I imagine that this site takes a lot of work and I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heavy heart. I only found this site 24 hours ago but finally feel like I have a place to be real about my situation and feelings. It is a tremendous relief to share information, experiences and just not being all alone in my pain. Sorry if I flood the forums for a little while cause that gate has been sealed shut for years
Welcome!!! I know your
Welcome!!! I know your relief. This site saved my sanity and my relationship.

Welcome. It s lovely to have
Welcome. It s lovely to have a place to let it all out. Hope it can help towards taking off some of the pressure. Sorry that so much has been happening to you that you felt the need to go searching for help on your computer. All the best. I'm sure you will find people here who know and understand how you feel.
I wish I had found this site
I wish I had found this site at the beginning of my step-experience, it would have saved me a lot of heartache. Welcome, to you. I'm kind of a newbie myself, but crazy about some of these gals already. It's nice to not feel so alone, isn't it?