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there goes Christmas

forever2's picture

BM decided that this that she has a boyfriend...she will kindly allow us (sense the sarcasm?) to have the skid11 for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. She has announced that she will be taking him only one of the weekends in December. If we ever dare ask her to take him 16 days of a month to our 14, she has a meltdown at the injustice. How can anyone be such a selfish hypocrite? How can the focus of someones life be getting rid of their own kid? Merry Christmas to her. She just gave herself an early gift at my expense. BF of course is excited to have the little brat around and would never protest. It just sucks. Looking forward to January. Anyone else get the skids dumped on their doorstep for all the holidays?

starfish's picture

yeppers, we get fucked with skids presence all the time, especially holidays, long w/e's and mf'n 1/2 days at school.

Last-Wife's picture

Yup. And she flat out says it's cause she feels bad because she doesn't have any money to give them the gifts they want. Well gee whiz! Last I checked, Christmas is the 25th of December EVERY year. It's called SAVING and BUDGETING...

starfish's picture

for the first time in i can't remember, new years is not shot for us!!

and i'm not sure but i may have said something to get skids gone for halloween..... last night sd13.5 said she was staying at mil's friday and saturday and going home sunday to go trick or treating..

ss10.5 said he may be staying at bm's house sat. night.. he didn't mention friday, so i will probably only get 1/2 lucky and only be stuck with ss fri- sun, when he will decide he wants to go trick or treating with the rest of the trailerhood who are once again loading up and invading a near by upscale community... vs. their own community, mil's or sil's

lovely examples bm sets for skids!

VAStepMom's picture

No we get the opposite. Even tho the CO states we get each holiday every other year.... we never do. NEVER. We never get the child Christmas Day.... Thanksgiving, Easter, or any other holiday other than July 4th... woopee doo.

Why? Because BM's family always has a big family celebration, and skid always claims, I haven't seen my extended family all year..... I want to go!!!!! Wahhhh....

So what if her immediate family doesn't get her on the holidays.'s always been whatever SD17 wanted to do.... she has always chosen.... and before that... BM was so impossible to deal with DH let them do whatever. He would take his DD on Christmas Eve and then deliver her early Christmas morning..... every single year.... Sometimes... he would take her BEFORE the holiday and not have her at all.

IF it was me... .I would NEVER allow that. Ever.

epgr's picture

OMG.. BM has not had her kids for Christmas in 10 yrs.. they are always stuck here waiting to go to her house, pissed cuz they have to be here (she tells them DH wont let them go to her house.. she never wants them) and get the super wonderful presents she said she was getting them, just to find out that she didnt get them what she promised.. then they come back and are pissed off and I have to deal with it.
different story this year.. if they want to be pissy they can sit in their rooms and wait for her.. their attitudes are not going to ruin it for the other kids...

**feeling a bit optomistic today**

Ava's picture

Hi, new here. I just wanted to comment that we not only get the kids every holiday, but BM won't even keep them home with her on Mother's Day. In the 6 years Hubby and I have been living together, we've had them every single Mother's Day.

_Jess_'s picture

We have SD all the time. Full custody. Every holiday. The only time we get a holiday off, its planned last minute and throws all of our others plans down the toilet, because BM doesn't have a trustworthy car so we have to cart SD back and forth 1.5 hours each way. Its freaking awesome.

Whateva's picture

We luck out Thanksgiving and Christmas but New years weekend it looks like we have them which suck!!! I would rather he have them Christmas bcause that isn't the biggest deal to me- But i love New Years Eve and like to celebrate if you know what i mean....can't do it appropriately with kids in the mix.... }:)
