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Jojo007's picture

I'm sure this topic has been discussed, but we are having an issue with my DH's 2 ss5. They are sweet and adorable and I love them, but BM spoils them so much!!(dh did for awhile out of guilt, but he's getting better). They have every toy ever made. One child is so sweet and never asks for anything. The other has BM's obsessiveness and feels he has to have a toy everywhere he goes. BM tells us not to give in, then proceeds to buy him anything he wants for "prizes". Yes he gets a prize every day...supposedly for good behavior, but from what I've seen, its for breathing. I'm a teacher, so I hate this bribery entitlement thing

Anyway, the problem comes when we buy him anything. He always wants to take everything to "his house" and throws a fit, telling us that we have to buy our own stuff. It breaks our heart to want to get them things to play with while with us, only to have it destroyed by his tantrums. Christmas is scaring me! His Bm is Jewish and is not celebrating it for the first time this year. They don't understand why Santa is only coming to daddy's.

So im just wondering what all of you do. It makes sense for him to want a lot at his mom's. He is there more unfortunately, but we are already paying her 3000 a month and when we buy stuff we want it here for them to play with.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

These are little kids. They don't get to decide what goes where and when. You TELL him that the gifts from your house stay at your house. Put a stop to all the back and forth and do it now. He's a child.

ddakan's picture

omg 3000 a month?

omg this system is completely screwwwwed!

just get them the legos and say legos stay here! that way they will always have something to play with. i always let my kids take their stuff because its their stuff, but i see your point.

Jojo007's picture

So you let your kids take all the toys you get them? What do they play with when you have them? Bm doesn't let them bring anything to our house. Anything we have sent there doesn't come back.