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They are calling their SD "daddy" and it hurts BD...

newstepmom81's picture

Personally I don't want my stepkids calling me "mom." Since I don't want to offend their BM or cause any confusion. However, my SKids do call their SD "Daddy." It is in front of their BD and it tears me apart to see the hurt that comes across his face each time he hears it. He doesn't say anything to the kids or ex about it because he doesn't want to cause waves. BM enforces them calling him "daddy" and it is just out of spite. She is vengeful and doesn't realize that by hurting their BD she is also confusing the kids. I just don't think it is right-my personal opinion. Steps don't normally try to take over the role of a biological parent and its ridiculous when the biological parent tries to force that on the kids.

She does it because she says he (BD) doesn't call the kids enough when they are with her. (We only get them every other weekend, holidays and summer.) However, every time he calls she has to get on the phone and try to start a fight and you can hear the kids crying in the background as she screams at BD. He said it is easier to just not call than to have to hear his kids cry because she is going to act psychotic.

It is just confusing because she says she is over him and she IS remarried, but still acts like a lunatic. We NEVER say anything negative about her or SD to the kids. However, all we hear from the kids is how she said I am hated by all of our neighbors because I'm not a nice person, that if dad loved them he would call them more, etc. We send them letters/cards in the mail (which we hope they get) and he does call sometimes when he's brave enough to do so (usually when we know SD is there because she doesn't act so crazy in front of him) and when they are with us we just reiterate how much we love them and how much their mom and SD love them too.

Am I doing the wrong thing? I am a brand new stepmom and have no BKids so I just want to make sure I do what is right. My hubby doesn't want to talk to his ex at all. When he cuts off all communication with her she acts even more nuts and fills the kids heads with even more bullshit. I have taken it upon myself to be the primary person she communicates with. All I get to hear about is how she does things this way or that and how I should do it. When the kids should eat, what they should eat, when they should sleep and for how long. I realize that at her house she is the boss and that is fine, however at our home we have our own rules. We still put the kids to bed about the time she demands so they get adequate rest, but I don't restrict them to only organic food. She wrote an exstensive letter before summer about what they allowed to eat. No fast food, etc. If we are travelling, yes WE will stop at McDonalds. I don't think that is terrible parenting and half the stuff she wrote the kids say isn't even true. That they get to eat normally at their mom's and it looks like she is just trying to see what she can control. Anyway-I do whatever I can to keep the peace, but I finally told her that if she is going to be hateful and short with me that I would prefer she not message me (we always communicate via text). She got a little better, but it still comes out. She is super condescending and I guess its just always going to be that way. I am painfully nice to her and I am hoping with time she will just stop the petty stuff and act like an adult. I am sick of hearing about what her ex was like when he was with her and how she and I are so much alike and that is why he is with me now. Blah blah blah. I don't care, and I told her as much. That our relationship is none of her business, just like her relationship with her husband is none of my concern and the only reason we need to communicate is to talk about the kids, period.

I guess I just want feedback on what I am doing wrong and what I need to change.

Rags's picture

Having raised my son (SS-17) in my home full time since he was 1yo I can understand your husbands feelings.

I feel the same way when SS refers to his worthless waste of skin SpermIdiot as "Dad". Of course your DH is not a worthless waste of skin so his situation certainly does not align exactly with the situation in our blended family.

We refer to BioDad by his first name and so does SS when he is at home with his mom and I.

I do not know what he refers to me as when he is with the SpermClan.

When my son (SS) refers to some story of something he did with his "Dad" I will say "Hmmmm, I don't recall that". He will say "I mean (BioDad's First Name)".

Not a big deal but I earned the "Dad" crown and I am proud and defensive of it. As your DH is.

Best regards.

Jsmom's picture

DH has in the divorce decree that they can't call anybody mom or dad but their biological parents. If you end up back in court for a modification, you can request that. Judges like that clause.

newstepmom81's picture

Thank you all for your responses. It is all very new to me and I want to make sure whatever I do is in the best interest of the kids.

newstepmom81's picture

Thank you. I always let him know how much the kids love him (and we make crafts to show him when they are here) and he is a great father. He worries about them constantly and I think it just hurts because it sound awkward from the kids when they call SD "daddy" -if they don't say it on the phone she corrects them and they have say it. Its just disheartening to hear them be confused about it. I think it would be so much easier on him if it had just happened naturally-like you say. If they ever just start calling me mom then I'll of course embrace it and never say "don't call me that."

stepmasochist's picture

My SDs have never called any of BM's boyfriends "Dad" but SS6 did. I'm not sure why, probably it's a boy thing and he loves DH very much and would probably be surgically joined to him if we let him.

Well, after BM went through about 6 men in a third as many years, all of which lived with her for some brief period, when SS (at the time I think he was four or five) came home and called yet another pseudo stepdad "dad" I had had enough. I told him his "dad" is his "dad". He said "I have lots of dads." OMG :jawdrop: My two stepdaughters - their eyes got huge and they just looked at me like "what?!?!?!?" Then they explained it to him for me. lol.

newstepmom81's picture

See that is my worry. She moved very quickly in the relationship she is in. She was engaged to SD 3 months before her divorce from the BF was final. I am worried this relationship may not last and then the kids will be even more confused than before. I hate her shunning their real father in an effort to hurt him and making the kids feel like their "new dad" hung the moon when in actuality he could be gone any second if she keeps acting crazy. We've heard him say just call me by my name and she still corrects the kids to call him 'daddy.' Its an awkward place for him to be in as well.

newstepmom81's picture

We have never corrected them on calling SD "daddy." If it had occurred naturally that would be one thing. It is the fact that BM is forcing them to call him that-even correcting them when they just call him by his first name. Plus now she has the 3 year old calling his BD "fake dad." It is just ridiculous.

Rags's picture

Record the 3yo calling his BioDad "fake dad" then haul the BM's toxic ass back to court and nail her to the wall by her short and curlies for alienating the father of her children from HIS kids. Throw in a law suit for emotional pain and suffering and any thing else you can think of.


That is just sick and wrong.

I am StepDad to my SS-17 and have been since he was 1yo. He has called me dad since shortly before his mom and I married. We have never asked him to call his BioDad any thing but Dad. He did start calling him "Daddy (first name)" to avoid confusion but that lasted only until he got in to his teens and only when he was speaking of his BioDad in our home. We did not dictate, he came up with it himself.

Good luck with this one. I hope your DH can get BM under control soon.

Best regards,

newstepmom81's picture

I appreciate your perspective on it as a stepdad. I wish she would just put the kids first. I guess I just don't understand her thought process. How can you ever do something purposefully you know would hurt your kids? I don't do that and as she says "they aren't even my kids." To me they are my kids. I know I'm not their biological mom and am not trying to be, but they are still my kids. Just like they are hers, my husbands and their stepdads. We can all parent together and do what is best for the kids if she would mature and acknowledge what she does is wrong and change it. I hate seeing the kids confused, my husband hurt and then trying to explain to a 3 year old what "real" means and how he can have his dad here and his dad there and that they are both real fathers because they both love him.

newstepmom81's picture

Thanks! It seems to fit-not just biological parents, but steps as well. Sometimes we need to pull our heads out of our...well you know and just put the kids first. Be a parent!!! I think everyone should understand what that means before you have kids or marry someone who does!

Rags's picture

I have a double standard on this. I called my XILs Mom and Dad for a year then decided that to be disresectful to my own parents so I started calling them by their first names.

With my SS .... I have raised him as my own since he was 1yo while his worthless waste of skin SpermIdiot went on to spawn three more out-of-wedlock children with two more mothers and has not done crap to support any of them.

I AM DAD!!!!!

I earned it.

Poppin your pecker in some random vagina does not make you a Dad just as birthing a child from some random sperm donor does not make you a Mom.

Being a Dad or Mom is an every day commitment whether you participated genetically or not.

IMHO of course.

Best regards.

Rags's picture

I can understand being hurt with the idea of your children calling someone else mom. I feel the same way when my SS refers to the SpermIdiot as dad.

Though I am not his bio dad I can understand your feelings on this issue.

I also agree that the child should be confortable with what they call a Sparent though I am old fashioned enough that I would not tolerate a child calling me by my first name. Mr. First Name, Mr Last Name or a special nick name might be okay depending on what it is.

Letting the kid take the lead in figuring out what to call you is dependent on the age of the child IMHO. Actually I think it is acceptable for a younger child to come up with a title/name for a Sparent than it is for an older child. Why I can not explain in a few words.

Best regards.

Loops1987's picture

SS8 calls BM's ex (Father to her daughter) daddy and it tears my DP apart, to the point where DP actually told SS after calling him dad in front of him that he wasn't his dad only my dp was. Mind you SS called him dad again ten minutes later.

I have been referred to by my name from day one and wouldn't have had it any other way, my ss has started referring to me as 'mama' or 'mammy' after 2/3 years of me living with DP (i presume this is because this i what happened with bm's ex so he thinks he needs to now) and I quickly correct him and remind him I am not his mum. It's not that I particularly mind being called it as I take on just as much of a parenting role as my dp has but I feel it is disrespectful to the bios and if it was my child I'd personally hate it, unless the steps actually adopt the child or the bio is completely off the scene I just don't think its right, it causes great hurt to the bio involved.

mommylove's picture

BS6 calls H "Daddy", but then H is the only "Daddy" BS6 has ever known. H has been BS6's "Daddy" since BS6 was only 1yo, while BS6 has only met the donor once that he can remember. When BS6 did meet the donor, the donor told BS6 he was his "Dad", but I guess BS6 didn't get the concept of that being that he already has a "Dad" that is active in his life, so BS6 still refers to the donor by 1st name and refers to H as "Daddy".

On the other hand, when SD was 8yo she asked if she could call me "Mommy" and I didn't have the heart say no, so I told her she could if she wanted to. She did for a little while, then stopped. Honestly I was relieved when she stopped because this made me very uncomfortable because I didn't not "feel" like I was her "Mommy" and I kept thinking about how I would feel if my BS called some woman H was dating "Mommy" and I felt for BM. (H & I weren't married at the time and hadn't even been together 6 months, yet SD LIVED with BM, so you have to wonder why SD felt compelled to call ME "Mommy"?)

Rags's picture

As has your DH, I have been "Dad(dy)" to my son (SS) since he was 1yo. I have been "Dad(dy)" for 16 years and was the first person he ever verbally called "Dad(dy)".

Though now he calls the SpermIdiot Dad also, when in our home he refers to HIM by his first name as he does me when he is referring to me in SpermLand. We have never had a problem with him referrring to the SpermIdiot as Dad but they certainly have had a problem with him referring to me as Dad.

Now that my son (SS) has turned 18 it will be interesting to see if he starts making changes to how he addresses me.

Best regards.