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Trying to like SS4

jccomehere's picture

I'm really trying my best to like SS4, if for no other reason than it sounds really bad for an adult to say she can't STAND a little kid. This little boy is so spoiled, rude, whiney and refuses to listen. Example, I've asked him a million times not to run in the house, when he runs I'll call him back and say "SS4, please don't run, now walk back in the room" He'll walk until he turns the corner (he think I can’t see him anymore) then he'll take off running, he's done this a million times. Anytime you ask him not to do something, he'll look back at you, grin and continue to do it. He's spoiled rotten, he never asks for anything, everything is I want, never says please or thank you unless prompted, now I have no problem reminding him to use his manners, but it seems that I'm the only one that does. Now the cereal incident...2 identical boxes of cereal on the self. SS4 "I want some cereal" So dad reaches for the open box of cereal. SS4 "I want the other one" Dad tells him they are the same. SS4 has a fit, falls out on the floor starts crying, and screaming "I want the other one". So instead of correcting his behavior dad does a slight of hand and tricks SS4 into thinking he got the "other one" so in his mind he got his way, and the tantrum he had worked! He hits, spits, lies, and says rude things. I'll put him in time-out but everyone else, his dad and grandparents let it go. The little boy is just annoying and the fact that he is knowingly being disobedient makes it worse. I still try and do things with him, like read to him, take him to the park, I give him baths and get him ready for bed but after about ten minutes he's on my nerves. So for now I just tolerate him, but I would prefer not to be around him at all. I keep telling myself that as he gets older he'll grow out of most of it but I'm not sure.

jccomehere's picture

He was in preschool this year and his name was always on the board at the end of the day, his parents had to go on every single field trip because of his behavior. I think the problem is the both his mom and dad have 2 girls, so they say his just being a boy. But being a boy is no excuse for being a brat.