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DH can’t or won’t put SS15 in his place

Blended4213's picture

SS15 has been diagnosed with ADHD and "possible" aspergers. I don't care. He is an asshole. And so spoiled. DH will say things to him such as complaining about him talking back but then doesn't discipline him. DH gets too tired to deal with this brat and just gives up. Drives me crazy. This kid needs to know who is in charge and it's not him. DH says he's always been strong willed. I see him as always getting his way and it makes me sick. DH almost respects  his kids too much when they don't deserve it. What happened to old school parents are in charge and kids know their place? This is mostly a rant because I don't see DH changing and this kid will be out of the house in the next two years. I cannot wait. Bring on the disengagement. After an incident today, I told DH, don't expect me to be more involved with your kids. They were all horrible but mostly this one. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Are you sure he will be out of the house in a few years. It seems kids with Disney parents choose to stay well into adulthood because life is just to easy, so they have no desire to leave and have to adult 

Blended4213's picture

But yes, I think he actually will because he might be going into the military. And as much as DH is a Disneyland dad, he's ready for him to go too. It's like he's afraid to stand up to him though and it's so upsetting! We are going to be talking about this with  a counselor because it really causes issues and makes me lose respect for DH.

Rags's picture

You lost me at "choose to stay".

Adult kids get to choose squat when they are leeching on their parents/Sparents.  Except to leave.

Harry's picture

ADHD and "possible" aspergers.  The military may not want him. They don't need problem people. 
If this kid is doing nothing now why do you think he will change.  Start making plans to get SS out of your house.  Once CS ends BM May dump him on your door also.

failuretolaunch's picture

Said the same to my partner of skids 18+ just yesterday. It is your house and it is your rules. If they can't follow them then they don't get to live here, but oooh my god, she couldn't kick her little babies out, so she just lets them lay on their beds all day. I've comr to realise she just wants to keep things nice all the time as they will hate her if she is on their case all the time. I'm having to force the issue by going on strike. The only thing I have left, but I am creating a hostile environment by not cooking for them, cleaning for them or sorting the house out (I'm stay at home at the moment) when they are very capable of doing it or helping me out at least.

It is absolutely ridiculous, but I'm just leaving all the mess for her now and if she has a go at me, I will point her to two healthy teenagers laying on their beds.