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Tips to keep kids busy

Blended4213's picture

I've noticed that during virtual school, the stepkids (and mine too for that matter) don't get on my nerves nearly as much because they are busy. I'll be glad when they are all back to in-person school full time, but for now at least they are mostly quiet and staying out of trouble during class time. 

My question is: when it comes to weekends or summers, when the kids are not yet in activities, how do others address this? Hopefully activities and camps will open up by this summer, but if not I need to be prepared. My bio kids can mostly entertain themselves and not need to be on electronics all day without becoming loud or fighting. Stepkids are another story. They need structure and activities or they ar wild, loud, obnoxious, just generally horrible. Since I'm mostly disengaged, what is a good way to address this? Any tips? I will be mostly in charge this summer despite being disengaged. I will still be the parent figure though so I expect them to listen to me. Do others have more routines during free time to help with this?

ESMOD's picture

I think some structure is great.. even on weekends and for school breaks.

First.. just because there is no formal school.. doesn't mean that the kids can't have summer reading assignments.. or other educational enrichment that is planned for them.. and required by dad.  

Limits to screen time, regular bedtimes and wakeup.. routine chores and making the bed each morning.. all things that the kids can be kept doing even in the summer.

Search out activities in your area.. there can be YMCA or other organizations offering classes or activities.. Public Libraries also will usually have summer programs.    Signing the kids up for Karate.. or some other physical activity is also an option..

There is also the end of all "I'm bored" answers.. the good old chore jar.  Bored????? oh.. I got you.. well.. we need to weed the front lawn.. here is a bucket and a dull knife.. go get those dandylions... 

Maybe their chore list also expands a bit in the summer.. they need to be productive.. for a few hours a day.. whether it be learning.. or working.

JRI's picture

Over the years, our 5 kids had: dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, pigeons, mice, snakes, ducks, gerbils, horses, fish - I can't actually remember it all.   The pigeons were a big thing.  Our boys trapped some wild ones, DH helped them build a coop outside and they got into it.  They started going to pigeon shows, bought some exotic ones, etc.  They spent hours and hours with them.   SD59 had a horse which we stabled elsewhere so that might not be something to do at home but we took all the kids there and they rode and messed around the stable.  DD was a big animal lover and had her different cages over the years.

Another thing we did was buy a family season pass to a local pool.

Good luck, how I dreaded summer.  Lol.

Rags's picture

Put them in summer day camp.  We used it for a number of years when SS was in the 8-12yo+/- range.  Many will take them into the mid teens.  We dropped him off at about 07:30 and picked him up at about 17:30-18:00.  M-F.  All summer except when we were on a family vacation or he was on SpermLand visitation.