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What age can kids stay home alone

Jcksjj's picture

I know it depends somewhat on the individual child and their maturity level but I'm wondering what age others let their kids or skids stay home alone for short periods of time?

Amandaleah87's picture

Some states have a certain age the child Need to be. Most states don’t have a set age and it’s up to the judgment of the parent. Do you live in a safe Residential neighborhood or live in the city? That depends on the age also. My kids I started leaving for short Periods when they were 11. Never at night and they were never allowed to use the stove or leave the house except for the fenced in backyard. By the time they were 12 They were staying home all day when I went to work.

ESMOD's picture

To be honest.. this is kind of hard to answer because it can depend upon so many things.  the area you live in.. the kids themselves.. and how long/what time you are thinking about leaving them.  There also could be state guidelines too.

It also depends upon the relative ages of the kids.. like if there is an older kid with a younger etc..

I think that we started leaving my SD's at our home for brief periods of time when the older one was maybe 9 or 10.  and I mean a brief run to the store.. not for hours.  She was older than her younger sister.. but honestly.. the 7 yo was more

In order to be left alone the child needs to know what to do in an emergency.. who to call.. how to call.. to not open doors.. to not have guests in.. not mess with stoves.. all the normal safety stuff.  They also might be required to stay inside (depending on where you live.)

By 12, most kids should be able to be left alone for an afternoon.. 13/14.. evning hours too.  When they are 16 and beyond.. maybe even an overnight or two.. (but then you risk

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

As you know it’s hard to say because every state, child, and home is different. SO’s oldest I wouldn’t have an issue leaving her alone now. She’s in 3rd grade, really mature, and reliable. I know if we gave her rules she’d follow them. Of course by short time period I’m thinking half an hour to an hour tops. Let her hit 12 and I could see closer to 3 hours.  I wouldn’t be scared about coming home to find the oven on or anything like that. The little one though? There’s no way I see that happening till he’s 21.

We also live in a pretty quiet apartment complex. If we were in the country I’d have even less issues leaving her alone.

ChainSmoker's picture

I agree it epends on many factors. I leave for an hour or two my daughter is 14. I do text and call her

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

It really depends on the kid.  My DS12 is mature enough to stay home during the day for a couple of hours.  I never have to worry about him.  My SD is the same age and my DH doesn't feel she is mature enough to stay home for more than an hour.  I actually agree with him on this.  I can see my DS staying home for longer periods of time as he gets a little older.  I don't see this happening with SD, as she just doesn't seem to be maturing as quickly as he is.