love and care for them.  There's NO REASON to tell the kids any of that.

No reason to fill them in on a lot of stuff.  H Never told the girls that Psycho cheated, and I'd NEVER tell them he cheated.

We're splitting up because between that and the other shit I'll NEVE be able to give trust back, but the basis is. Those aren't kid topics.  The kids don't need to know all the awful things the other parent did or is doing.

As for her, H gets with someone else. Sur eit would be upsetting to an extent, but on the other hand, I'd pity the s*** out of her. He cheated on me.  We're done anyways.  I KNOW he has the potential for that. Why be rude to someone you know is likely going to get their heart broken?

I'm not saying everyone cheats, though it's situational, crazy people tend to bring out the crazy after all. BUT, a lot of them now have the potential, and it's hard to know what they will or will not do at that point.  It's like a flip of a coin.