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Thank you so much

Rainydaze777's picture

Hi- I just wanted to stop in and say hi and say thank you to everyone.

I was going to marry a man with a daughter; I found this site and almost everyone warned me not to- I can make my own decisions of course; but the advice and stories from the people here made me think long and hard about what I wanted for myself.

I ended the relationship and I was an utter mess for a couple months and was terrified of my life without him, but I decided to take a chance and go the road alone.

Im doing wonderful- my business is going well, Im taking some classes at uni, doing yoga and working out, painting and learning guitar.

I also met someone!! It's just new, but he has no children, never been married, has a good job and works on his masters degree part time- he's also a real life cowboy lol-- really old fashioned and a complete gentleman, he's tall, handsome and smart-- kinda the strong silent type--- yuuuuummmmy.

Anyway- he lives in a small town a few hours away and I went to spend the weekend with him last weekend; we went walking by the river, then he took me on a roller coaster, we went out to eat and then to a blues dive bar, then back yo his house for hot sex all night lol, we're crazy about each other.

It was nice to date a free guy, not sure if anything will come of it long term, but I'm very happy with my life in general and leaving the guy with the kid was one of the best choices I ever made and this site helped me get the strength to do it.

Thank you so much to everyone here xoxo

SteppedOut's picture

Woooo hoo!

Sounds like you had a great time; I'm super happy for you.

CLove's picture

Sometimes hes the right guy and sometimes hes not, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

I married the guy with kids, and love being married to him, just hate the baggage he carries and will carry for a loooong time (5 years 7 months). But I do love my SD. She thinks of me like a second Mom, and that is something that I really treasure. I cannot have children of my own so this is basically it for me. I am very glad that this site helped you - it really helped me too!!!!

Rainydaze777's picture

Aw!! I'm glad it worked for you, I definitely think it works for some, just not me. I was jealous of the daughter because of his behaviour and he was too scared of his ex to stand up to her and make boundaries- just would've been a nightmare 

CLove's picture

And Steptalk rocks. It gives persepctive and level headness in a world of crazy.

Im glad you did not stay in  asituation that would not have gotten better. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had made the decision to not get involved. But you know what? Im pretty happy right now, and fairly confident.

You have a blessed life! Yay!

Rags's picture

I am happy for  you and glad that you are in such a good place.  Often divorce's with kids are good people who chose poorly in a previous relationship. The rest of the time they are the cause of the failed relationship. 

I have no regrets in my life. If I had not married by cavern crotched adulterous whore of an XW I would not be the person that I am.  If my bride had not had our son (my SS) at 16 and lived the experience of dealing with the SpermIdiot and SpermClan she would not be who she is.  We fit.  To change either our our histories would change that fit.  Besides, if I had met my incredible bride instead of my XW at that time.... I would likely still be in prison.  My bride was 12 when my XW and I married.

So, things happen for a reason even if that reason is to give us the experiences we need to become who we should be.


fairyo's picture

Hey Rainy! I remember your posts and the start of your journey away from the life you might have had. I am so pleased things are going well and thanks for the update- I'm doing great too! Keep going!