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We are separating

markwvualum's picture

Things are just not working out. The holidays were long and hard. As usual we got into it over skids behaviors and my wifes coldness and lack of affection towards me and I was met with a "well you can leave" "maybe this isnt for you" type of attitude and the silent treatment. I feel my wife is angry and resentful towards me because I am at work a lot and I do not have children of my own. I make a good living. I am very nice and giving to her kids. When I come home I do not get enough rest because of her (she isnt a big sleeper), the kids, or the dog (always in our bed now). You name it. I've watched her kids act entitled constantly and she sees no issues with it. Meal times are pretty bad because neither kid practices any type of table manners even though they have been taught several times to use utensils, say please and thank you, ask nicely if you want more, etc. It goes in one ear and out the other. They do not listen to her and they constantly interrupt adults and she sees no issue with it. They chose where and what we eat every meal. SS kept turning up the tv remote while I was talking to my wife and she did nothing about it as usual. Her ex stops by our house when I am not home and calls frequently. She knows this bothers me but does nothing about it. She says its for the kids. There is no reason for him to be in our home and there is no reason for him to be calling her every night to speak to them. They are old enough to call thier dad and they should. I pitched in for the kids xmas gifts and we both decided not to get one another anything like we did previously. I surprised my wife with a spa day and dinner anyways. Still she seems very distant with me and generally uninterested. Her kids act entitled but it is not their fault, but hers. She sees no issue with how they act and says they are good kids. I helped provide for her kids, helped parent them, babysat, picked them up from school, etc. She says I never do enough and I dont have a say so in parenting because I am not involved enough whatever that means. Anyways we are seperating. I cant help but wonder what I did to deserve this when I worked so hard at our relationship and as a step parent. I put a lot into it only to get little in return. It seems now she doesnt even want me around her kids nor does she want to talk to me.  I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I am relieved because of the way they were acting. They were exhausitng to be around in general but their enittled attitudes made it way worse than it had to be. On the other hand I'm ticked since I've known them for 6 years and have been in their lives since they were 2 and 4. It seems pretty crappy on her part but all she says is "what do you expect to happen when people break up? They arent your kids" They arent my kids yes but thats not what she was saying early in the relationship.  She always said I was more of a dad to them than their real dad. Which is true. Any thoughts?

ndc's picture

Frankly, from everything you've written on STalk, I think this is a good thing for you.  It sure sounds like your wife has been using you, and she certainly hasn't prioritized you.  You will do better without her.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm so, so GLAD for you.

Your wife is neither kind nor loving to you, and nothing you've shared makes your marriage sound worth saving.

Throw this one back and find a woman who will treasure you.

Winterglow's picture

My thoughts are that it's time you stopped allowing yourself to be used by her and kids/family and started finding yourself. She's made it abundantly clear that she will live her life as she sees fit and to hell with you and your wants/needs. Please, grab this opportunity and leave. You deserve so much better.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

I am so sorry for you, that you have reached the point of seperation, however, in your situation, I do believe it is for the best - and that is not a nice thing to say about anyone's marriage.

What you write reminds me of the situation with my exH and his daughter... and there is just no fixing such an attitude no matter how hard you try. The problem does not lie with you, the problem may not even lie with your wife - it is your reaction to the attitude you see around you and there is nothing wrong with that. Some people are just not compatible. It still hurts to seperate, or even divorce because you invested so much of yourself in the relationship and these people. In the end, it may be best to walk away and understand you made a mistake and the marriage was not one for the long run. Bringing and end to a mistake and acknowleging the truth of the life you are leading is the first step to freeing yourself from a life of second guessing yourself and unhappiness. 

Again, I am so sorry you have reached this point, but you do deserve better - and it won't come from your current situation.

STaround's picture

A marriage of 6 years,  you will owe minimal temporary alimony.  It sounds like you are just there to pay the bills. 


ETA  - if the house is owned, see a lawyer before you leave. 

ldvilen's picture

Hallelujah!  You are in the process of escaping.  I know it hurts now, but in a couple of months once it is a done deal, you will start to feel like you escaped Alcatraz and won the world's biggest lottery.  Then, when you are ready, and take your time, you will meet a woman who knows what it truly means to be in a martial relationship and you will realize how right that relationship is for you and you will realize how wrong this me-me-me, anything goes, "its for the kids" relationship was for you.  Get out and enjoy the rest of your life!

thinkthrice's picture

to lawyer up!  The courts are a misandrist's dream.  She will try and take you for everything you've got since she's doing that now.

justmakingthebest's picture

Mark, I think this is the best thing. You have been used for the last 6 years, but at least it wasn't 10 or 15. Keep your head up!! This could have been much worse. 

PLEASE see a lawyer before you even pack an overnight bag. If she wants to leave, let her but you stay put until you have the separation agreement in writing and signed. Be very careful and don't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. It also might be time to hire a private investigator if she is going after alimony. If you have passwords to social media, snoop. Print everything. Same with her email.

Your wife is going to come after you financially. Please protect yourself. I wish my husband had, we wouldn't be in any of this mess if he had just protected himself and not trusted the woman that left him. I don't know why he thought he could! 

CANYOUHELP's picture

Congratuations for getting away from this nasty situation. You deserve way better and you will find better. No woman with enmeshed, spoiled kids in the future....... After you get beyond this initial separation pain, life will be 100% better for you!

ESMOD's picture

I'm sorry that you are hurting right now.  It sounds like you really put a lot of effort into the relationship with her and her children and that it wasn't particularly reciprocated.  Even the end of a bad relationship can be stressfull and sad.  It's a change.. and we mourn for the relationship that could have or should have been... even though in reality we know that it was never going to be.

As others advised.. lawyer up.. and lawyer up FAST.  Do not just "give her everything she asks.." out of some warped sense of obligation.. or so that she will not hate you.  You need to protect yourself here.  If in the end.. you feel that you didn't give enough.. you can voluntarily give her more.  Thank goodness you didn't have kids together because that will be a big help in making things simple.  But.. it's time to take your gloves off and start acting in your own self interest instead of trying to please people that quite frankly... don't care enough.

And.. all relationships teach us things.  I'm sure you have learned a lot and have grown as a person.  You can take that with you and make better choices next time.

Good Luck and please check in if you need support or advice.

notasm3's picture

Please get a Voice Activated Recorder (VAR) and keep it on you at all times.  She almost certainly will try to claim abuse.  You can get one that fits in your pocket. 

ndc's picture

THIS!!!! You would be stunned to hear how many fake allegations of abuse are made in divorce situations, often to get the man out of the house and gain an advantage in the divorce. Lawyer up immediately and protect yourself. Check out men's divorce forums for additional advice.

Monkeysee's picture

I agree with everyone above, you need to protect yourself. Don’t buy into any ‘oh I’d never do [insert money grabbing tactic] to you’. The number of times I’ve heard from DH, BM swore to me she’d never do this or ask for/demand that... in the end she got everything. She literally cleaned him out, and kept coming back for more. 

Do not trust her not to try to screw you over, she’s been doing it for years already. She WILL try to take what she feels entitled to, so do everything to protect yourself, as much as you’d like to believe her.

whitecherry's picture

Hi Mark, I'm a long time lurker of these forums and want to give you some adivce and hopefully support as someone that's in your situation. Doing all the right things in a marriage sometimes isn't enough to keep it going, especially when our partners aren't giving it their all. Your wife doesn't seem to ever have you on a fair playing field and moves the goal whenever it suits her. There really needs to be consistency on her part and you need to set boundaries. 6 years is a long time to put up with unhappiness and yet it's also a long time to just give up on. I can tell a big part of you still wants to fight for this relationship and if you want to give this another go I highly recommend counseling, not just for your relationship but yourself as well. If she's willing to put in the effort and make changes you both could work this out. 

Healyourslf's picture

Mark, you are being emotionally abused.  KNOW THAT.  The passive-aggressiveness...the silencing...the brazen disrespect...the entitled assumptions...etc.  It's time to put yourself before everything and everyone else.   This is not's self-preservation. 

Heed what others are telling you on this forum.  We're not trying to be negative...we're hoping others will learn through our mistakes before they make the same ones.  I hope you don't plan on dancing around the emotional abuse maypole anymore, and I urge you not to fall for any reconciliation tactics.  She will dose out enough "feel good" behaviors to string you along, keep you off balance and to buy her time so she (and possibly her ex) can make plans suited to their advantage. 


My DH, in looking back at his divorce said, "I know that she was always planning on leaving me. Nothing she did ever concerned me. I just didn't want to see it."  Because DH was an enabler, he did everything in his power to try and "fix" his marriage (he was in depression as well). During this time, his ex had affairs and eventually took him for everything she could.  She most definitely had a calculated plan of action and DH failed to get legal assistance in time - 6 years of lawyers volleying for the last financial crumb.  

The hardest part is cutting the cord of dysfunction. You can change and create a better life with a woman who will be a genuine, loving and respectful partner. 

Letti.R's picture

Pearls before swine...
People like your wife don't know what they have until they lose it.
She has more than abused you as her husband.
Good luck going forward and doing this for you.
It hurts now, but you will feel so much better in the weeks to come.
Living life held hostage to the dysfunction of a former family is no way to live.
Create something better in future and hold onto that thought when you feel sad or doubt that you are doing the right thing.

TrueNorth77's picture

I think you will look back on this in a year and be grateful for how much more peaceful and less chaotic your life is without this anchor weighing you down. That being said, I'm sorry you are going through this...just because something is for the best, doesn't mean it's easy.

StepUltimate's picture

Agree with SG. Mark, so sorry it's this way but so glad you reach out and get support here on Steptalk. We're here to encourage you.


Winterglow's picture

Mark, do you know anything about her first divorce? Or do you only hae what she told youi? This might seem a bit strange but I'd consider getting in touch with her first husband. He might be able to give you a few clues about how to proceed (and which lies not to believe ...). There have been others on this board who have met with the previous spouse and who were surprised at what they were told. Maybe worth a shot to save you from getting badly burned?

Winterglow's picture

Mark, do you know anything about her first divorce? Or do you only hae what she told youi? This might seem a bit strange but I'd consider getting in touch with her first husband. He might be able to give you a few clues about how to proceed (and which lies not to believe ...). There have been others on this board who have met with the previous spouse and who were surprised at what they were told. Maybe worth a shot to save you from getting badly burned?

markwvualum's picture

I only know what she has told me and now I wonder how much of it is true. I would ask her ex husband if I cared enough but I do not. At this point I just want out. Also her ex husband is invasive and has been intrusive our entire marriage and he is partially one of the reasons we are seperating. Her ex is also a lax parent and is one of the reasons why there was so much stress in the marriage. At this point I don't really care about her or him. sorry to sound harsh.

Stunned Step of 3's picture

You sound like a nice man so I don't think being agressive is necessary. You take care of yourself and if that is taking care of them for a bit while you all transition, do it. You will feel better about yourself. Don't get worked up about playing hard ball. You will be fine, it's just going to take a little while. 

Rags's picture

Your STBXW is about to be divorced again for a reason.  Time to look at the common denominator.  And that is ... her.

My dad was big on the common denominator speech when we were growing up. If something happens once... Fine. Twice... maybe a coincidence but it is a good idea to start looking into what we were doing to cause the problem. A third time... and he got very blunt about the conversation.

Don't beat yourself up about this.  Your STBXW owns it.

First, protect yourself financially and get a killer attorney.  Second, if you own the home or own it jointly with her... call a locksmith and moving company to rekey the locks and move their crap to a storage facility.  Do not relinquish possession of anything you have ownership in.

Though it was not part of my considered strategy in the demise of my first marriage I landed on staying in the home my XW and I had purchased together 3mos before she notified me she wanted a divorce.   She moved out.  That gave me a ton of leverage during the progression of our divorce.  Ultimately she and her baby daddy bought me out of the home 4 years after the divorce was final.  All because she was the one that moved out and the judge divided property "as possessed" in  the divorce decree.  At the time the judge signed the divorce decree, I possessed the house.  That became very important four years later when my XW wanted to sell the house and not pay me a dime.  I got half and could have gotten it all if I had really wanted to push it.

Protect yourself.

markwvualum's picture

I agree. I do believe there is more to the story about her first marriage then what she has told me. My take on it is her ex wasn't the only bad one and was not entirely at fault. Both him and her seem extremely self centered, manipulative, immature, and moody. My take is a marriage with 2 selfish people never works. Usually one is selfish and the other is the giver in order for it to sustian itself at least for awhile.