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Tired of my gf grilling me over everything

newwtostepguy's picture

She wants to know where I am, what I'm doing, all the time and texts me to ask yet if I ask to come over lately she tells me no because I've made her mad for whatever insane thing I have done in her eyes (stood up for myself when her kids was rude to me or doesnt listen to adults usually). Its not fair.  It's like a sick game she plays of she gets to control my life yet I don't get anything out of the relationship. Then she accuses me of being dishonest because I have my times not exact when I told her where I was. I get tired of it and honestly if she gived a crap about me she would want to see me rather than just wanting to know where I am and what I am doing all the time via text. Honeslty Im sick of it.

Winterglow's picture

 I don't get anything out of the relationship

And that, in a nutshell, says it all ... So why are you still there? 

  • She expects you to be her babysitter whenever it suits her
  • She harps on about her ex all the time
  • She refuses to consider moving to be closer to your job 
  • She expects you to just deal with people wandering in and out of your home as they please
  • You (apparently) don't live with her but you are the breadwinner (!)

Have I missed anything? She's taken all the power in this relationship, my friend. Get out NOW. Nobody needs the kind of mental abuse she's dishing out to you. 

newwtostepguy's picture

Im starting to think she is mentally abusive. Either that or something is seriously wrong with her.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

or something is seriously wrong with her.

I am asking in the nicest way possible... what is wrong with YOU that you continue to stay in such a sh!tty relationship??? Seriously. Do you have low self-esteem? Have you always been attracted to sh!tty women? You continually tolerating all of her SH!T is not right.

I strongly urge you to seek therapy to learn WHY you persist in trying to maintain a HORRIBLE relationship.


susanm's picture

She will be an awesome bride.  Just hand her your credit card and go get a second job.  If you have health insurance, you can get your balls surgically removed while under anesthetic.  It will be less painful than letting her rip them off.

Seriously dude - do you not have any friends or family?  You don't even live near this girl.  Has no one smacked you upside the head and told you to either break up with her or stop whining?

Major Blunder's picture

Dude to dude, I know I am a glutten for punishment in StepHe!! but I started out ok in this now sh!tstorm that is my life, you on the other hand, aren't married to her, don't live with her fulltime (if I remember correctly) and you are already miserable, this chick must be able to suck a GolfBall through 20 feet of Garden Hose cause otherwise I don't get why you are still with her at all.

Rags's picture

Dude!  There is definitely something wrong ....... WITH YOU!   For putting up with this crap.

Grow some balls and move on.  Leave this shallow and polluted gene pool fading in your rear view mirror.

Kiwigal's picture

She is getting a ‘kick’ every time she can make you jump, and you ask ‘how high?’.

This is heading for a train wreck, get out alive and jump now!