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Sweet, sweet revenge

adgardne's picture

It's officially summer break and "lucky" me gets the joy of having the skids up for 6 weeks. To be fair, I really enjoy my SS, it's my SD that drives me nuts. Lately I have noticed I get a sick pleasure out of plotting revenge against her. Mostly, it's in the form of food, making her play outside, or just generally exposing her to more than lazy gluttony. Sometimes I feel bad about it, sometimes I chalk it up to teaching her to be healthier. Seriously, this child has the worst habits I've ever seen. If something isn't fried and/or covered in ketchup she won't touch it. And being physically active? Forget it. We tried to take the kids for a walk this weekend and she threw a tantrum and cried the entire time - it took all the joy out of being in nature. Has anyone else had to resort to these tactics to cope with the skids? Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with an annoying mini-wife? Please help!!!!

AllySkoo's picture

Lol Well, for starters, don't get in the mindset of getting "sick pleasure out of plotting revenge" against a child. Going down that mental path will give you a hell of a hard time. Focus on SS, since you enjoy him. Don't even think of SD. (Honestly, that's the best "revenge" you can possibly take. And it's natural consequences too!) Do stuff he enjoys - if SD wants to come, fine. If not, tell DH to stay with her while you and SS do fun stuff. DH will get tired of her attitude (and missing stuff), SD will hate being "second", and MAYBE, just maybe, she'll change her attitude when she sees it's not getting her the attention she wants.

Drac0's picture

My mentality is more-or-less in line with Allyskoo. When it comes to "plotting" revenge, the best course of action is to simply not do anything. My SS's lazy-ass, uncaring attitude will bite him in the ass sooner than later.

I could write a novel on the amount of SS's antics. My favorite still has to be the McDonald Happy Meal toys he fished out of the garbage. Yes, he saw a family throw out the Happy Meal toys and he fished them out of the garbage. I was disgusted, but I didn't say anything. I simply told him that he better clean them or they are going back in the garbage. He put them in a plastic bag and tossed them on the kitchen counter when we got home.

I was angry, but I didn't make an issue out of it. I reminded him to clean them. He never did.

I waited a couple of days and then threw them out.

The day after I threw them out, he asked me where they were. I answered "Oh, you mean those happy meal toys you fished out of the garbage and left them on the kitchen counter that I warned you would go back in the garbage if you didn't clean them? I'm sorry, I have no idea where they are." I smirked and then walked away.