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Take her? Or Leave Her?

groovetheory's picture

Okay, I need you guys to weigh in on this one. I've hit the maximum stepmom capacity, and my DH is about to go wacko.

We went to Milwaukee and Chicago for the weekend to visit MIL and my dad in chicago. We basically spent a few hours with his mom, let SD8 spend the night, and went to see my dad afterwards. Well as you may know SD8 has been having many many behavioral issues at school (throwing away her lunch, fighting, interrupting the teacher, and being angry and distant at home). So, DH before we went over MILs, told his mom of her issues and that even though we are coming over she is still on punishment. Bascially she had to complete some math problems while she was over there. Well in picking her up, MIL brought a bunch of junk food to be included in SD8's lunches, because against what SD8 might claim, SD8 manipulated her GM into getting this junk for her it included chips, twinkies, and juice. WTF! I mean it isn't that we cant afford that stuff it is the principle, that SD8 always wants her way - and if we include juice she doesn't like the particular juice or she doesn't eat it in a protest to get what she wants. So, we don't include it temporarily. So, DH is just angry leaving his moms house and he proceeds to ask SD8 what happened and for her to tell him the whole story on what they discussed.

Basically SD8 tells us that she gossiped with her GM about the fact that she doesn't want to live with us anymore, that she hates her lunches, that she is mad at us because we won't let her where big A&& ghetto hoop earrings, and that I don't let her rule over my BD9mo. So, DH gets so mad that we almost get in an accident on the freeway and I ask him to pull over to a gass station so that we can all discuss. Well she just proceeds to tell us through tears (because she is scared that her dad is going to just combust) that she told them that I - her stepmom acts different when I'm in public, then I am at home, and that she wants to be able to act as she does with her small cousins (that are under 2) with her sister.

First thing, SD8 never talks to me at home, matter-of-fact she gives the whole house the silent treatment. She comes in the house and never even says hi to her half-sister. So, her little cousin's mom is basically a mom at 18 and lets her little children get raised by everyone and their I'm NOT the one to let a little 8-year old tell my little girl what to do and boss her around, that isn't how you are a sister. And SD8 needs to figure that out. Also, when I'm in public, people TALK to me, so if you talk to me, you will get spoken to. Not once did I really talk to SD8 while we were over there, but she just felt my energy different because everyone else was being cordial and I was talking to grownups.

Basically, I'm concerned about how she talks to other people when we aren't around. I'm concerned that she tells even our friends information such as this when she spends the nights with friends, and I now will never let my BD8 be over my MILs house alone at all, especially when I know they discuss me and my parenting abilities and my husbands behind my back. NEVER.

So, DH bascially says, he has had it - and if her mom where to call us tomorrow and demand her back - he'll give her back. He doesn't want BD9mo to go through the emotional distress that this has caused our household...or want BD8 to rub off on her in any way. A healthy medium would be giving her to his MIL and let her and the family raise her since that seems to be what she wants.

We are tired, its been 3 years and no progress, and I don't want to be the scowled looking mom all of th etime. I want to be happy for my kids. I really need to know from you stepmoms that have been around the block, have done it for the long haul and have issues, that if you where to do it again or where to be in my situation would you just keep her or just say adios?

Most Evil's picture

That little kid needs to have to write lines or something. What did Dh's mom say about this? Hopefully she will defend you and tell the kid, it is disrespectful to talk about your stepmom that way.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

groovetheory's picture

MIL basically promotes her to gossip, and the fact that she bought her the stuff supports her, and makes her to continue to think badly about her situation. What she should have done is to repond in the correct manner, but she promoted it - and bascially is like "Wow, that's bad, I'm sorry for you, here you are". DH is talking to his mom today to let her know how he feels about the situation.

stepmom2one's picture

tries to mother my BS2. She yells at him (she gets that from her father) and tells him he can do something I just said he could not. My H and I both get on her about it.

At McD's yesterday I told BS2 " get out of the toys, you can hit other kids" (my son doesn't like to share)

SD says to him " come out of the toys for 5 mins, if you are good you can come back in and play"

my response "excuse me, that is my child not yours and he WILL NOT go back in the toys that was his last warning. And you can get out of the toys for trying to mother my child and trying to undermine me"

So I understand your frustration.Keep getting on her about it--she will get the point soon--at least that is what I was told!!